
My Gamer Journal

Damian_Breen · Video Games
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Welcome to Grand Theft Auto

I was currently playing grand theft auto online. I was currently doing the bank heist with some friends of mine, well I say friends but it was just people I met on a GTA discord looking for heist mates. Had you going, thinking I had friends, didn't I? We had just finished the prep and were discussing cuts, that's when the cohesion of our little group fell to shit. I wanted 40% since I paid for everything. One guy named cumslayerXx69urMom was saying he carried and did most of the work and should get 30% it was getting so heated on the party chat that my heartburn was acting up, well more than usual. It started hurting way way too much. My vision was getting blurry. I reached for my phone when I missed it, knocking it to the floor. Desperately, I reached for it when I fell over. The pain in my chest only grew. Using my headset, "Someone ...C-call an ambulance" over the constant bitching over the cut and the last thing I heard was "yea I did fuck your mom a little hard" then my vision blacked out and could no longer hear. After but an instant and eternity, I see a being that I couldn't even begin to contemplate.

I mean, literally my very brain or spirit or whatever I was using, maybe my consciousness. The being was nigh indescribable so much, so the best I could say was that he was a he. Then he spoke.

R.O.B. point of view

He was a soul I snatched up from the cycle of rebirth because I was bored and lacking inspiration for better trolling A-ahem. I mean, my magnanimous self would give this pathetic being a second chance at living, be it at the expense of entertainment. I'll give this one two wishes to be limited, obviously. "Greetings mortal, I am R.O.B. and I will be giving you a second chance at life with 2 wishes, but be warned, they will be limited." Perfect, I didn't slip and call him victim. The last time I did that, the mortal killed himself out of paranoia.

MC point of view

Listening to the entity calling itself Rowb and offering the chance at a new beginning with wishes. I immediately asked, "Will I be sent to my world? That's gre. The kind Rowb interrupts me and says "unfortunately that's impossible. It's impossible to do so due to the soul maturity reaching this stage normally means.. scrapping and modifying the human soul, meaning your consciousness is forfeit. " almost brought a tear to my eye and most certainly made the Dao of bullshit weep in joy. "Therefore I can send you to a parrel world that way we can save your being. I'll send you to that game you were so keenly playing earlier. How bout it?"

MC point of view

Holy shit I was gunna be erased or some shit, fuck!! "Thank you for saving me almighty Rowb! That said, does it have to be that world it's kinda whack?" Seeing him nod, I can only frown until I remember my wishes, so I ask .Can my first wish be to have all my characters' money and stuff?" Rowb shaking his head, my frown deepens. "Can I be invincible?"

R.O.B.'s point of view

"First off, the world isn't that dangerous. What you're thinking of is other players, but you'll basically be playing online offline as you fo- A'ahem mortals call it. You can't ask for things like invincibility since that goes against the very concept of that world. Do try using your mind and ask for reasonable wishes. "

MC point of view

Mulling it over, i can see his point players are far more sociopathic than the npcs . "Can I have infinite ammo?" Rowb smiles and snaps his finger, saying,"Done. " Finally! "Can I have a 1.5 million?" That being the minimum to get started in it and getting a bunker in Paletto bay.

The being again snaps his finger saying "done! Now off you go, I expect you have a lot to do, and remember that I will be watching over you, " and all of a sudden. I lose all my senses and wake up in a car, it's an all black declasse sabre custom, looking into the rear view mirror and adjusting it to look at myself and see a man with raven black hair and gray almost silver eyes. Obviously, a handsome man. After setting the mirror to look out the back, I look around and find a note on the dash next to the ac vent saying /I could tell that you weren't comfortable with your looks so I set you up as you mortals say. Your most awesome and most perfect amortal being to grace the cosmos.

I couldn't but not to laugh this Rowb was a really nice guy, although a huge narcissist. As I settled myself looked around at my surroundings to get an idea of where I am and worrying about the car I'm currently in until I look at the back of the note and see xoxo this car and everything in it is yours. Breathing a sigh of relief , looking at the passenger seat and seeing a briefcase, and after promptly popping the latches, I see a heavy pistol with a red dot 5 mags a taser with 3 cartridges and a lot of money underneath it all and with that all that's left to do is deposit the money into maze bank. Turning the key in the ignition for only a second and the sabre roars to life and seeing the street signs saying Alta and Strawberry ave and knowing I'm in south Los Santos and I'm really in Grand Theft Auto I can't help but smile knowing life can only go up from here I say to no one in particular almost like a quiet prayer "Welcome Adam, welcome to Los Santos."