
My gay husband is a pervert

Kong Xian Wang one of the most eligible bachelor in China. Not only young ladies are head over heels for him but also the married and older ones. His one glance can captivate one's soul. But....... There is a problem.... There are certain rumors floating about him.... what are the rumors??? He is not into the opposite gender. He is a GAY!!! "What? CEO Kong is a gay?" Mai Yue Rui couldn't believe it. "Then what is that what I saw?" "The way he looks at the opposite gender it's absolutely of a straight person." "Btw why I am thinking about that... He is the most annoying person to me. He irritates me so much." "Wait... Now where did this come from? A bouquet of rose from the CEO?" KXW:I am offering you the honor to marry me. MYR: Is this what you call proposing for marriage? KXW:Yeah MYR: I am sorry sir I won't marry you. KXW:What do you want? Money, home, makeover? I can give you anything MYR:If you knew who I am then you wouldn't have asked me that. KXW:What do you want? MYR: I want peace. Leave me alone. KXW:Not leaving. MYR: Even if you are the only person on Earth I won't marry you..... .......... MYR: Why are you here. I don't want you in my life. I don't want you to ruin my life again. Stay away from me..... ........... MYR:Mr. Kong Xian Wang I am willing to marry you. KXW:As you wish wifey. ********* Hope you will like the story ********* You can check out my other other: •Treacherous Serenade Of Love ********* Btw the cover is not owned by me... I just edited it... Discord: https://discord.gg/GtnhPWpaaZ

ira_ni1049 · General
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274 Chs

Yuerui, the Rupanzel

Su and Kai called Yuerui numerous times because she was running late. After half an hour, she finally came.

Yuerui wore a shoulder boat neck, floor touch gown. It was in a grey to blue gradient color. Today she also beautifully styled her hair instead of her same old bun. She did a beautiful french braid, a little messy to make it even more pretty. Her long thick hair went all the way down to her knees. The long Fringe of hair was poking her soft, rosy cheeks. In a word, she was looking like a living Rupanzel, came out of our childhood story book.

WHAT? You really think our lazy Little cat would actually go through this much hardship?

You forgot that Mai Yuerui doesn't want to look pretty at all. If you dress up gorgeously, you will attract unnecessary attention and it will cause trouble. Yuerui would never want that.