
My Genius Sister is Only Seven!?

The country girl, Emily, was an orphan. She survived off the scraps that she could find from families around her. Every one of them despised her. One day, a fairy-like little brother came to the city and brought her home. At first, Emily wasn't popular in other people's homes, but she quickly awakened her god-tier learning talent. She could learn pretty much anything and everything in an instant. Soon, Emily was regarded as a child prodigy. She was proficient in all sorts of arts, including zither, chess, and calligraphy, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. The elders and older brothers who didn't really like her in the past were all captivated by her and spoilt her like a little fairy. Every day, her grandparents, parents, uncles, aunties, and brothers fought to pamper her. Grandpa said, "Baby, can you help Grandpa take a look at this painting?" Grandpa liked to collect oil paintings, but his deteriorating eyesight couldn't discern good paintings from bad ones, and he kept getting tricked by sellers . So he had to consult the seven-year-old Emily because paintings that passed through Emily's hands were never wrong. Her father pleaded, "Baby, help me. The chairman of the Gu Site Corporation wants to get a calligraphy painting from you. This will determine whether my company can land a deal with them!" Her brothers pleaded. "Baby, are you busy today? When are you going to visit your brother's school? I promised the principal that I would bring you there. You can't go back on your word."

Mountain Springs · Urban
Not enough ratings
250 Chs

Emily quickly went up to comfort Shen Nan, then looked at the kite in Shen Nan's hand.

"Sixth Brother, do you want me to try?"

"No, I don't believe it. I must fly the kite today."

After saying that, Shen Nan, unconvinced, pulled the string of the kite in his hand.

Shen Nan looked around and saw that someone was running with a kite, running up and down behind them. Shen Nan followed suit and also ran.

"Sixth Brother..."

Emily called out anxiously, but seeing that Shen Nan was running happily, she simply ignored him.

Shen Nan should do whatever he wanted to do.

Emily obediently walked to Shen Yu's side and saw that Shen Yu seemed to have cast a spell on the kite. It was extremely obedient in Shen Yu's hands. On the other hand, the kite in Shen Nan's hands seemed to be deliberately going against Shen Nan.

Emily looked at Shen Nan's jumping figure and felt that it was a little funny.

"Is it that funny?"

Shen Yu spoke with some dissatisfaction.

Emily looked at Shen Yu in confusion.

"Brother, what's wrong? You're so strange today."

Emily directly voiced out her doubts. In the Shen family, the person who treated her best was Shen Yu. She did not want to see Shen Yu unhappy.

"It's nothing," Shen Yu said unhappily.

Emily blinked her eyes and reached out to pull Shen Yu's sleeve.

"Brother, just tell me. I don't want to see you unhappy."

"Do you want to give it a try?"

Shen Yu waved the kite string in his hand and changed the topic appropriately.

"Can I?"

Emily was immediately excited. She was completely childish and had long forgotten the question she had just asked.

Shen Yu nodded and passed the kite handle in his hand to Emily, but his hands did not stop moving.

"Do what I did just now. If you feel that the kite string is a little tight, then you should loosen it. If you feel that it is a little too loose, then pull the string back a little."

Emily nodded and hurriedly took the kite handle from Shen Yu's hand.

At this moment, Emily felt that the string in her hand was being pulled by the kite. Emily hurriedly listened to Shen Yu and loosened the kite string. However, the more it was loosened, the more the kite string was pulled. The kite string was about to reach the end.

"Brother, help me quickly. I can't pull it."

Emily looked at Shen Yu for help.

Shen Yu hurriedly grabbed the handle of the kite from Emily's back and kept the string.

Emily was stunned. She felt the warmth behind her. When she saw Shen Yu's hand covering her little hand, Emily instantly felt a little embarrassed, but she did not dare to move.

"Okay, you try again."

"No... No need. I can't hold it. It's better if you do it."

Emily hurriedly said, then squatted down and withdrew from Shen Yu's arms. She stood obediently beside Shen Yu.

Shen Yu looked at Emily with some confusion, but he did not think too much about it.

Emily stood in a daze. Shen Yu was too close to her just now. She felt that she was so nervous that she could not breathe.

Emily felt the heat on her face and quickly reached out to pat her own face.

"What's wrong?"

Shen Yu looked at Emily with a worried look.

Emily hesitated for a moment and quickly shook her head.

"I feel that there were mosquitoes biting me just now. I'll go find Butler Grandpa to get the mosquito repellent."

Emily ran as if she was running away.

No wonder her mother had told her before not to get too close to boys. It turned out that she really couldn't get too close.

She felt as if she could hardly breathe just now.

"Miss Millie?"

The butler saw Emily walking towards him and hurriedly went up to her.

"Butler Grandpa, Second Aunt said that she had prepared some mosquito repellent medicine. I'll take some."

The butler hurriedly took out the medicine from his bag and opened it.

"Miss Millie, you just need to apply this medicine on your ankle. This way, the mosquitoes won't bite you."

Emily obediently applied the medicine, but she heard a moaning sound coming from afar.

Emily hurriedly turned around and saw Shen Nan lying on the ground.

Emily hurriedly went forward to ask, "Sixth Brother, how are you? Are you okay?"

Emily hurriedly looked at Shen Nan. She saw that Shen Nan's palm was already worn out, and his knees were also worn out. There were even blood vessels seeping out.

"How are you? Does it hurt?" Emily asked worriedly.

She had often knocked and bumped in the past. She had been in so much pain that she had died. Shen Nan must be in great pain now.

"Let's go, to the hospital."

It was not known when Shen Yu appeared by Emily and Shen Nan's side.