
My Gamer System Is A Little Unusual.

Ezekiel had the usual reincarnation story, some random unimportant year old, had a wife but no kids, got found out he was cheating on her and she killed him. Oh, wait. That doesn't sound so usual. Also, he didn't really feel like reincarnating at all, much less to some other anime world. He also didn't wish for a system but it was given to him. The Primordial Creator thought he was being ungrateful because most kids he did this on were very active. And so, since TPM is all knowing, he naturally knew how to punish the naughty man. [TPM has gifted you the Yandere Attractor title] "Ah. Fuck"

LatonTinkalus · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

CH 8 - The helpful peacock, Kunou-chan

It has been a good 6 months since the events of the now infamously named "Kyoto Terrorism"

The Youkais have absolutely gone far away from their initial path in the original timeline, Sakura even theorizes that with the increasing amounts of Fallens his spies have noticed around Kyoto, the Youkai faction may even turn out to be an antagonist by joining with the Khaos Brigade.

Is it for the destruction of humanity? No, the Youkais weren't dumb, or so they think anyways, but they ruled out the humans from the list of suspect a few weeks after the kidnapping, simply because they were too weak or... I don't know maybe because a Devil makes more sense to blame?

Who doesn't want a reincarnated nine tailed fox?

And so, Sakura theorizes that with their big brains, they'll be completely against the peace talks and join the Khaos Brigade in interrupting it in season 2 or 3.

Meanwhile, the actual perpetrator, who actually was indeed human, is having a good life, or as good as good is to him. He didn't quite expect the fox girl to literally be as wholesome as that one anime with the helpful fox.

But, hey. He wasn't complaining.


Sakura arrives with a portal to his lab, just the mere sight of sparkling metals made him lose every single regret and guilt that didn't really build inside him.


Kunou came rushing from a desk she was reading from, Sakura gave her a quick smile and a poke in the forehead before wearing his go to lab outfit.

Which includes the the hip and cool stuff named Toad Sage's Geta Sandals.


It's Jiraiya's Getas. Shhh. They're cool. Stat wise, they're useful.

[Toad Sage's Geta Sandals - The great clacking geta sandals of the hermit sage of Mt. Myoboku, posing for 5 seconds will grant the user 100 AGI lasting for 1 minute]

Yes. It's basically a JoJo pose buff. Sakura might be a little bit of a serious person, but he can appreciate a good fuckery when he spots one.

The AGI stat the sandals give are... well, all around. It deals with speed, reaction time, reflexes, stretchability, and many other things that pertain to Agility in all.

100 points was enough to basically make him equal to a shinobi agility wise. A good item.

The rest of his outfit? A standard lab cloak, a standard khaki slacks, and a standard white shirt.

But, hey. At least he rocks the sandals.

Now, back to the main topic at hand, Kunou has proven herself... very waifu material. Sakura thinks that Nine Tailed Foxes are inherently housewives.

"Sakura-sama, I've learned how to use the DNA separator properly now"

Kunou's tail were swishing and floofing behind her, Sakura mustered his entire self-control.

'Cool, stoic, mad scientist persona Sakura, keep the image, keep the image'

Sakura has suspicions that Kunou was subconsciously using some sort of charm but he realized that peacocks did use their tails, feathers, whatever it was the same way.

'She's not a peacock, but she's turning out to be really similar to one...'

Sakura proceeded to give her a nod and went back to the clones he was developing. He, basically, already had the halfling Devil.

It really wasn't that hard.

What's hard was getting a miracle child, children born from an Angel and Human mating wholesomely, with all the barriers and stuff. He already had his spy network give him info about one such event.

The woman was currently pregnant and he was more or less planning to abduct the baby...

Obito style.

Which doesn't include fighting against an Angel and proceeding to get his ass kicked to some cave.

Nor does it include summoning a huge monstrous beast to destroy a city.


Or maybe he would summon a beast if he could, it might help his progress with Seraphim's Embrace. Too bad he doesn't really have anything.

"Kunou, how do you feel about technically having 3 siblings?"

Kunou gave Sakura questioning tilt of the head.

"I... feel kind of happy? I can be an Onee-chan!"

Sakura didn't reply, he was planning to abduct the baby sometime soon. He'd just surprise his helpful peacock with sudden siblings.

Hey, at least he was not some super cruel person. He's not a villain, he's not a bad person.

