
My Gene System

In the current year, scientists in America succeeded to transfer the monster's genes into the normal body of humans. Just to stop the monsters from invading the world. "Mutant" was called to a normal person who decided to accept the monster's genes. Being a mutant will grant you an exceptional power that the ordinary human couldn't do. Riku Hirota, his the son of the wealthy businessman Akio Hirota. At the age of five, Riku was decided to become a mutant to take back his mother. In his awakening, something had happened that caused him to transmigrate to the other world. Where he could experience that he never experienced in his entire life. What will you do if you receive the monster's genes? And this gene could copy other genes? ****** Tags: Dungeon, Evolution, Sword and Magic, Monsters, Adventure, Action, Late romance, War, Another World. ****** The photo is not mine, I just found it on google.

Jigx · Fantasy
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176 Chs

Way To Another World

Two days had swiftly passed...

Haru assisted Riku as he exited the luxury car. "Master Riku, if you're unable to walk, I can carry you."

He shook his head slowly. "No, I'm fine, Haru. Just prepare the mana plate so I can see the outcome of my mutation." Riku stated as he stepped out of the van.

"Master Riku, I must disagree. Rest your body, as the mana plate could potentially drain your mana."

Haru's insight was valid; if someone entered the mana plate without being in their optimal condition, the true outcome might not be revealed.

"The same applies to your father. He worried about you greatly while you were unconscious." Haru mentioned, opening the massive door for him.

Riku sighed deeply, acknowledging that even Akio had pushed him into business classes. He understood his father's intentions.

"Perhaps you're right, Haru. I should take a break and contemplate my next steps before seeing the mutation result." Riku mumbled as he entered the mansion.

"Don't worry, master Riku; I've acquired the mana plate. When you're ready, we can proceed with the evaluation." Haru knew Riku well and anticipated his eagerness.

"Welcome back, Master Riku!"

The rows of maids greeted him, but he couldn't help but notice the charred room.

"Thank you. Please take care of me," he replied with a nod. He was about to ask Haru, but Haru preemptively answered.

"Yes, Master Riku. During your awakening, the room was consumed by fire, along with the mana plate you used." Haru conveyed politely.

Riku realized that if the mana plate hadn't burned, he might have been able to see the outcome without repeating the process.

"Alright, I'll head to my room to rest. Haru, ensure no one disturbs me." Riku stated before heading upstairs.

"Understood, Master Riku. However, I should inform you that your father is on a business trip, and Lady Yui is waiting for you in your room." With those words, Haru disappeared from sight.

Riku's eyes widened as he wondered why Yui was in his room.


Knowing Yui's assertive nature, he cautiously entered from the right side after a few moments.

Placing his hand on the door, he gently pushed it open and observed Yui sleeping soundly.

"Phew! I suppose I needn't be concerned."

He entered the room, noting the opulent items within—the golden chandelier, the latest computer set, and the oversized bed.

"Hmm... She looks so serene in my bed, almost like a sleeping princess." He shook his head, dismissing his errant thoughts. "What am I thinking? I'm just here to rest, nothing more."

Carefully, he lay down on his bed, ensuring not to wake the woman next to him. Looking at Yui, he could tell she was exhausted for some reason.


[7:00 PM]

A pinch on his cheek roused Riku from his slumber. Blinking, he saw Yui resting her head on his chest.

He recoiled so quickly that he almost hit the concrete wall.


"Ouch!" Rubbing the back of his head, he fought back tears.

"What's wrong, honey? Are you okay?" Yui's tone was seductive.

Blushing, he gently pushed her away. "H-Honey? Yui, where did you get that from?" Riku stuttered, feeling soft objects pressing against his chest.

"Riku, we're getting married next month. Calling you 'honey' seems appropriate." Yui explained, a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Yui, we're no longer married. When that day comes, you can use that term..." Riku halted, realizing his words.

"Really, Riku? You don't mind?" Yui's tone was cheerful as she nuzzled against him.

He sighed softly. "Yeah, I can live with it. I can always take back what I've said."

Accepting that Yui would be his wife soon, even if his feelings hadn't fully caught up, Riku hoped he could learn to love her in time.

"Thank you, Riku! I knew you were the one for me from the moment I saw you." Yui hugged him tightly.

Knock, knock, knock...

A sweet voice behind the door announced, "Dinner is ready, Master Riku and Lady Yui."

Yui lifted her head slightly. "Are you going to leave, Riku? I'd like to stay like this a bit longer."

Gently, he pushed her back, hands on her shoulders. "Yui, I'm hungry and just out of the hospital. I need to regain my strength. Will you join me for dinner or stay here?"

With a cheerful shake of her head, Yui held Riku's hand without hesitation. "No, honey, I'll come with you!"

Riku felt uneasy, but he walked with her nonetheless.


The table was laden with delicious food, resembling a feast, though for Riku and Yui, it was just another day.

Yui's gaze was fixed on Riku, her adoration evident.

After an hour, they finished eating, and Haru appeared behind Riku. "You seem well, Master Riku. Did something positive occur?"

"Haru, where did you go?" Riku's tone was somewhat exasperated.

"I went to Fuji to gather more details about your condition."

Standing up, Riku regarded Haru seriously. "Let's talk; I have a question for you."

"May I join as well?" Yui asked.

He shrugged slightly, and Haru and Yui accompanied him. "What did Fuji say? Did he uncover anything?"

"He's still investigating, but he'll inform us when he finds something." Haru's eyebrows furrowed, puzzled by the change in location.

Inside the spacious room, Yui was watching them. "Haru, are you a level 3 mutant?"

Haru nodded slightly. "Yes, Master. Why do you ask?"

"Haru, can I punch you?"

Given that Riku's current level was 1, even after transforming into a mutant, his strength would still be tenfold greater than that of an average person.

Yui and Haru seemed to understand Riku's intention. "Certainly, Master Riku. If you've truly transformed into a level 1 mutant, I can withstand your power."

"Thank you, Haru, and be ready. I'm coming." Riku stepped away, creating distance.


Charging towards Haru, Riku swung his arm, striking Haru's face.


His fist landed swiftly, but Haru didn't react or budge. "Master Riku, your strength is weaker than an ordinary person's."

"Let me try again; I just slipped."


Once more, the result was unchanged. The possibility of a failed mutation frustrated him.

"Haru, where's the mana plate? If the mutation failed, it means there's no mana in my genes." Riku explained.

Ordinary individuals had no mana in their bodies, so evaluating Riku might not affect him.

"Just wait a moment..."

Haru reappeared in just 3 seconds, holding the mana plate. "Master Riku, are you certain about this? Master Akio will reprimand me once he discovers."


"I'm assuming that I didn't succeed in the evaluation, but I want peace of mind." Riku said, then gently touched Haru's shoulder.

"Master Haru, don't say that. Your biological parents possessed rare genes, so I'm confident you have them too."

"Haru, you're aware that some cases involve parents having the monster's genes, but their children don't inherit them. I don't want to set high expectations; I want to know now."

Haru placed the mana plate on the surface. "Once the mana plate lights up, remain still."

"Of course."

Riku stepped onto the mana plate, which emitted a blue glow enveloping his body. A gentle heat spread through him.

Name: Riku Hirota

Race: Human

Mutant Level: 1

Title: Genes King

Evolution: 1st Level

Mana Pool: 15

Haru's eyes widened at the result of Riku's evaluation. "No, what is this?"


In the expansive arena, a massive explosion occurred as two towering pillars materialized behind Riku. The energy emanating from the sky was overwhelming.

"Master Riku, get out of there!"


Before he could react, the pillars drew him in, and he vanished from the mansion.