
My Fulfilling Life

Anomalies are deviations from the natural course...... Accidents can turn into a blessing...... Acts meant to keep the balance of the universe can shake it from its foundations..... Noah experienced all of these and became a character that many would come to fear.....because even his existence became the bane of all men and enemy of all who stand in his leisure life..... A wish-fulfillment story with some plot. A/N- Mc will go to multiple anime and LN worlds. First world- Against the Gods Second world- ??? Tags- Incest, Milf, ATG, WMW, Dual cultivation, Netori Join Discord:https://discord.gg/CeTQZd6rnf Join Patreon- Incest_lover

incest_lover · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Ch-38 Awakening

Noah had thought of plans and countermeasures he made for the water element evil god seed. He felt that many things in Yun Che's life were pre-planned.

From how convenient was the timing of many special events that happened in 15 years time period. The once in the 300-year event of the primordial profound ark (where he found Hong'er- daughter of the Evil God), the appearance of the Evil God legacy when his profound veins were crippled, the once in the 3000-year profound god convention and the bloodline of the True God that gave him Profound Handle.

Even with the luck attribute of the main character, the events and dates seemed tailor-made for him.

This is one of the reasons why wanted to stay low key otherwise, he would have left for other star realms after steeping in the 7 divine realms. Noah wanted to increase his cultivation before setting out.

Looking at the unmoving small bead that was excluding a dense aura of water elemental law. It was the same aura that helped the Tyrant Profound Realm beast advance.

Noah prompted the Origin Orb to look for any possible great quality fuel on the bead.

The reply was positive and Noah fell into deep thought after confirming some of his hypotheses. Noah did not want to take any chance, he thought of the safest method to handle the situation.

After all, the Evil God was a being at the Creation God Realm, the apex of the Primordial Era, despite being dead from exhaustion at the end of the war, Noah did not know any hidden scheme left behind a being at such level will do to him.

He gave a series of commands to the Origin Orb and fed it the necessary fuel to finish the task. Under the watchful eye of Noah, a deep black whirlpool engulfed the bead.

Without giving any chance for any countermeasure to activate, the Origin Orb closed the whirlpool and the Evil God seed was taken into a separate space. It was a small sealed space that was meant to isolate the remnant Will of the Creation God.

When the water elemental bead was taken into the sealed space, it buzzed into action. A powerful but frail Will seeped out from it.

"So you are my inheritor. I don't have much energy left, so I can only-.... Where have you taken me? Who dares to interfere with the plans of ********* ?" A loud voice roared out from the bead.

It started with something like a recorded answer, but after noticing the area around it, the voice started to threaten him.

Although Noah wanted to know about the plan or the scheme, he did not want the remnant Will alert his associates, if there were any.

The Origin Orb deployed its current full power. As Noah became a Divine level cultivator and his soul crossed the major bottleneck, the Origin Orb also lifted some shackles on itself. It used the power to refine the remnant Will.

"How dare you? You will pay for----" The voice struggled to speak as the Origin Orb put pressure on it.

The process was extremely fast, it was only a small fraction of remnant Will left with but of soul. Being left out for more than a million years (From Wiki), even the terrifying power of a Creation God Realm being was worn down.

{A/N- Million years, 100,000 miles, 10,000 years old- Xinxia/Wuxia rookie numbers.}

Noah knew there was not much power left in the remnant soul, but Noah wanted it for the essence of the God race (The Evil God was from the God Race).

Noah already had the essence of the Devil Race (from the Devil sword spirit) and many divine profound beasts (Azure Dragon, Phoenix, Golden Crow). He wanted to make improve his soul by merging all types of the essence. It was the meaning of his Origin path.

The voice died down with talking about revenge for foiling its plan, the Origin refined the essence from the remnant Soul.

Noah directly fused with it when the refinement was done, there was not much power from it, but its quality was very high. Much higher than any other soul essence, he merged with.

Noah looked as rainbow-colored (mix of all elements) soul essence began to nourish and merge with soul. Noah used his Origin cultivation art to help with the process. The rainbow-colored essence overpowered other essences merged with his soul.

The dark color from the devil race or the azure color from the divine dragon were being pushed back by it, but then the ethereal, colorless power of Origin Orb, that was deep inside the soul of the main body, suppressed the rainbow-colored essence and forced it to be in harmony with other soul essences.

[A/N: The Origin Orb is within the soul of the main body, while the other True body's soul is connected with the personal separate space. The space where only Noah had access to and the works as a way for the soul of True Body to use the Origin Orb.]

