
My Gene System

In the current year, scientists in America succeeded to transfer the monster's genes into the normal body of humans. Just to stop the monsters from invading the world. "Mutant" was called to a normal person who decided to accept the monster's genes. Being a mutant will grant you an exceptional power that the ordinary human couldn't do. Riku Hirota, his the son of the wealthy businessman Akio Hirota. At the age of five, Riku was decided to become a mutant to take back his mother. In his awakening, something had happened that caused him to transmigrate to the other world. Where he could experience that he never experienced in his entire life. What will you do if you receive the monster's genes? And this gene could copy other genes? ****** Tags: Dungeon, Evolution, Sword and Magic, Monsters, Adventure, Action, Late romance, War, Another World. ****** The photo is not mine, I just found it on google.

Jigx · Fantasy
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176 Chs


When the system issued a warning notice, a man sitting on a wooden bench immediately erupted, shouting, "What the heck is wrong with this system?!"

Riku had spent a month in the vast forest, so why was he suddenly unable to tolerate a bit of sunlight? He used to effortlessly complete a 10 km run under the bright yellow sun every day without any issues.

"Mere exposure to the sun used to only affect the vampire race in XR Online, but they gained strength and magical power as night fell," he muttered thoughtfully.

Despite his irritation at the man's behavior, Pan stood by his side, as it was one of his tasks to gather useful information.

What is going on here?!

W-What exactly is this?!

Riku's once-relaxed demeanor twisted into one of concern. Why? His surroundings blurred, and he felt the sunlight searing his skin and splitting his skull.

"Hey, Riku! What's wrong?" Seeing him collapse onto the marble surface, Pan swiftly lifted Riku and returned him to his spot.

Riku had inherited his mother's trait – that of the dark crow. By understanding the crow, Riku discovered that they were aggressive creatures, capable of moving flawlessly even in the sunlight.


Meanwhile, Riku gradually opened his eyes and recognized that he was in the same room as Pan. While the villagers in this village weren't akin to him, it seemed they were obediently adhering to Lady Arisu's directives.

By the time he noticed, darkness had already enveloped the surroundings, visible through the window beside him. He found himself bewildered by the inexplicable blue radiance emanating from the screen above him. At this juncture, he was perplexed, as no hints or subtle cues could assist him in comprehending the situation.

[Great! You've recovered your strength! Please avoid sunlight exposure!]

The screen's light beamed onto his face, while the lamplight hung from the wooden ceiling. Evidently, only sunlight had an impact on his body.

He berated himself for not researching the dark crow's genetic traits, as he had anticipated inheriting his father's gene, that of the wolf. To put it simply, the dark crow's gene was a rarity, making the likelihood of Riku inheriting it a mere 0.01 percent, equating to one person in a hundred thousand.

"Does this mean I can't venture outside during the day?" he muttered, shaking his head. "Well, I could still step out if I cover my entire body with clothes, but the predicament lies in... I'd likely draw attention from the villagers."


His irritation grew, leading him to click his tongue in frustration. One realization was solidifying in his thoughts: within his realm, some mutants had succumbed to the dominance of monster genes due to their inability to enhance their bodies as suitable hosts. Moreover, it couldn't be dismissed that certain genes might be formidable enough to thwart an individual's attempt to overcome them.

Annoyed, he rolled on his bed, oblivious to the presence watching him from the corner.


A gentle cough sounded not far from him, causing him to halt and search for the origin of the sound. He noticed Lady Arisu, her sweet voice accompanied by a patient demeanor, her right hand lightly covering her mouth.


In a display of respect for the woman, he allowed his body to descend to the ground, seamlessly transitioning into a kneeling position. His face now met the surface, granting him an insight into the emotions felt by their maids and male servants whenever they encountered him. Despite his reluctance to elicit such reactions, what alternatives did he possess? After all, he was the privileged offspring of a wealthy businessman.

"What are you doing? Return to your bed and rest," Arisu's voice held a gentle admonition, aware that he hadn't fully regained his strength.

"I'm alright now, Lady Arisu. I just wanted to express my respect," he replied, his words at odds with his expression, his discomfort apparent after uttering them.

"I understand, but I'm commanding you to return to your bed. You're not foolish enough to misunderstand a simple directive like this." Her assessment led her to believe that he wouldn't heed her words unless she compelled him.

Riku slowly raised his head, each instance of this woman treating him as a fellow human altering his perception of the world around him.

