

With a sharp pain all over my body ,a pain anybody in my shoes would wish for death instead, I opened my eye but everything were blurry,with more extreme pain on my head , couldn't even remember what happened . I closed and opened my eye again but this time my sight was getting visible and I could see myself on the ground in a pool of blood. My body was still very weak but I could still see a massive building right in front of my blood baptized body and just assumed I must have fallen off it. I couldn't take it anymore ,my heart begun beating slower,sight shook and couldn't even see anything anymore,felt like death and I didn't want to die yet. Finding myself in the presence of death offering me another chance.Well I accepted making a deal with death itself. Am pissed right now, I was deceived and still have a contract to fulfill.this is messed up and I can't even remember what happened in my past life . Join me in my journey to conquering death in this world I know nothing of and getting my old life back. >>IN THIS WORLD OF MYSTERY,MAGIC AND SO MANY THINGS, I WILL STRIVE AND GET WHAT I WANT NO MATTER WHAT. [ DISCLAIMER: RATED 18, LANGUAGE,SOME CHAPTERS MIGHT CONTAIN DARKER CONTENTS]

jhoe_hikay · Fantasy
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16 Chs


"We have to celebrate" I indicated.

"Celebrate!!?" Angel asked.

"Yes, All these talks and stress we had deserves some CELEBRATION!!! Don't you think? according to you, we made relatively enough earnings"

"yes but do we have to acclaim it," "is that supposed to be a question? We have to glorify this and right now."

"Oh okay but just the two of us?" she asked, "No!! Don't be silly, we want to be merry, we would invite someone or two"

"Hmmm, are you sure about this? and even if you want to go, who would you bring along to follow us along? "

"We can bring Michael" I insisted.

"do you mean Simon Michael? " she became very irritated, Michael was also an adventurer just like I and Angel, invalidity we were in the same club. A club in this sense consists of three or more adventurers. An adventurer can not function unaccompanied but as a trio or more, meaning it's compulsory to be in a club as an adventurer.

Angel doesn't like Michael, we'll because he claims he is in love with her from first sight and she can't stay to stand him admiring her like a freak, either with words or looks or surprises.

"Do you know any other Michael?" I replied sarcastically.

"But you know we don't get along!!"

"well this is a period of celebration and we should get some drinks and enjoy ourselves with friends."

"What if he is free and busy?" Angel hoped for that scenario to put me off track.

"We all know he isn't, we all agreed to retire at the same time and we do see him almost every day, he will gladly come along" I spoiled her plans.

"Well, I am not going if he does" she was still persistent.

"Some be a party pooper Angel!!..... hmm..... I have thought of something"

"Nothing will change my mind I assure you unless he isn't coming along" She continued to remain on those words.

"Okay I will invite Michael and in return, you can also invite anyone of your choice to as many as you want."

"That wouldn't work at...HOOO!!!"

"Anyone in mind?" I was so excited that she was going with that.

"Yes," she looked happy and gave me a stare.

"So how many are they?"

"oh just one, very special someone"

" Hmmmmm. Okay just cut to the chase and tell me"

"Okay it's your best friend Cynthia"

"My best friend!!? You must be joking, right?" Cynthia, also was in our club, and just like Michael and me, she was quite fund with Angel and they were good friends but just like Angel and Michael, she and I do not get along at all, she sees me as a peasant and someone below her just because she also has quite a very useful statement, she says she can't be on the same level as I am but she can be higher, she had a lot of egos but if I'm to rank us all she will come out second with me on top and Michael at dead last, seeming he has only gotten a spell.

"Well if you can't go with her, then let's either go alone or not at all," Angel suggested.

This was very hard because I wanted to enjoy and not be criticized in any form or way but I have to put that aside.

"Unfortunately for both of us, we have to take both Michael and Cynthia."

"No don't do this to me," Angel thought she would outsmart me what she doesn't know is, I have a lot of emotional durabilities and I will endure all through.

"We should get prepared if it gets too late the bar would close up" I let out.

