
My girlfriend is a BL Writer !? (SEASON ONE)

Meet Satsuki Mariangela Fukumoto, a 20 years old college student at the Seaton Intergrated University of Naga. She’s already in her 3rd year and she’s taking a BS in Digital Illustration and Animation. But her parents were not favorable and to them, she was just nothing but a disgrace and the fact that she holds a disgusting secret which is why they don’t want her to waste her time on the hobbies that she had. And they didn’t want her talent to go to waste just because she was obsessed with her BL. As of now, she was forced to work as an intern content marketing in Wei & Hua Group. She’s one of the illustrators that they needed for the brand designs of the company. The company was owned by the soon heir, Chang Heng Wei. He’s one of the youngest heirs in this company, he’s just the same age as Satsuki. And as the heir, he needs to take his business course seriously because of his father’s wish. That’s why he’s currently taking a BS in Accountancy at Delos Rios University of Manila. Just like Satsuki he’s one of the interns too and his father has been training him in their company because once he graduates automatically he’s going to be the Vice-Chairman of the company. He was known as strict, prideful and he was really scary. Other people can’t take his attitude when they work with him so it’s quite a miracle that Satsuki can continue working with someone like him. In the morning, Satsuki appears to be an innocent and pure girl but what they didn’t know is that she’s a Fujioshi. She's a BL manga artist and writer. She fantasize about him and made him a character in her own story and she imagines him as a bottom due to his cute face.

MissNerdyGirl20 · Urban
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50 Chs


A night with him.

Looks like he was enjoying himself that much and there’s a lot of girls around Chang Heng. I don’t know, I find myself being irritated just for a second. This is still a party, so I might as well enjoy myself at the party then. I grab some wine and take a sip on it. And a few minutes later, I was surprised that I saw my father and my brother, Haruka.

My brother was still wearing his lab coat and by the looks of it he has just gotten out from his shift. He still wears his stethoscope as well. My doctor! Ah, he’s Haruka Castriel Fukumoto. From what I know, he’s a doctor at W&H Medical Center in Makati. He’s one of the Anesthesiologist in there. His blonde hair was brushed up and he looked so handsome. For a 30-year-old man, I can say that he’s good-looking. But too bad, he got no girlfriend though!

He got closer to those businessmen and pat their shoulders and excused himself for him to get closer to me and he hugged me tight, “My baby girl!” He beamed me with his usual smiles and I just nodded at him.

“How’s your portfolio, hmm?” He asked me and I smiled at him, “Well, I’m already working on my animation and my t-shirt designs brother. I can deal with it you know, with my work as a freelance writer and as an Intern Content Marketing in Wei & Hua Group so..” I told him and I just rubbed my fingers.

It was my dad who wanted this, not me. This is a disaster for me. I had a hard time adjusting as a Content Marketing and I couldn’t do anything but obey what dad wants for me because if you ask me this is not the thing that I wanted. I know that he freaked out after I got obsessed with my BL, and when he saw my posters of Akakuro / Akashi x Kuroko around my room and there’s a lot of BL storyboard scattered around but my father..he doesn’t understand me at all.

“You better be behaving in the company Satsuki,” Dad said and he glared at me and I gripped my brother’s arm and he just sighed at me and he patted my head and he argued with Dad as soon as he saw me being scared to Dad.

“Dad! Aren’t you being too unfair to her?”Brother asked

“Unfair? I only became mean to her because of those activities that your sister was doing..only you, Kara and Charlie was the one who was thinking that she got a gift of writing? Don’t make me laugh, doc. It’s not a gift, that kid was useless.” Dad said coldly and I couldn’t do anything but look down on what he said. That’s how he sees me, isn’t he? That I was just nothing but a problem to him.

“Dad! This is way too much! She’s my sister. How dare you say that to her? Are you being serious right now?”My brother asked and Dad didn’t even dare to look at me. Is that how he sees me? A useless kid for him?

I couldn’t even speak. Every time that I faced him, I always get scared. I feel like I don’t have a voice or even opinions to say in my family. It has always been like that. Just because of the secret that he finds out, he treats me like trash. All of my life, I feel like the life that I wanted to be, I’m afraid that I can never do what I like anymore. It feels like my father is the only one who was right. And he has a right to what he wanted to choose. Am I just like a robot here? Does my opinion didn’t even matter?

“How can you even understand my pain anyways? When you only see me as a bad kid..as always. You can never understand what I have gone through old man.” I told him and I just gripped my fist and I glared at him. This is the reason why I hated attending parties like this. Because unlike him, I don’t care about my status. And why would I care? That man has stopped being a father many years ago! How can I just take all of this, huh?

“You brat! You haven’t changed that damn attitude of yours! I put you in the company so that you might learn on how you would manage our company. That dream of yours? You should forget that! Don’t even think about becoming a writer like that, I can never accept you as a daughter if you did. At least think about your status, Satsuki!” He scolded me.

That shit again...