Then he remembered about the weird ticket he got, he didn't use it yet, simply because it was different.

[S-Class Ticket]

It had no Item or Skill...

Granted it was just probably a ticket that gives from either category but it helps being assured.

Too bad Creator-pops still wasn't talking to him. Not like he did either.

"Hey... Creator-pops ya' there?"


"So... like, would you... umm like to tell me about the ticket?"


'Nothing... right'

[It's a ticket that can get from any category, why would you even ask something so trivial, child?]

"You think I trust whatever the system would say?"


"Anyways, please use the ticket"

[Gacha rolling... congratulations you have received Scissor Blades]

"Hm? It's not a craft?"

[Scissor Blades]

[Item Effect 1 Altercations - Can change size, color, weight and sharpness at the user's will]

[Item Effect 2 Full Scissor Form - In this form, the Scissor Blades can cut anything, even concepts or laws of the world]

[Item Effect 3 One-Handed Form L - Left half of the Scissor Blade. The crescent-shaped hilt can extend into a longer two handed sword, known as Decapitation Mode]

[Item Effect 4 One-Handed Form R - Right half of the Scissor Blade. It can reconfigure into a stronger form that adds a curved scythe blade to both ends]

[Item Effect 5 Anti-Mana - The entire material used to create the Scissor Blades is pure Anti-Mana making it effective against mages, and can kill anything that is Mana or cripple Mana users with just a small cut]

Sakura summoned the weapon he got out and immediately knew what it was. It was his blessing. A long due blessing from whatever it was.

He twirled the scissor in his hands, it used Mana to fuel it's effects. He then separated them to change their sizes, colors and weight, he even stabbed himself with lowered sharpness to see that it was as effective as trying to cut something with plastic baseball bats. Then he upped the sharpness and lightly tapped a desk...

Only for it to cut through the desk like it was water.

"Uwooo~ Sakura-sama, that weapon really cool!"

Sakura ignored that and tested the other effects, the left half extended as it was explained, the right half grew scythes from both end of the tip and hilt, making it look like some fancy chakram. And then, he joined them together again and tried to cut laws.


"S-Sakura-sama... I'm floating..."

Law of Gravity could be cut, and as long a he kept the Mana pumping or, as long as it was on his hand, the effects persist. He stopped pumping Mana and ignored Kunou drop down on the ground loudly.

[MP: 4740/5000]

"It uses... 10 MP per second? So, my total Mana allows me to use it for 500 seconds... about 8 minutes? Battles don't really last that long with it so I guess it's fine... but that's assuming I don't use other skills, Sonido is highly equal to how much I want to put in so it's not a problem unless I keep using it continuously to dodge, Tendo skills are... yeah. It's another thing I can't use because I lack resources..."

"Say, Creator-pops, should I start building Seraphim's Embrace now or should I just consume Cores for the Mana?"

[I say... it depends, Angel Cores are good for quick but small improvements but it's important resource for you, Seraphim's Embrace is a craft Item so it takes longer but the improvements are much better. So, do you want to immediately get stronger or are you willing to put effort to get stronger?]

"You say that as if I'm doing this to get stronger, I couldn't care less about strength, it's an important side quest for immortality, if I can get immortality by becoming as weak as a marshmallow I'd do it, Existia more than makes up for most of the stuff"

[Child. I don't want to listen to your philosophical ideologies]

"Okay then. I guess, I'm going to be first getting Seraphim's Embrace... what'd I need again... Ah, right Cores, Holy and Devil Essence, some dead people, corpse of Jesus Christ, and some dead angels"

Sakura checked what he had.

"Kunou, can you get list down all what I said and check what we have"


Sakura could've done it by himself but he felt bad for having an assistant who doesn't even get the chance to assist him so...

Hey, at least she's doing something, Kunou cutely ran back to him with her tails fluffing behind.

"We got the Angel Wings? Shit, how many Angels have I killed? Maybe I'm wanted or something"

"Angel Kira"

"No, Kunou, don't call me that"

He poked her forehead and finished reading the list he already knew about.

"So, I guess, I only really need to find Jesus's corpse, some Holy and Demonic swords, and kill 20,000 people, Creator-pops got the Saint Souls right?"


"Hmm, what do you think Kunou? Should we use the massacre as a distraction to steal some of these stuff or should we do it last so we don't attract that much attention?"

