
My Girlfriend In Japan

Transmission into a new body in a new world. How to live it? Well let’s just go with the flow for now.

Shadoudia · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

13- Park Vlog

Jin also checked a text message from Shoko.

[Shoko: Hey Jin, hope you're doing well! I was thinking, how about a trip to the park tomorrow? My sister is coming too, and it would be awesome to have you join us]

A wide grin spread across Jin's face as he read Shoko's invitation—a pleasantly surprising and welcoming twist to his day

[Jin:Sure! Just send me the meetup time and location, and I'll be there]

'Nice. .looking forward to tomorrow'

Jin rose from his bed, feeling the remnants of sleep lingering. The post-nap haze brought a familiar sensation, reminiscent of those after-school naps filled with confusion. It was akin to waking up wondering, "What time is it now?" and other similar questions, grappling with a foggy mind. A quick face wash served as a refreshing transition back to the present moment.

Jin prepared a comforting bowl of ramen for dinner, savoring each flavorful slurp as he delved into reading more comments. Immersed in the warm steam rising from the bowl, he meticulously kept track of his social media presence, relishing both the delicious meal and the digital connections that continued to grow.

Jin noticed a surge in TikTok videos featuring him, aligning with trending hashtags like #Chad and others that exuded a sense of pride. One main being the #30DayChallenge.

The TikTok edits featuring Jin flourished with creativity. Some adhered to his original peaceful style, showcasing serene moments, while others embraced a more traditional, fast-paced approach, injecting an energetic and heated vibe and music into the mix.

Jin found it fascinating to watch others create videos about him, contributing to a cascading effect that propelled his popularity even further.

'THIS IS STONKS, I don't even have to do anything'

A symbiotic relationship unfolded as the creators making videos about Jin garnered significant attention and views. This, in turn, fueled a ripple effect, inspiring more individuals to join in and craft their own edits.

'I need to take advantage use of this fame, and abuse it, and create more content'

'But is that the smart course of action? Yea I should be doing that, or else it would be a waste. But at the same time, one of the reasons the YouTube video might done so well, is because I poured a lot of effort to it.'

'So let's not be in a rush, and go at my own pace.'

There was also a choice to make between two options—riding the current trend or staying true to authentic, high-quality content—Jin found himself inclined toward the latter. While the trend offered a tempting surge in attention, Jin felt a deeper connection to the authenticity and quality that defined his first success.

"Sigh.." Jin sighed softly with relief.

Jin had grappled with a sense of pressure brought on by the sudden surge of internet attention. Though it might not be a overwhelming amount, the abrupt increase stirred a growing urgency within him. The need to consistently deliver content to keep his audience engaged loomed, fueled by a subtle fear that the newfound attention might slip away if he didn't maintain the momentum.

But having made a decision that resonated with him and aligned with his vision, Jin experienced a wave of relief.

Next next morning, 11 AM.

Jin met up with Shoko and her little sister Yuzuru at the park, "Sakura Harmony Gardens."

Jin had already known Yuzuru from the past, so they were well acquainted.

In the past Jin was actually bothered by Yuzuru, since she was very overprotective of her older sister, Shoko. But that made sense, as Shoko was not always treated nicely by her peers and faced bullying. But after finding out Jin had protected and helped out Shoko from such incidents, Yuzuru became a whole new person.

As Yuzuru learned more about Jin's support for her sister, a newfound admiration blossomed. She began looking up to him, extending genuine respect. In Yuzuru's eyes, Jin became like a older brother figure to her.

Moving on, the park they visited today was newly opened.

Sakura Harmony Gardens, a serene place tucked away from the bustling city. Rows of cherry blossom trees, their delicate pink petals gently swaying in the breeze, created a soft beautiful overhead. Stone pathways meander through the landscaped gardens adorned with vibrant flowers, each bloom contributing to a variety of colors.

The gentle murmur of a flowing stream added a soothing melody to the surroundings, inviting visitors to pause and immerse themselves in the calming embrace of nature. Graceful bridge arches over the water, creating scenes that mirror the beauty of traditional Japanese landscapes.

Jin had planned to make a vlog about this place and share the beauty after seeing how nice the park looked. Of course with the consent of the two girls; and with the condition to have their faces not showed in the video.

