
My Gene System

In the current year, scientists in America succeeded to transfer the monster's genes into the normal body of humans. Just to stop the monsters from invading the world. "Mutant" was called to a normal person who decided to accept the monster's genes. Being a mutant will grant you an exceptional power that the ordinary human couldn't do. Riku Hirota, his the son of the wealthy businessman Akio Hirota. At the age of five, Riku was decided to become a mutant to take back his mother. In his awakening, something had happened that caused him to transmigrate to the other world. Where he could experience that he never experienced in his entire life. What will you do if you receive the monster's genes? And this gene could copy other genes? ****** Tags: Dungeon, Evolution, Sword and Magic, Monsters, Adventure, Action, Late romance, War, Another World. ****** The photo is not mine, I just found it on google.

Jigx · Fantasy
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176 Chs

Arisu Hanz

For six agonizing days, Riku found himself confined to a tiny chamber. Day after day, the guards subjected him to torment, hoping to extract information, yet their efforts yielded nothing.

They subjected him to scalding water, submerging him within the container and even cruelly tearing away his nails, causing his skin to sear.

"Please, stop! I beg you!"

"Someone, please help me!"

The ordeal was a haunting experience, a scene seemingly impossible to occur in reality.

He yearned to escape, but he remained enslaved by the unforgiving grip of thick chains.


As his eyes slowly fluttered open, excruciating pain coursed through every inch of his body. Each passing moment was a relentless onslaught of suffering.

"What the hell is happening to me? What am I doing wrong?" He murmured in a weak tone.


The door creaked open, revealing two guards accompanied by the head guard. This time, however, they were accompanied by a woman dressed in silver armor adorned with a golden trim.

Her hair was a shade of blond, her complexion fair, and her face exuded a certain charm. Observing their interactions, it became evident that this woman held a position of authority.

Her name was Arisu Hanz, and she was the daughter of the village's ruler.

"Gordon, why was this man placed in this cell?" Arisu inquired directly, addressing the chief guard who stood beside her.

Gordon knelt down and bowed his head, and the two guards followed suit. "Our patrols discovered this man wandering outside our village. Consequently, we suspected him to be one of our adversaries' spies," he explained.

As Arisu approached Riku, she couldn't help but notice that his body was adorned with bruises, stab wounds, and was drenched in his own blood. In other words, he appeared to be trapped in a grim state of near-death.

"You really went this far, Gordon?" Arisu's displeasure was evident in her tone as she addressed her guard's treatment of the pitiable man. "Tell me, what crime has this man committed?"

Gordon's brows furrowed slightly, considering that capturing a spy from a rival country might bring her satisfaction. "I-I apologize for acting without first seeking your approval. My only intention was to safeguard our village from potential invasion," he stammered.

"Gordon, I understand your perspective, but just look at him. Do you honestly believe this individual could be a spy? He doesn't even appear to be at a warrior's level," Arisu confronted him, retrieving something from her pocket.

Arisu's assessment was undeniably accurate. Being a spy from another country was an arduous task, demanding a willingness to put one's life on the line for the mission. Moreover, in this world, spies possessed enough strength to defend themselves effectively.

Gordon clenched his teeth in private frustration. "Nevertheless, we must ensure the safety of this village against any potential threats. I cannot allow a minor oversight to jeopardize our community in the midst of conflict," he raised his voice slightly, prompting concerned expressions from the two guards.

"Calm yourself, Sir Gordon; you're addressing Lady Arisu," one of the guards murmured under their breath.

"My father's primary goals in establishing this village were peace and a harmonious existence. Can we not interrogate him without resorting to torture?" Arisu's gaze remained fixed on the guards, who displayed bruises on their hands.

At this moment, Riku felt a stroke of luck as Arisu intervened, answering his prayers by shielding him from the guards. "I-I don't understand what they're talking about."

Riku then gave Gordon a way to defend himself by uttering some words. "Lady Arisu, did you hear that? This person can't communicate with us in the common language."

With a swish, Arisu unsheathed her small silver blade from her belt. "Gordon, you're not even paying attention. You have no authority to harm anyone!" Her composure wavered, and she thrust her sword just beneath Gordon's chin.

"Wait a moment, Lady Arisu, I never intended to disrespect you," Gordon mumbled, his voice quivering as he slowly retreated.

Arisu sheathed her weapon once more. "Remember this, Gordon: if such brutality repeats itself, I won't hesitate to have you dismissed from your position and expelled from the village. Take my words seriously."

