
My girlfriend is a BL Writer !? (SEASON ONE)

Meet Satsuki Mariangela Fukumoto, a 20 years old college student at the Seaton Intergrated University of Naga. She’s already in her 3rd year and she’s taking a BS in Digital Illustration and Animation. But her parents were not favorable and to them, she was just nothing but a disgrace and the fact that she holds a disgusting secret which is why they don’t want her to waste her time on the hobbies that she had. And they didn’t want her talent to go to waste just because she was obsessed with her BL. As of now, she was forced to work as an intern content marketing in Wei & Hua Group. She’s one of the illustrators that they needed for the brand designs of the company. The company was owned by the soon heir, Chang Heng Wei. He’s one of the youngest heirs in this company, he’s just the same age as Satsuki. And as the heir, he needs to take his business course seriously because of his father’s wish. That’s why he’s currently taking a BS in Accountancy at Delos Rios University of Manila. Just like Satsuki he’s one of the interns too and his father has been training him in their company because once he graduates automatically he’s going to be the Vice-Chairman of the company. He was known as strict, prideful and he was really scary. Other people can’t take his attitude when they work with him so it’s quite a miracle that Satsuki can continue working with someone like him. In the morning, Satsuki appears to be an innocent and pure girl but what they didn’t know is that she’s a Fujioshi. She's a BL manga artist and writer. She fantasize about him and made him a character in her own story and she imagines him as a bottom due to his cute face.

MissNerdyGirl20 · Urban
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50 Chs

CHAPTER 14 (1)

The rumored couple (part two)


“DAMN THAT WOMAN!” Oliver hissed, and he stabbed his papers with his mechanical pencil at the design that he has been doing, and he looked so irritated. Whatever. I decided not to bother him and I just gave him a smirk, and then I decided to retouch my makeup.

He has been like that ever since he came here in the office. Looks like he was in a bad mood lately. I crossed my arms and I laughed at him loudly, “So, why do you look so grumpy like that?” I asked him. His eyebrows frowned a bit, and he glared at me coldly, “I wonder why, though. Maybe because I have seen your face, fujioshi and that's make me even more irritated here.” He said sarcastically, and I just rolled my eyes at him. Ugh, what a face that he has now. I wonder what made him irritate at this early in the morning. He's too cold! Well, I guess, whoever that girl is, he might meet his match then. That would be better, at least he's not going to tease me or Harumi anymore. Damn this man. And hey! How dare he just call me fujioshi in a public place.

I decided to stood up from my place, and then I got closer and pulled his shirt, “Oh, please shut up! What if someone hears you? That was supposed to be my secret, you know.”

Damn him! Why is he being so cold lately? He surely had some problems. That him and that attitude that he got! That's the reason he couldn't get himself a girlfriend, you know. He will always be the number one bully to me. I don't know what is his issue, but he is being far too much. Tss, I hope his crush won't like him back either. He's so cold. I just sighed at him and decided not to mind him after. I started designing, but I was surprised on that Chang Heng got closer to me and places down his boxes to my table. Furthermore, I pointed at the box that he just suddenly placed on my table and I smiled at him, “What is the meaning of this?”

“Just bring that to the President,” He ordered me and I suddenly stood up, and I got closer to him and I suddenly got irritated on what he just did. Oh wow, isn't he enjoying ordering me like that and treated me like his slave? Who do you think that he is, huh?

I rolled my eyes at him, and then I crossed my arms, “What if I denied wanting to?”

“No can do. You'll do what I say, whether you like it or not.” Chang Heng said irritatedly. UGGGH!! I hate him! What is his problem? Just the other day, he almost looked like a prince charming, and now he's revert to being a jerk again. Does he have some split personality or something? He got a lot of his girls considering how player that he is, but even so, why does he have to take it all his irritating attitude towards me? Why me? I was about to say something, but then he got closer to me, and he just patted my head, and then he smirked, “Do you want me to reveal that you were a fujioshi to everyone then? If you don't want to, get moving.”

