
My Friends Call Me Bas

"Something is calling out for you. It is the greatness hidden in your blood, demanding you to display it!" Among the myriad worlds in the multiverse, there exists one that is not too dissimilar to our own, yet possessing depths none have hopes to fully explore. Follow Basileus, our young protagonist, impelled on all sides by the need to become great. With a heavy weight of glory resting on his shoulders, he knows he will surpass every expectation and create a name that will resound for all time! The first six years of this story will be fairly fast-paced, since the main plot of the story will begin once Basileus begins to attend university. The initial chapters will serve mainly to introduce the world and the fun dynamics to be had in the Sayre household. Entrance into University will occur at chapter ten. Updates will be two chapters a day five days a week. Expect chapter lengths from 1500 to 2500 words. My goal is to write at minimum 10,000 words a week. I am immensely dedicated to producing a story with professional level grammar and a non-cringe-inducing narrative, so have a little grace if I aim for quality over quantity of content produced. P.S. Borrowed the "Sayre" name from a Harry Potter fanfic that I read, though I can't remember the name of it. Someone point it out in the comments for me and I'll give them credit. Don't own the image.

Mithridates7 · Urban
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7 Chs

He’s NOT Helping!

Benaiah POV

The last couple months have been extremely difficult for Benaiah. This is not something that anyone would be able to know just from her behavior, however. In the period following her and Basileus's successful Awakenings, her training in the Architectural Arts began with full force. Whereas before her father had taken it easy on her, he now trained her with the same intensity he gave her brother.

Even her time spent at school changed overnight. Every public school in the United States were mandated to provide special time-allowances tailored to architects. During these times, she was taught the beginning steps to form and channel the strands of Life Energy that emanate from all matter. The first of these steps is to meditate for many hours in solitude, to grow familiar with the practice of sensing the energy within her. It would not be until she was intimately familiar with the energy that it would be useful to start training in practical applications.

Benaiah has therefore been engaged in the inhumane training her father prepares for her every morning, followed by long hours of meditation in school. Everything would be fine and dandy if it wasn't for the memories regarding her actions with her brother the day of their Awakening. Why did he have to ruin everything!? The memories of that blissful kiss and the divine scent of her brother's cock and glistening precum haunted her even while she slept! It still was hard for her to believe that she could have an intense orgasm just from the smell. How amazing would it be to taste it…

Her mental state was particularly amusing. As a result of her awakening, her body was much more sensitive to any stimulation. The formation of a self-replenishing core enhances everything about a person. Her physical fitness, stamina, mental processing speed, and all five of her senses were enhanced greatly. These were just the natural enhancements. She could feel that she had gained a type of sixth sense.

It was an out of body sensation that she could only describe as a weird combination of taste and smell. This is the distinguishing trait gained by all new architects with a core: the ability to perceive the aura in the energy of the world.

This sense was what was causing her many problems in her day-to-day life. Because it wasn't as though she was only perceiving a type of neutral energy in the air, but all she could sense was him! From the moment she woke up in the morning, her brother's aura commandingly filled the entire home, making her feel like his presence followed her everywhere she went. It had this heady air that caused her core to throb unceasingly. The energy coursing throughout her body, granting her such amazing abilities, was betraying her. Because it constantly screamed at her to fuck her brother! She was genuinely proud of him for being so obviously powerful this early into gaining his core, but she could not help but be resentful that it had such an unwelcome effect on her.

Nonetheless, she was an actress of acceptable quality, so no one was suspicious of any strange incidents since her awakening, but she was becoming frustrated at her seeming permanent state of arousal. Embarrassingly, it has not become uncommon for her to change panties six times a day from just how… soiled they would get. To say nothing about how it seemed like her free time has been subsumed by suspiciously long baths dedicated to… recovering from the toils of the day! To her irrational annoyance, aside from a marked increase in the number of glances Bas sent her way, he seemed completely unaffected in the manner she was.

How dare he sit there eating like nothing is wrong!? Why isn't he pushing me against the wall and thrusting his wet tongue in my mouth, caressing the sides of my breas—She growled as she stopped that train of thought. To her frustration, a light dollop of creamy wetness had just vacated her lower lips, indicating another pair of panties would need to be changed shortly. In her head as she was, she didn't realize that her cute growl of unsatisfied frustration was audible in the family dining room they were currently having a meal in.