It took Noah some tens of minutes to completely merge with the soul essence. His cultivation level remained the same, but the size of his soul body increased a large margin. It was still smaller compared to the original body.

Noah put these thoughts at the back of his mind as he had been away for about an hour from the 2 beauties he sent away in the direction of a large ice cave.



Noah did not take long to arrive at the location of the cave. He saw that the 2 beauties were waiting for his arrival. Noah walked towards them and removed his mask.

"Lanyi, you can sit in the middle of the cave. I'll enlarge the cave and take Qin Hong there." I said with a light smile.

Mu Lanyi followed my directives like always. I smiled at her actions. Then I looked at the disciple, I felt her unique aura from the sect, when I arrived there.

There were many other legacies on this planet that simply vanished with time. So it was possible for some people to have something related to them.

'Qin Hong had a dormant physique related to ice attribute. The ice phoenix, ice Qilin and the blue dragon were 3 apex water elemental divine beasts. Her physique can be related to them as there are small chances for any lower-level divine beast to leave their bloodline on this remote planet.' Noah thought as he moved deeper inside the ice cave.

"Hong'er, there is no need to worry about anything. You just follow my direction, I will help you guide through the process." Noah said with a small laugh as he looked at the nervous looks of the girl.

Qin Hong'er flushed with embarrassment. She was in awe of the grand elder as she only heard amazing things he had done in the sect. After looking at his action at the Blue Wind ranking tournament, her reverence for him only increased.

Grand Elder told her that she had some power dormant in her body. She also felt like this at the start of her cultivation time. After 3 years, she already ignored them for a long time. It was only after the Grand Elder called her, she remembered that feeling.

Noah also looked at the girl, who was only slightly older them, only a few a month older. She had just turned 17 years old. She was more beautiful than the average beauty of the sect. Noah also looked at the pill he made for her, he had mixed some herbs with the essence of the tyrant beast.

"Hong'er, sit down and relax your mind. This is an important step in your life. This pill had great energy compared to your cultivation level, I will control it, but you also need to cooperate with me." Noah said as sat in front of the nervous girl.

"I believe in Grand Elder." Qin Hong said firmly.

Noah smiled wide at her reply, it made the nervous girl daze. She only gathered her thoughts when Noah coughed a bit.

"Take this pill and I trust your instincts. Your body will know better than you about what to do." Noah said as the girl took out the deep blue pill that was excluding dense ice aura.

Qin Hong swallowed the pill and Noah placed his one hand on her navel level, just outside her Dantian. He noticed the flow of energy inside her body and placed his other hand right above her heart. Thus, it was placed on her upper boob.

Looking at the flustered girl, Noah said in a firm tone. "Focus on the energy. Don't panic about my hand."

"You said that you believe in me, so don't worry." Noah added when he looked at her red face.

Qin Hong nodded her head and tried not to focus on the hand placed at the intimate places. She felt icy energy surging inside her and also noticed another energy controlling its berserk nature.

The icy energy gushing towards her heart and the grand elder controlling the energy. After the process went on for a long time, she felt something inside her heart being filled by the icy energy and some mysterious power seeping out her heart.

The mysterious went inside her Dantian and began to mix with her accumulated profound energy, which in turn filled her profound veins with new profound energy.

The cycle was continuous and she felt the energy of the pill being sucked out by her heart and the mysterious energy seemed to be wanting to change her whole body.

Noah was observing everything happening inside her body.

'Looks like the heart is key to awaken her physique. It first changed the attribute of her profound energy and profound veins and now it seemed that modifications of the body are coming.' Noah concluded the goal of the process of awakening.

After an hour almost all the energy inside the pill, was equal to the energy of a peak tyrant realm after Noah mixed all the herbs with the essence of the beast.

Noah did not think it will consume this much energy, so it brought out the water elemental bead and used the aura radiated by it to mutate the fuel from the Origin Orb to a suitable, ice attribute energy for Qin Hong.

Qin Hong felt a massive energy being send by the hand that was placed on her heart. She knew the Grand Elder was helping her, despite the pressing situation her mind was filled with the handsome face of grand elder, who was sitting just in front of her.

The difference in the quality of the energy, sent by Noah helped the process move at a faster pace. Qin Hong's body was transforming at an alarming rate.

Her hair changed to deep blue color, her skin became cold to touch. Noah observed as her body began to change, her curves were also changing. She was transforming from an above-average beauty to country toppling beauty.

Noah calmly observed as the whole awakening process was about to reach its final peak.

'Let me see, which divine beast are you.' Noah was eagerly waiting for the reveal.


Gimme Stones!

I will give you the chapters!

Bye Bye!

1896 words!!

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