“Fine, I'll do this.” I stomp my feet on the ground angrily, and I just had no choice but to obey what he says. Those files should be in charge of him, why did I end up doing those things again?

Even though I don't want to, I have no choice. He instructs me to put those in the stockroom instead. Tch, I bet that he was enjoying himself to see me suffer immediately. Well, since those reports is already finished, so I guess it's pretty normal to put them in here. And I know that he doesn't want to see his father and he was rebelling him, that's how I see it. Tch, if only wasn't because of his father, I wouldn't have tag along with his games like this. Whatever, I'll just do it anyway it would be bad if he catches me disobeying he might have done something even more worse. When the elevator opened, I was actually surprised that Momo suddenly ran in the elevator.

"Senior?” I asked Aouli, and he just looked away from me, and he looked so hurt. He was left in that elevator, and he decided to take his cigarettes and lit it. Ugh, even though I don't wanna sounded like a nagging friend to this but seems like I don't have any other choice you know. And also, I'm not even siding anyone here, both of them were my friends, and I was fair to them.

I noticed a lot of people were gossiping about it so I just raised my eyebrows and then scolded those people, “Don’t you have a life? Oh really? So this place has to turn into a gossiping area now?” I asked them sarcastically and I glared at them. They didn’t even know Momo that much so they better shut up to those ‘so-called opinions’ that they have. It’s not even helping. I don’t have time for this nonsense. I took Aouli’s arm and take him out of the elevator, “And you, we better talk. So get the hell out of here, I’m not in the best moods today.”

“Yeah..” Aouli just said and he had no choice but to follow me. I’m not done on scolding him yesterday, you know! And now, I’ll find them both in the elevator once again, just what the hell is happening here?

I just hope that he didn’t revert as the player that I used to know because even if it’s him, I won’t show mercy. I won’t let him have his way. I gripped my fist and I quickly got closer to him and punch his face. He didn’t bother to fight back and he just accepted me punching him because of my anger. He touched his lips and he just looked at me seriously, “Yeah. I probably deserve that.” Aouli answered and I glared at him. I don’t know what’s his problem honestly. I don’t even know him anymore. He wasn’t supposed to be like this. But why is this happening? I won’t ever tolerate a jerk like him.

“Are you the same person that I used to know huh, Aouli? Are you still the best friend that I know? The guy who puts a lot of effort when he was studying Biology to chase his dreams as a doctor whenever we meet up and the guy that I know who will lift me whenever I had a hard time completing my designs in my portfolio designs when I was designing my logo and brochure when I was sketching. Where is that person?” I asked him seriously. Momo looked so hurt earlier, I don’t know what exactly happened but I saw her crying. What is happening between the two of them?

And I won’t shut up here and do nothing. Yes, I just met Momo last week and I must say that I probably don’t know much about her. But I can see that she’s kind. You wouldn’t able to find someone like her. Someone like her who’s prudent, kind, polite and quite reserved but I know that she’s a sweet person. From what I can see, I also know that she has gone through a lot. We had a long talk in Padis before and I was able to get to know her even more. The pressures of her parents were something that will make her break down and I somehow relate to that. Despite that, she got a lot of medals, even if she was a dean’s lister in Oxhelm University yet those weren’t enough for her mother.

She looked down on her dream yet she still decided to chase her dreams and decided to become an Art Teacher. If only her mom didn’t pressure her, she would have been a full-time Art Teacher by now but instead, she has to go into this company too because of her mom’s selfish acts. Someone who only thinks about their status and needs, I hate people like that. Because even I...I had the same situation on that.

That’s why she decided to become a part-timer romance comic artist just like me and become an anonymous writer too. She was struggling a lot right now. It’s just that I’m worried that she always says that she was the dependable sister that we have so we didn’t have to be worried about her. But I don’t want that. She was too nice and I know that she can be hurt easily. And as her best friend, I am really worried about that. So in her stead, I will scold this guy for what he did. Aouli just looked down and he started crying out of the sudden, “I’m sorry Satsuki..it’s just that I don’t know how should I make her mine again.”