All her family swiveled their heads curiously in her direction, making her still at the attention of her parents and siblings. "Are you okay, sweet pea? Did something happen?" Her mom asked this with a concerned intensity, knowing that growling at the dining room table was certainly not part of her daughter's usual behavior. Benaiah let out a small, choked sound of surprise at the sudden attention of her entire family, especially while she was fighting off such unwelcome thoughts.

She resisted the rising blush on her face as much as possible and wiped her face with a napkin placed nearby. Attempting to form an apologetic expression, she told them, "I'm okay, just feeling a little tired from all the training. I'm gonna go ahead and go to bed, alright?" Her mom gave her an understanding nod and stood up to embrace her daughter.

"That's fine baby girl! Always know that I'm so proud of the young woman you are becoming and the effort you are putting into your training! I love you more than you know, sweet pea!" Her mom ended this with one final squeeze and a loving kiss on her cheek before releasing her. "Have an amazing nights rest, okay?" Benaiah replied her affirmation and carefully avoided the gazes of anyone else, feeling uncomfortable in the presence of her family while a lingering wetness remained in her panties.

*scene break*

A strong scent wafted in the air of her room, though by this point she had grown nose-blind to it. She laid down on her damp bed sheets, huffing in both exhaustion and a frustration rendered unfulfilled despite the intense solo activity she had been engaged in for the last hour. Benaiah had never made a regular practice of performing activities that required her to lock her door, but ever since she formed her core, it was a daily activity.

She let out a frustrated keen of dissatisfaction as she felt no more relieved than when she was stuck suffering at the kitchen table. In fact, it felt like her… excitement was growing stronger! Her thoughts were interrupted by a hesitating knock at her door. Panic immediately spread throughout her body, as it would for anyone at risk of being caught in such a compromising position. "Wait! I'm not dressed, one second!"

She bolted up and pulled on a pair of shorts that clung to her sweaty skin uncomfortably. A shirt quickly followed, and she sped to her bathroom to splash her face with water, cooling the skin that still had a pink hue and beads of sweat that she washed away. I panicked for no reason; the door is locked…

Annoyed at her own irrational fear, she calmly walked to her door, turning the lock and pulling it open, not a sound being made showing the exceptional craftsmanship that went into their family home. The person on the other side of the door made goosebumps arise on her skin and a sinking feeling to pit itself in her stomach. Her brother stood there, appearing resolute in speaking to her.

Basileus looked at her with a serious expression on his face, and arms held firmly by his sides, appearing like he was forcefully making sure he wouldn't fidget during this necessary confrontation.

"Bennie, I know that we haven't been as close as we used to, which is completely okay. But I miss you, little sister. It sucks having to walk eggshells around you and, I know that it'd be better if we both just forgot about what happened on our birthday, and just go back to normal. I'm sorry for kissing you, Bennie. I just couldn't help myself in the heat of the moment, and I won't do it again."

She felt an odd mix of warmth and resentment at hearing her brother's obviously well-rehearsed speech, which he gave in nearly a single breath and apart from any stutters. He regrets kissing me!? This thought announced itself with imperious fury at the audacity this man had to look at their kiss with negativity. The logical part of her mind won over, however, and she felt a large portion of the unspoken tension between them dissipate, as she momentarily forced aside her problematic affection for him. "Yeah, we can forget about it! I've missed hanging out with you too. Sorry for all that…" She trailed off, not knowing how to finish that apology off. Sorry for enjoying kissing you so much that it haunts my every waking moment and makes up most of my dreams.

After the two stood there for a few seconds of slightly awkward silence, Bas scratched the back of his head and said, "Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow then. Goodnight." She offered up a genuine smile and wished him sweet dreams, before shutting her door softly. Her back made contact with the closed door, and she let out the moan she had been holding in while standing in his midst. "Oh my God, he smells so good…" she let out breathily, tossing away her clothes and returning to her former passionate activity. Sleep would remain out of reach for a couple hours yet.

Last chapter before a major time skip! Greater investigation and use of the System, along with combat, university shenanigans, and mature situations are right around the corner! Let me know your thoughts!

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