"ahh!! Okay, a bar and not an eatery, it might be cool, I hope this goes out well" she said.

"Okay an eatery, let's go"


We had already gotten the crew ready and we were on our way to one of the town's best diners, we branched to both Michael's and Cynthia's houses on our way, and fortunately for us, they both accepted.


The name seems to be too long if I had a say.

"Anon, this is the first time we have been to an eatery like this" Angel spoke out.

"Oh!! My dear, you should have told me, I will travel far and near to being back here" Michael pronounced, Angel Was beyond irritated.

"I am pretty surprised myself, Angel, Anon are you sure your wallet would hold up to this HA-HA" Cynthia mocked.

"you should be glad I brought you along seeming you look like you have been starving for years" I sent mine in defense.

"looking at you I can also say the same but the difference between us is that you are striving and I rule"words at war.

"Baby girl let's just leave them and go and enjoy ourselves. " Michael started.

Flirtation and arguments went on for a while.

"STOP!!!!" Angel couldn't take it anymore.


"We came here to enjoy ourselves, isn't it? We are not in a club that requires competition and Michael...I AM NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!! so can we just drag ourselves in and stop the stupid chattering."

"DAMN!! momma, you heard her let's go" there will no head to Michael's flirtatious character, Angel gave him a stinky smell, and he couldn't even look her in the eyes.

We all agreed and entered There were people inside already but not many, we saw some empty spaces and filled in, it was a round table but I have to compliment this, this is just beautiful, the appearance is with admiring and talking about.

We all sat and waited patiently until a waiter came.

"Pardon me for the delay, here is the menu" We weren't there for long so we weren't angry, I grabbed the MENU to check what I wanted and passed it around to others.

We placed our order and waited for our food.

"Anon, what class of adventurer are you again?" Cynthia wouldn't even let me rest one bit, "A C-class Adventurer" I replied calmly.

"Oh sorry, I don't know or remember things relating to WEAKLINGS!!" She knew, just wanted me to say it

"Oh, so you don't remember your rank?!!"

"No I do remember mine, I Am a B-class adventurer."

"Oh yes, like you I also do remember your ranking just wanted you to say it with your mouth and see how stupid you sound because we are no more adventurers"

"WHAT!!" she didn't see that coming.

"Uhh!! Here we go again"



"Here are your orders Sirs, Mas" the waiter was back with all that we ordered, with some other waiters helping him out."

"Thank you very much, we appreciate it," Angel said.

"Okay, let's eat, enjoy yourselves!! "I started.

What was at our very sight, right in front of us was already making my mouth water for more, I haven't even started.

I dug in to start, I started with the chicken in front of me, I took the first bite, and looking up I noticed a waitress was staring at me, as we made eye contact she turned away, I didn't put up with it seriously

"Oh!! This is so good Anon!!" Michael pronounced.

"Y, yes I agree with you on that Michael" Angel added.

"This is one of the best dishes I have tasted, " I started," one of mine too" I looked and everyone was enjoying themselves and then again I spotted, the same lady staring at me, I ignored her again.

I continued with my other dishes and this time I turned swiftly to check if she was still staring and yes she was.

I don't know why but I had to find out, I studied up.

"Going somewhere Anon," Angel asked.

"I want to visit the Men's washroom I will be back" I replied.

"Okay, don't waste too much time or your food will go cold"

"yes, mum" I replied.

I went, now I said to mum, I just realized I don't have one or don't remember mine, Jeez I have forgotten that I have to form a team and do some other things to get back to my world. I will have to do that later bit now, a lady needs some questioning.

She saw me coming and started avoiding and avoiding but I was able to get to her on time.

"Am I too charming that you wouldn't let me eat my food without starting?" I didn't want to scare her by any chance.

"Ptff, don't joke around, I wasn't staring at you. "

"Hmmm... Playing hard, so who were you then staring at?"

"Her," she said.

"hey, Callista" I turned to see Angel.

"long time no see Miss Angelica" She replied.

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