
My Gift To You LITE

Read the full version here: https://www.amazon.com/My-Gift-You-Nat-NatNat-ebook/dp/B08VHSRCGL THE ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME! When best friends Lo and Squiggle find a sunken map to the lost island of Reefance, the two boys embark on an adventure to find the treasure located at the northernmost edge of the island. They must travel through all the regions of the island, to obtain the elusive treasure of the Gold Haven. However, they must hurry on their journey. A legion of pirates, treasure hunters, and witches have also caught word of the island, and are already there by the time Lo and Squiggle arrive. The legion is led by the nefarious gentleman, Lord Ommin! He is determined to use any sneaky tricks he can to stop our heroes and their journey. As Lo and Squiggle continue on their quest to the treasure, a deeper and darker threat emerges that is more dangerous than they, or even the Omminers, bargained for. Can Lo, Squiggle, and the friends they make on the island overcome this calamity? Who will get the treasure first? Find out for yourself by reading My Gift To You!

NatQuin · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Unlikely Untimely

Slowly, the volcanic downpour stopped. Ommin let his goons depart. All fell calm, except for Lo. He was so exhausted, tired of everything. He felt ready to snap over it. He didn't know what was wrong, other than Ommin being a doofus or having to walk all day when they could have been on a train. It felt more personal than that.

It felt like there was a fire in his brain. His muscles were so tense that it hurt. He needed to lie down, but he was too hot to sleep. And he couldn't risk being caught in another storm like that. Besides, he had to keep on going. Because an adventurer never gives up.

Lo kept his head down, kicking every rock that he crossed paths with. Squiggle was still wondering what could have made Lo so upset. Lo felt just about ready to melt both physically and mentally.

"It would appear there's not anything out there for miles," Ommin declared, looking through binoculars. "Are you sure we're even going the right way?"

"I don't know," Lo sighed, wiping sweat from his forehead. The sweat boiled and shriveled up on the ground with a sizzling sound.

"Bah! We'll never get anywhere like this!" Ommin shouted. "You truly are meanderers! Poppycock-y gawky jockeys! THIS is why treasure hunters are superior. We have a means of getting to an end. Watch and learn, jockeys!"

Ommin reached into his pocket, and retrieved a really old-looking telephone. The cord seemed to extend forever into his pocket. "Allow me to make a call," Ommin scoffed snidely. He reached into his pocket and appeared to dial a number. The analog beeps and their notes and order were familiar to Lo, but he couldn't pinpoint why.

Boooooooooop went the phone numerous times, waiting to be picked up on the other end of the line. "Yes?" Ommin asked. There was a muffled voice coming from the phone. Whoever he was talking to sounded irritated. "Ah! So glad you picked up. Uh huh? No I have not found the treasure. And the only one I can think to shift the blame to is you! You have just bided your time back in your cushy house… while I do all the hard work!"

Ommin groaned. "Oh yeah. The boy? He is with me. So is all of his little prissy posse," Ommin said, pinching the top of his nose's apex between his thumb and pointer finger. "Oh? You're coming right now? Great. Okay! Catch you later! Also, before I forget, bring me some more tea--- aghhhh! She already hung up."

"Who was that?" Shania asked.

"Winimum Mage," Ommin sighed. "The top of the class in my legion of dark arts. My my, her skills are admirable! However, if she ever caught me saying that, she'd probably get the wrong idea. The termagant has a bit of a thing for ol' Ommy." Ommin whispered behind his hand, his lips separating to show two rows of yellow dirty teeth. Lo shivered. It seemed Ommin didn't reciprocate or respect Winimum's feelings at all, rather just held them as a testament to his self-proclaimed greatness.

Soon, they heard what sounded like a twinkling sound. "Pla-ha-ha!" Winimum's voice cackled. More of that dark pixie dust fell down, but it didn't make Lo sneeze this time. "Greetings, meanderers! Don't worry, this is a new recipe for the pixie dust. I saw how it made you sneeze last time, and that was gross. So you better feel special because I remade it just for you!"

"Winimum! Just by the catch of the hour," Ommin exclaimed. "You see, well, erm, err, hmm- these meanderers detained my reign of pain, so I was inclined to join their clique. They were practically begging me to assist them! However, we all appear to be directionless in our crusade to Brimdome. Is there any chance you can take us there directly with your shiny spells?"

"Take us there directly?!" Lo shouted. "There may be no rules to adventuring, but there is such thing as common decency! I refuse."

"I can't help but wonder how much decency will get you out here, boy," Ommin jeered. "It's my plan or the trash can with you! A firestorm could come at any moment now, and you'll be toasted."

Lo looked for options. Any. He supposed, it wasn't technically against the rules, seeing as there were none. But could he really disrespect his adventuring ways? Could he really stoop to Ommin's level?

"Lo, I think Ommin's right for once," Shania said. "There could be a firestorm headed our way right now." Lo seemed to be outnumbered in this decision. "I'm going with Ommin and Winimum. I'd say you and Squiggle should come too."

Squiggle looked down at Lo from atop his hat. Lo had always been a leader of sorts in adventures. Squiggle would often just go along with whatever Lo wanted. He decided this decision should be no different. Lo thought about it. It was like a fight going on in his head. His logical instinct said he should go with Ommin, but his adventurer instinct said to find another way.

However, this decision wouldn't just affect him. It would also affect Squiggle. "Hurry up, boy! Make your decision or be lost!" Ommin exclaimed. "We don't have all evening."

Lo made his choice. One that would be better for him, and Squiggle. How could he ever place his best friend in a certain death situation? "Fine. I'll go. But only to Brimdome," Lo sighed. "If you take me any further, I'll never forgive you. This could be me and Squiggle's greatest adventure yet. I don't want to miss all of it. Just this part." Lo thought about this statement. The words had come out of his mouth so naturally. Did he really want to miss this part so much?

"Alright, alright then," Ommin sighed, as Winimum opened a magic portal. "Then come aboard the choo-choo ride. Our time is about to run out!" Ommin looked into the distance. Lo drifted his gaze in the direction Ommin was staring at, and saw a burst of fire coming towards them from a cave entrance. It engulfed the air around it, and it was approaching fast.

"Ah! Run!" Lo shouted. It was a firestorm! He dashed into the portal after the others, and Ommin followed. The portal closed behind them, just in time for the firestorm to be blocked out. It continued on its path of destruction throughout the region. Only one place would be safe. Brimdome.

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