With a determined air, she proceeded to remove the seal from a transparent container filled with red liquid. "This should suffice." Arisu poured the crimson liquid over the man's head. "He should recover."

Suddenly, the man's skin burns, bruises, and open wounds vanished. Arisu had employed healing potions that were in high demand within the village due to their reliance on imports from a friendly neighboring county.






Gordon and the other two guards were visibly astonished as they witnessed Arisu using a potion on the unknown man, a substance that could easily purchase a decent house in their world.

"L-Lady Arisu, why did you use that potion on him? It's a considerable-" Gordon began, but he hastily covered his mouth as he realized the inappropriateness of his words towards the young woman.

"Are you expressing dissatisfaction, Gordon? If my father were to learn of this, I have no doubt you'd already be facing a death sentence. Be grateful I'm still exercising restraint in dealing with you," she retorted in a stern tone.

Gordon's head shook uncontrollably. "I have no grounds for complaint, Lady Arisu," he quickly replied, then turned to the two guards kneeling alongside him. "And what about you two? Any objections?"

In unison, the two guards shook their heads, conveying their respect for Lady Arisu's decision. "We abide by Lady Arisu's judgment, Sir Gordon," they chimed in simultaneously.

Arisu pivoted and knelt to inspect Riku's condition. 'Judging from his appearance, this individual doesn't seem to be from our nation. I've never seen features or attire quite like his.' She murmured to herself as she observed him for a few minutes, until her attention was captured by his glistening black eyes.

Slowly, Riku's eyes fluttered open once more, revealing the sight of the captivating woman before him.

"W-Who are you?" Riku inquired weakly.

Arisu tilted her head, looking somewhat puzzled. 'What language is this?' She cast a glance at her surroundings. "Gordon, this seems to be the language he's using."

"Yes, Lady Arisu, but no matter how hard I listen, I can't comprehend anything he's saying."

"That's accurate, Lady Arisu. Additionally, from his facial expressions, it appears he's trying to convey something to us. It's as if he's pleading, expressing that he's not our adversary," one of the two guards added.

Arisu pondered, rubbing her chin as she contemplated the best course of action regarding this man. "Yes, you're right. I believe Elder Cynthia might be able to address this situation." She rose to her feet, patting the dust off her knees. "Remove the chains."

"W-What? Remove the chains?" Gordon questioned.

"Are you not hearing properly, Gordon? Must I consistently repeat myself?" She retorted before turning her attention to the guards.

"No, Lady Arisu." Gordon straightened up and promptly issued an order to the guards. "Take off the chains!"

It took a few minutes, but eventually, the guards successfully removed the cumbersome chains.

"Thank you-"

Riku attempted to rise but faltered, collapsing to the ground. It was then that one of the guards remembered a crucial detail: this man hadn't consumed any food or water for the past six days, likely contributing to his current state of unconsciousness.

"Take him to a room and provide him with some food!" Arisu commanded, her concern evident in her voice.


After several hours had elapsed, Riku regained consciousness in a modest brick-made room. This space was a far cry from the luxurious chamber he had grown accustomed to, but such concerns were secondary in his mind. He was determined to escape this place before the guards could consider another round of torture.

The room contained a solitary bed meant for one person, a simple desk, and a small window. The door in front of him beckoned, its destination unclear.

He directed his gaze toward the window, not far from where he lay. Beyond the glass, lush green grasses and blooming flowers enveloped the surroundings.

"I can't risk jumping from here!"

Standing on what seemed like the fifth floor, Riku pondered his options. Could he rely on the [fly] skill? However, his body had yet to fully recover from the guards' assault. The prospect of passing out again and exacerbating his predicament filled him with apprehension.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Startled by the sound of knocking, Riku's heart raced. He quickly retreated to his bed, feigning sleep as a response.

He detected the presence of multiple individuals entering the room, their footsteps echoing in his ears. It seemed like there were about four of them.

"What's my move here?"

Suddenly, an old woman's voice cut through the air, though Riku couldn't comprehend the words. However, he sensed the voice belonged to an elderly woman.

"He's still asleep." The old woman gently tugged at the white blanket covering Riku's face. "So it's true, Lady Arisu, this man has a different appearance. What would you like me to do?"

"I want you to cast a spell on him," Arisu responded with a soothing tone.

"Which spell, Lady Arisu? Could you provide more details?" The old woman inquired, holding a wooden staff in her hands.

"I want you to cast a spell that will enable this man to communicate with us," Arisu instructed, pointing her index finger towards Riku.

The old woman advanced. "You're assigning me a straightforward task, and your request shall be fulfilled."


Magic spell?!


What the f*ck!