"This place makes me want to have a picnic here" Jin said, to both the pair of siblings and the camera.

On the sidelines, Yuzuru seamlessly translated Jin's words into sign language for Shoko. Their shared knowledge of sign language eliminated the need for notebooks, creating a silent yet eloquent conversation that allowed Shoko to fully participate in the experience of Jin's words.

"I should also learn sign language, it would be great for me" Jin says, the camera still recording but he would edit it out later. He didn't want his plan to vlog, interfere with his plans with Shoko.

"Thanks for the consideration, but you don't have to Jin" Yuzuru translates Shoko.

"Hey but I myself is interested, maybe you could teach me Shoko?"

"If you want, I would gladly (:", Shoko looked happy, her face tinted with a bit of red.

They continued walking around the huge park, filled with rows of cherry blossoms trees.

Jin, enchanted by the whimsical dance of cherry blossom petals falling around them, remarked, "Look at all these beautiful petals falling at us from the wind. It feels refreshing, like getting showered by nature's confetti." The delicate petals added an enchanting touch to the already magical atmosphere of Sakura Harmony Gardens.

Soon, they found a peaceful spot, settling down on a bench beneath the shade of an ancient tree. The dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves.

"Time for a little breakfast, this is basically a picnic at this point",

Shoko had said she was going to bring food,

so he didn't eat breakfast.

"You know Shoko woke up at like 5, to cook breakfast, all for you"

"no no! That's not true! Mom made this!"

That's what Shoko had said, but Yuzuru didn't bother translating it, even mischievously grining at her.

Causing Shoko to give her a stern face, with a red face, that only added to her cuteness.

Jin took a momentary pause, observing the delightful chaos unfolding around him with a hearty laugh.

"It doesn't matter who made this! It looks very delicious"

Jin, unable to contain his excitement, eagerly zoomed in on the delightful basket of food before him with his camera. The camera panned over the picnic blanket adorned with a vibrant tapestry of foods — the neatly arranged bento boxes. The lens zoomed in on the details: the glistening glaze on teriyaki chicken, the vibrant hues of assorted sushi rolls, and the meticulous arrangement of fresh fruits.

Cherry blossom petals, having found their way onto the blanket, added a touch of natural aesthetics.

Jin began to enjoy his meal, savoring the flavors of his picnic, while Shoko observed him with a mix of anticipation and nervousness in her eyes.

"Hmmmm! Yummy! Shoko did you really make this?!"

As Yuzuru "told" her what he said, Shoko blushed.

"She said she would cook more for you in the future then Jin" Yuzuru said smiling.


" Yuzuru.. I clearly saw Shoko didn't even "say" a word.

"But that does sound lovely have to say.", "She would make a good wife hahah" Jin adds.

Yuzuru quickly translates the juicy words.. and Shoko becomes a tomato within a second.

Having savored the delightful picnic, they continued their stroll through Sakura Harmony Gardens. Shoko, cheeks still flushed from before, adding a charming hue to the serene surrounding in Jin's eyes.

The trio's shared moments echoed beneath the ancient trees, creating cherished memories in the heart of the blossoming gardens.

AN: NOOOO This chapter was planned to release at around the time the rankings reset.

*looks at time* TT

Hahah… I was pretty close, right? *sarcasm*

This chapter though longer than the last chapter, as promised. Being twice the size of the last chapter.. paise me people(jk)

However was still bad…the planning word amount goal was much higher.

Haha my plans never go right..

Anyways! HAPPY NEW YEAR guys. 🎆

How was 2023 for you guys? For me it was..fast, really fast. I think many can agree. Oh and also very NOT productive.

At least humanity survived yet another year YAY..do you guys think we will make it past this year?

*looks at Simpson predictions*


What's your guy's predictions?

Aside that, What's your new year resolution?

Mine is…sigh I don't know haha. Maybe starting to workout more often, and just being healthier overall. And perhaps try to make more money.

Sorry for talking so much in the AN! Gosh i wrote a lot haha… sorry I don't have friends thats why I shared it to you guys..jk(?)

Stay safe and enjoy your new year guys.

Till next time, thanks for reading!