
My Friend and I Reincarnated Into a Tragedy Dating Game

So I've been playing this shitty dating game along with my friend. Why is it shitty? Well, none of the damn endings are happy! You're destined to get a sad ending no matter what choices you make. But for some reason, we couldn't stop ourselves from talking about it or searching for some other ending. Ah... but I guess it doesn't matter since both of us died saving some random people we never met. ...Wait, why did I reincarnate into the villain of the shitty dating game? And my friend reincarnated as the hero? Is this... a good thing? Fuck, Nathan why are you beating yourself up? We need to make a real plan here!

Disgrace · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Underestimating Love

Sophia looked at me with a smile, but a skeptical look.

"How can you be so sure when you were someone that personally killed, and watched countless die in front of you? That does not exactly sound empathetic, does it?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Sure it doesn't seem like it by the standard definition, but even now I can still feel cuts across my skin and especially my neck. I can almost taste the remnants of despair and fear."

I blinked a few times.

"In the first place, the strict definition of empathy doesn't necessarily mean a good person."

Sophia let out a chuckle while tilting her head to the side.

"Please explain it to me then."

I scratched the side of my head.

"Well, empathy is about being able to understand what other people are feeling. For some, like me, this goes as far as directly feeling pain when you know someone else is also suffering."

I let out a small sigh just thinking about it.