
My girlfriend is a BL Writer !? (SEASON ONE)

Meet Satsuki Mariangela Fukumoto, a 20 years old college student at the Seaton Intergrated University of Naga. She’s already in her 3rd year and she’s taking a BS in Digital Illustration and Animation. But her parents were not favorable and to them, she was just nothing but a disgrace and the fact that she holds a disgusting secret which is why they don’t want her to waste her time on the hobbies that she had. And they didn’t want her talent to go to waste just because she was obsessed with her BL. As of now, she was forced to work as an intern content marketing in Wei & Hua Group. She’s one of the illustrators that they needed for the brand designs of the company. The company was owned by the soon heir, Chang Heng Wei. He’s one of the youngest heirs in this company, he’s just the same age as Satsuki. And as the heir, he needs to take his business course seriously because of his father’s wish. That’s why he’s currently taking a BS in Accountancy at Delos Rios University of Manila. Just like Satsuki he’s one of the interns too and his father has been training him in their company because once he graduates automatically he’s going to be the Vice-Chairman of the company. He was known as strict, prideful and he was really scary. Other people can’t take his attitude when they work with him so it’s quite a miracle that Satsuki can continue working with someone like him. In the morning, Satsuki appears to be an innocent and pure girl but what they didn’t know is that she’s a Fujioshi. She's a BL manga artist and writer. She fantasize about him and made him a character in her own story and she imagines him as a bottom due to his cute face.

MissNerdyGirl20 · Urban
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50 Chs

CHAPTER 22 (2)

Fiancee's come back -1.

Now, what will I do to Margaux now? Even if I pushed her away she’s not giving up, she’s not going to stop until she have me. For sure my dad had something to do with this. I guess I have no choice. I have to make her stop because she’s creating a scene here. I quickly went out to office and meet up with her. And after I went out, I saw Margaux waiting for me. She’s not giving up, isn’t she? I don’t have time for her damn jokes. Maybe to her, it was okay for her to waste some of her time because she wants this game too but I’m not a type of guy who would fall for that. I wouldn’t let her do her way. I got closer to her and I smirked at her, “Seriously, you haven’t give up? What do you need from me?” I asked her and I glared at her.

I’m not the same guy as before. I’m not playing this stupid game with her. I promise Satsuki and I’m not that kind of man who will break that promise too easily. She got closer to me and she pulled my clothes close to her and I was suddenly surprised when she kissed me. This woman! What is she thinking!?

I pushed her away and I glared at her. She’s not even funny. I was surprised when Satsuki caught us and her face tells how much hurt that she was. Margaux keep on getting close to me but I just keep on shoving her off. I don’t want her here, can’t she at least understand that I don’t even like her? I know it, this girl is a monkey. Why does she keeps on messing with my life. Is she that loyal to my dad’s orders? As soon as I got closer to Satsuki, she suddenly went pale and she steps back away from me and she drops off her bag and she looked at me seriously. I never seen her like this before. She’s just quiet and she’s not even saying anything. I pushed Margaux away from me but as soon as I approached her, Satsuki glared at me and she cried.

“Don’t get close to me!” She gripped on her bag and she bowed down and she cried, “I guess we both live in different worlds after all.”

I never seen her this hurt so much. I couldn’t do anything. And I just let her leave like that. I rubbed my hair and I sighed. Maybe, it was impossible for someone to love me after all. I should have say something to her but I couldn’t. Who will not get mad? After what she saw.And this wouldn’t have to happened if Margaux didn’t even come here. I bit my lip and I glared at Margaux.

“Are you happy now? No..are you and my dad both satisfied? I don’t even know what you’re so proud as my fiancee but let me tell this straight lady.I don’t like you. Not in a million years.” I said seriously. I need to point that to her or she will not stop messing with my life. And I won’t let her do that thing.

She smirked at me and she crossed her arms, “It’s good to see that she cried don’t you think? Everything was going well in the plan. Just admit it, you can never have her. And right now she might think of you as scum.” She said to me. How can she even smile like that after what she did? If she’s not even a woman, I would have hit her right now. She’s irritating. Despite having the pretty face that she has, I didn’t think that she got a rotten heart. What kind of game that she wants from me huh? And whatever it is, I won’t let her ruin me.

I don’t know what to do anymore. So I decided to go on the rooftop and sat in there. I grabbed some cigarettes and I lit it up. I don’t usually smoke but I’m having too much stress on those happenings lately. Because of what Satsuki saw right now, for sure she’d hate me. I can see it in her eyes, she’s hurt. She can never lie. A type of girl like her who always has to shine between her eyes. She’s too innocent from all of this. I don’t even want her to be hurt but I’m just the worst, huh? I was the one who hurt her.

Everything was my father’s fault. If he hadn’t force me to be married in the sake of our business then this wouldn’t happened.

I look around for awhile and I was surprised to see Aouli here. He’s also smoking too. I should hate this bastard but what I have seen earlier looks like I’m really been so affected by Satsuki a lot. She’s the girl I love, why wouldn’t I be affected? I never wanted her to be so hurt like that. No one even dares to understand what I really feel. I wanted to chase her but I can’t even do anything. I become so weak and someone who can’t even prove his promises. Did I became a worst person just like my brother? I don’t even understand myself anymore and I messes up with my hair and I cried. I don’t care if anyone sees me anymore. If there’s only one thing that hurt me the most right now, that was when my brother treated me as someone that shouldn’t have the right to live and when I saw Satsuki hurt so badly.

“Oh, you’re here.” Aouli said and he smiled at me and I looked at him seriously. I know I should have said sorry to him. I even got jealous to him before without thinking straight. I didn’t even realize it before but I know that the girl that he loves was probably Momo. Yet I get jealous because of how close he is to Satsuki. I got furious. I don’t know what I should do because they were too close.

He smiled at me and he chuckled, “I know that you were jealous of me because Satsuki was close to me but sir I don’t have any feelings to her. She’s just like a sister to me. And plus, she’s just using me as her reference. Isn’t she too kind to me?” He asked me and he faked cried at me and I couldn’t help but to laugh. So he became her victim too. Even in her friends, when she got crazy they can’t refuse to become her reference in her BL.

“Aouli, I should say sorry to you. I am jealous of you and that’s the truth. I know that you only see her as your sister. But if there’s anyone who’s a scum here, it should be me.” I said and I bowed down for a while and I sighed. I don’t know if I’ll be okay. That Margaux caused a scene here and everything become messed up because of her. And I couldn’t even do anything to Satsuki. Even I said that I should protect her. I’m just the worst, huh? I didn’t even like that kiss. Margaux was the one who was clingy to me and she kissed me. I don’t care what kind of game she’s planning. I won’t follow Dad. I won’t be his tool.

“I don’t believe in gossip. I know that you’re in love with that junior, regardless of how weird she is. If there’s any guy who can accept her all sides and even being a fujioshi it should be you. And if you want to fix this then go after her. Show her how much you loved her. That’s the only way for you not to lose her. Don’t belike me. Run after her when you still have a chance.”Aouli said and I was quite surprised by what he said. Someone who thinks about a girl’s feelings I didn’t think that he was like this. Everyone sees him as a player, a guy who likes fun but right now I don’t see him that way. He’s a good guy. And I know that he was doing his best to prove himself to Momo even if he doesn’t have a chance. He’s right. I will run after her this time.