Status, status! Is that the only thing that he cares about? Only our family name? I’m so sick and tired of this! Did I obey him right? I became an Intern Content Marketing in the company just like he said because I set aside my dreams to be a full-time comic artist just like I wanted. I only became a part-timer as of now. He doesn’t understand me. Was there ever a time that he tried to open up with his daughter? No, there wasn’t! He would never try to understand all the pain that I am going through right now because he is not the one who was pressured here. I have a lot of things to think of! But every time we saw each other, I will always be scolded. Did I become that useless just because he finds my hobby weird? Why is it always like that? All of them..they were seeing me as someone who has no goals or dreams. But this is my dream.

I put on a sad smile and I just smiled at my father, “I was never your daughter anyways. And I’m fine without you. I’m fine being alone in that empty apartment instead of seeing your face! Because you know what Dad, I’m so sick of sticking with your rules. You had your definition of your dreams and I don’t want to be part of that!” I shouted at him and I gripped my fist and I hissed at him. A lot of people were watching us so I decided to excuse myself. I don’t want them to gossip about us, plus he is nothing but a stranger to me.

He’s not my father anymore. I have already forgotten about him. Even if how many times that he should scold me that I should take the company seriously, I couldn’t do it. It was my dad who wanted me to do this, not me. It was his dream, not mine. This is a disaster for me. I had a hard time adjusting as a Content Marketing and being in the team makes me stressed out. Not just because of my designs and with my editorial job as well. I shouldn’t be thinking about this thing. I should just find where Chang Heng was. Despite that guy being irritating, he invited me to this party after all so I have to enjoy it with him! I started walking and searched for him and I found him talking with a fashion designer student. Wah, he’s so drop-dead gorgeous! Wait, they looked like they’re both enjoying themselves. I wonder what are they talking about?

“That’s becoming deeper. Do you have a thing for Satsuki?” Chang Heng asked and I just gulped at what he said so I got closer to them so I can eavesdrop. Looks like they were having fun with each other.

“You should be careful about what you just said, Van..” Chang Heng said and he looked pale.

He just shook his head and he started laughing, “You know, Satsuki..she had her wildest imagination. You’re quite good-looking so you better be careful on that girl.” He said and I can’t help but feel irritated by his comment.

Hey, I feel so offended!

I indeed fantasize about guys because of their looks but it depends, okay? I might be a fujioshi but I’m harmless. That guy surely getting on my nerves every time. I got closer to them and I just flipped my hair and smirked at him, “Intern Accountant, if you have many things to say to me then better to say that right in my face you know. I can just hear all of your harsh comments to me. Do you enjoy wasting my lifeline here, huh!?”

“If it’s you, why not?” Chang Heng said and he just smirked at me

Ugh, he was irritating, you know! He was ruining my mood everytime. I don’t know what I should think about him. He’s surely irritating me! I stomp on my feet and I glared at him and then I crossed my arms and I looked away,”Damn it,” I told him and I sniffed a bit. I was about to cry but seeing his face makes me more irritated. He raised his eyebrows and he just got closer and he pat my shoulders and he noticed my tears, “Did you cry?”

I touched my cheeks and I can’t help but to blush. Am I that obvious that I cried earlier? I don’t want to trouble him again. Arrgh, this is irritating. Why does he have to be the one who would always see me crying? Even though this is not the first time that he saw me crying, still I am deeply embarrassed about it! I—I don’t even want him to see me like this. But what I can say now? I just covered my face and I shake my head, “This is nothing!”

I’m not gonna lie, I was affected when Dad scolded me earlier and when we had a fight.I know that he finds my activities a bit odd. Ever since. Even though I’m not yet a BL Writer at that time, that I was just started writing a Anime Fanfiction novels, he hated it. Even if how many times that I prove myself to he will disapprove of everything. I’m not showing to anyone that I’m weak but when it comes to Chang Heng, I can’t just fool myself and I showed all my sides to him just like that? I know that I shouldn’t even be like this but I couldn’t stop it.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you home.” Chang Heng said and he took my hand suddenly and Van got closer and he pouted at us, “You’re so mean to me my Accountant friend, just because you had your girlfriend there you’ll leave me out here. It’s not that I’m complaining to you bro--”

“You know what? You and Robert should shut up. I wouldn’t be surprised that in your past lives, you used to be siblings. You both liked to tease me a lot,” He hissed and he grabbed me with him, “Whatever. I’ll take this crazy girl to her home.”


I don’t have any choice to become a BL Writer, I need him. Even if it’s a temporary happiness I’m fine with it. I don’t care if we’ll just use each other but if this the only way then I don’t mind having a little game with this man. As long as it was only a game then I will risk everything as a BL Writer. I bit my lip and then I looked at him seriously and breathed a bit, “About the thing that you said..that you’re going to help me if I became your fake girlfriend..that contractual relationship with you..fine then! Let’s do it. Just promise me that you’re going to help me with my BL. You better keep your promise.”

“I keep my promises. No string attached.” He said to me and he smirked at me.

And with that, I can never escape him again. Who would have thought that I would fall into one of his traps? We both fool around like there’s no tomorrow. With that one night, my life has finally changed. And it was a fate that I can never escape into. Because of my fate of becoming a BL Writer, I sacrificed everything even if it meant hurting myself even more.