"My apologies, and the same to Pan. I recognize he's the one who assisted me in getting back here safely." Seated once more on his bed, he directed his attention solely towards Pan.

"You're correct, Riku. Pan informed me about the events that transpired during your time in our village. I'm also aware of how our villagers treated you; for that, I apologize," she expressed with gravity. "Yet, I can't fault them entirely. They're merely safeguarding themselves against any unforeseen threats that might arise."

"No, were our positions reversed, I would likely do the same. However, I assure you, I have no intentions involving your village," he asserted, mentioning that he could vividly recall the faces of the guards who had mistreated him.

Those memories proved challenging to erase. He understood their suspicion, given his distinct appearance and attire that differed from theirs. However, what he couldn't reconcile was the audacity they displayed in ending the life of a fellow human who posed no threat.

He inhaled deeply, concealing his emotions from the woman before him. "How may I assist you, Lady Arisu? It's quite late, and I assume you haven't come solely to check on my well-being."

Arisu was momentarily surprised by the man's perception. "Honestly, you're right. I'm here to seek clarification on something that only you can provide."

"What do you have in mind, Lady Arisu? I'm here to provide any answers you seek," he responded, his interest piqued.

"Did you realize that, despite your comments to Pan, our village actually boasts a more advanced state than neighboring villages?" Arisu inquired, perplexed.

Such a minor detail? Lady Arisu had already been apprised. Now, Riku was resolute in being more cautious with his choice of words.

"I apologize if my words caused offense, Lady Arisu. That wasn't my intention." He lowered his head, repeatedly glancing at the floor. What alternatives did he have? He had to strategize for survival, given the uncertainty of when he might encounter peril again.

"No, Riku, you misunderstand. I'm suspecting that you might be regaining some of your lost memories," Arisu said with a note of suspicion.

Oh, what a mistake!

How foolish of me! How could I have slipped up on such a minor detail?

Tsk! I hadn't anticipated their insight, stemming from the village's structure.

If he persisted in deceiving this woman, he could jeopardize his current standing in the village. Moreover, from his observations, he deduced that she had an uncanny ability to detect falsehoods, even if she couldn't articulate it.

"I've recollected fragments of memories involving objects like glass, metal structures, and other things that differ greatly from this environment," Riku observed, recognizing the woman's unfamiliarity with Earth-related terms. He proceeded to offer a concise explanation to help her understand.


Thirty minutes later, they found themselves engaged in conversation. Arisu hadn't noticed that she had moved closer to Riku, captivated by the existence of things he described from his world. What's more, as she listened intently, she became convinced of his honesty.

"Technology? What sort of advancements exist in your world, and do they truly function as you say?" Arisu's excitement was palpable, envisioning the potential impact such technologies could have.

"Hmm... How can I put it? I suppose we could be described as more advanced than your village," he responded with a slightly nervous smile, keen on avoiding offense.

"Advanced? Technological marvels? Swift transportation and devices like smartphones that facilitate communication across great distances?" Her eyes sparkled with intrigue, recognizing the potential for increased productivity in their village if such marvels were to be introduced.

He scratched the back of his head, acutely aware of the tricky situation he had maneuvered himself into. 'Why can't I control my words? Constant chatter is going to continue ruining my life in this world,' he silently lamented while heaving a deep sigh.

Arisu pondered, her chin resting in her hand, a bright smile gracing her lips. Moreover, she envisioned that if his claims held true, their village could rise to a kingdom's stature.

The neighboring kingdoms had long cast envious glances toward the Arzotoc village due to the challenging terrain and monster-infested forest surrounding it. Plus, ample lands for development and precious resources lay within close proximity of their village.

"Riku, you have the freedom to accept or decline my proposition; the decision is yours. However, I must confess that I would be delighted if you could introduce innovations to benefit our village," her words dripped with sweetness.

Riku had anticipated this, and he already had a plan brewing on how he could leverage this task to his advantage.

"I'm willing to accept your proposal, Lady Arisu, but I have a favor to ask before we proceed," Riku's voice was soft as he spoke.

Leaning in closer, she replied, "Whatever it may be, if it benefits the village, I'll do my utmost to accommodate."

"I would like permission to access your village's library. I believe I can find resources there to assist me in creating my first invention."

While building something might be straightforward for him, given his familiarity with a technologically advanced world, his primary motive for seeking entry into their library was to unearth information on how he could return to his own realm.

"Hmm... If that's your intention, allow me to consult with my father first, hehe." The reverence for that space was evident in her response.