Sakura asked, training her strategic ability in mind.

"Umm, maybe... if you can uhh, mark out where the stuff is, then maybe you can do the distraction first... and then, so, you can go there fast?"

Sakura poked her forehead again.

"Wrong, in this case, you have to remember every single thing that your side can do and at what cost, we aren't sure about where the corpse is so we can't just mark it, my portal takes a lot out of me, and we can't cause a massacre nearby, neither can we cause one too far. That means, the best course of action is to do it last. Possibly at the same time, but we don't have that much manpower"

Kunou took in the information and nodded.

"With that said, I'll do this after I get my miracle child. The distraction from that should be quite enough, they'll put some of their resources into finding out where the miracle child went and it'll be easy to get the Holy Swords. Next, we'd have to infiltrate somewhere with a Demonic sword, and as far as I know, those exist only in the Underworld, some Grigori bases, and the Vatican church"

"Jesus Christ's corpse is... well, there's no Devil's Palm in this world, probably"

'I wonder if I can get a Stand from the corpse?'

Sakura decided to test that later on, if it worked, he'd be giving Kunou, the 3 clones he was planning to make and himself a Stand.


"Hm? Oh, sorry. I got distracted by some really delicious thoughts. Anyways, I don't know where Jesus Christ's corpse is... So I'd have to use my special command for that"


"So, Kunou. Can I trust you to give me... a Health Potion?"

Kunou frowned, as if Sakura just called her fox tails disgusting.

"Of course! Don't doubt me Sakura-sama! It pains me..."

'Man, gotta love Stockholm S sometimes... but she took that so wrong...'

"No... not that, I meant, can you use the potion making machine?"

Kunou stopped in place and scratched her head, she shyly shook her head with a sheepish smile.

Sakura disappointedly taught her how to use his state-of-the-art potion making machine. How does it work? Well, you get lots of medicinal herbs, you put them inside, add some crystallized Mana which he has loads of, they're not consumable because they're really just crystallized Mana and nothing more, mix well.

When it turn red, then you got a success, if it's rainbow, it's a gay potion so you keep it later for whatever reasons Sakura has. It's definitely not because he wants to throw it at Kiba... in the future. No. If it's black then what sort of herbs have you been putting in there?

If it's brown?

No shit, Sherlock.

"Do you understand Kunou?"


"Right, so, I'm going to use my command now"

<Fog of Vision, Jesus Christ's Corpse, duration 5 seconds, show the location all the way to the city and ending with a bird's view of the country>

"...Chicha boom"

A black fog appeared in front of Sakura, it showed a random hill, it was on the border of some city, and finally it showed something similar to Israel.

"Wow~! What was that?! ...Eh? S-Sakura-sama?!"

[HP: 1/1000]

Sakura looked like he didn't eat for a month, his body was thinner than a starving child's and his eyes were dark and sunken, his tongue looked as if it didn't taste water for many months and his bones, ribs and spines were sticking out disgustingly.

His hair, the pink luster was gone and it was replaced by a crumbled and flabby bald head with no shine.

He was shaking and his bone cracked, displayed in different ways, different turns that wasn't possible. What's worst was that Sakura was actually crying.

Kunou was expecting something but she didn't expect her kidnapper turned precious master to literally be half a body into the grave.


She charged the potion maker machine and made some potion, it was faster than she expected and she didn't bother placing them in a bottle. She brought the entire machine with her and scooped the red liquid by hand.

"D-Don't die Sakura-sama! Drink! Drink!"



"I hate that command"

Sakura said to no one in particular as he laid his head on Kunou's lap, tears in his eyes as he remembered that horrible feeling of actually feeling yourself get sapped out of life. In exchange for finding out about anything, anywhere, at any world. He has to give 99% of his HP regardless of how high it was.

1 HP was so bad.

"Curse those Gamers with body and mind, sleep and fuck around with shortcuts, how unfair, unfair, unfair, unfair, unfair"

"Sakura-sama... Ey~"

Kunou slammed 9 converged fluff tails and slammed it into Sakura's face.

It was an awkward silence.

"Don't do that ever again without my permission"


"Still, I'd have to go on a trip to Israel, a quick check on Maps would do the work, you did remember what the place looked like right?"

"I did... but I can't exactly remember where, it was very fast"

"Better than doing it all over again... Thanks for the lap pillow by the way, helpful peacock Kunou-chan"