
My Friend’s Arrogant Brother

Maya Alva is beautiful and smart but despite her intelligence she fell in love with her friend's twin brother who loves hurting her feelings. From grade four to High School Adonis was her only crush even though he was arrogant. Adonis Gabriel Buenavista Monleon in short Adonis Monleon came from a rich clan, he is handsome and has a strong sex appeal, since childhood he has shown that he will never like her because she came from a poor family. But everything changed when Maya slapped him in the face with great force. One night the long-awaited dream of Maya happened, Adonis Monleon kissed her under the starry night at the terrace of the Monleon’s mansion. It was a magical kiss but Adonis crushed and broke her heart later that night by kissing another girl. That is why Maya hates him, and she promised herself to do everything she can to forget the only man she loves since childhood, but why can’t she forget about her first kiss? How can she resists him, the moment they met again on the summer after she graduated from High School? Can Maya stop her own heart from falling for Adonis over and over again? And stick to her promise to totally forget Adonis? Can Adonis win over the heart of Maya after he left her with a broken heart and soul? _____________________________________________ My Friend’s Artogant Brother Book 2: Falling For My Best Friend’s Brother Lisa Montesclaro is always in the shadow of her beautiful friend, Maya, and to watch her best friend got hurt by her first and only love, Adonis, she promised herself never to get involved with someone like him. Still, she became one when she found herself falling for Maya’s elder brother Benedict. Because Lisa has had no boyfriend since birth, she wants to experience her first kiss with Maya’s brother, and she made a decision to confess to Ben one night on the terrace of the Hernandez mansion. Still, she became frustrated when he turned her down when she confessed her feelings towards him. And Lisa made a vow never to make herself look like a fool again in front of Ben. Benedict Hernandez is hot and handsome and one of the most eligible men in San Antonio, where the wealthiest family in the entire country live. When her sister's best friend confessed her feelings towards him, he hated himself for turning her down, since he knew Lisa is a sweet young woman, but because the first love has broken his heart, he made a vow never to fall in love again. Benedict tried his best to stay away from Lisa as possible, but how can he resists Lisa’s charm when he always sees her around in their estate wearing sexy dresses and a beautiful smile on her face? Then because of a prize they won together during a wedding they both attended, their attraction towards each other will be tested. Can Lisa stop herself from falling for him more the moment they spend one week vacation on the La Trinidad Island? Can Benedict finally let go of his past and give himself a chance to fall in love again? Please join Lisa and Benedict as they journey together in finding true love. Thank you to all readers! Please support my other books entitled: Princess Malia’s Secret Falling In Love With Miracle Loving Madeline The Powerful Dragon Witch (WSA Entry 2021) The CEO’s Perfect Mistake (WSA Entry 2021) The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster You Can’t Buy My Love The CEO's Cold Hearted Ex When Sky Fall's In Love

sirenbeauty · Teen
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300 Chs

Memories From Last Year-Part 2

Maya's POV

I got very nervous as we went down the stairs of the Monleons' mansion. I can't stop the rapid beating of my heart, and I am so careful with my every step because I am not used to wearing high heels.

I felt relieved when my sister held my hand, and she squeezed my palm. The party was about to start, and I got so small looking at all the guests of the Monleons. They were all from the elite families of our place, and some came from the city. One of the usherettes brought us to our designated table.

"Maya, please calm down. We are attending a party, and we are not watching horror movies, so you need to relax," Mary whispered in my ear.

"Follow my instructions, breathe in and hold, then breathe out slowly. Remember this method every time you feel scared and nervous, and you can contain yourself." She said.

I felt guilty because my little sister was the one telling me what to do; instead, it was my responsibility to look after her. Well, she wanted to mingle with rich people, so she regularly practiced in the mirror how to blend in with wealthy individuals. At the same time, I, on the other hand, am so busy working different part-time jobs I can find on the farms within San Antonio.

Don Miguel is seated in front of the stage. The program started with an opening prayer. Then Master Miguel Antonio Monleon, the twins' father, gives his word to his father.

Madam Kriselda delivers her sweet message to her father-in-law. When it was time for Adonis to speak, I couldn't stop myself from fidgeting, and I felt so nervous for him. What is wrong with me? I am not his mother, and I am not his girlfriend.

And why on earth do I feel this way?

Even though he always sounds sarcastic whenever he talks to me, hearing him speak highly about his grandfather touched my heart. I wonder why, among all the people of the entire San Antonio, why he hated me so much. He is always charming with the other farmhand children. Maybe he finds me annoying, and he doesn't like me. Ariana cried during her speech, and I cried with my best friend. She has always been sweet, so I like her very much.

Some guests greeted Don Miguel with a long speech, and some just two words, and then dinner was served. The background music was mellow, and I could tell it was intended for the birthday celebrant, but I loved it.

The food was superb, and I enjoyed my meal, especially the dessert. I could say we seldom eat these kinds of menu, of course, every time I stay with Ariana, I can eat the mouthwatering food prepared by their chef.

I felt conscious when I found Adonis stealing glances at me, and I caught him five times already. I can't stop my stupid heart from feeling thrilled if I know he only gives me intense stares to scare me later on.

I feel so sexy and beautiful; the gown Ariana bought for me is so beautiful, and it fits me perfectly, while my hair makes me feel elegant having a crown braid while the rest of my hair hangs loose on the side.

As the party continued, guests started dancing on the dance floor while sweet music I in the background. I felt happy watching couples dance to the beat while being interlocked with each other's arms.

I wonder where my sister went since she left me at our table. Several guys approached me to dance, but I felt so conscious because I was too shy to dance with any of them.

After all, they belong to the aristocratic family, and I'm uncomfortable dancing the Waltz. And I can see the stern look on Adonis's face every time someone goes near me. I wonder what his problem is this time.

In the middle of the party, Adonis suddenly moved towards me, and I stood up quickly to avoid him, but he caught my wrist, and as much as I wanted to stay away from him, I couldn't make a scene.

"Maya, please listen to me; I know I have been an idiot whenever we are near each other. I want you to know I regretted everything I did to you, and I want us to be friends." He said, and his words caught me off guard. I didn't expect Young Master Adonis to apologize to me.

I remain speechless for a long time because I fear believing him; I can't blame myself for doubting him. He never treated me nicely, not even once.

I only caught him a hundred times watching me as if he felt sorry, but he never talked to me like this. The moment Adonis touched my hand, I felt my body was on fire.

For how many years, I yearned to be touched by him, and now that it is happening, I almost scream. I can feel the electricity brought by his touch travel my entire body from my fingertips to my toes. How can I resist his charm? And he looks so handsome in his tuxedo.

"Will you dance with me, Maya?" He whispers in my ear, that made my entire body have goosebumps.

"Me? You wish to dance with me?" I asked in disbelief.

"I only whispered in your ear, so I guess I was begging you, and no other person is sitting beside you or me; yes, I am asking you, Maya Alva, can I have this dance with you? Please, I am imploring you." He spoke, and I could feel he was hiding his irritation with me.

"Why do you prefer to dance with me, Young Master Adonis? You hate me for no apparent reason; why do you want to waltz with me?" I said, and I am proud of myself. Even though my heart is screaming to dance with him, my mind takes control.

"Because I wish to be near you, Maya; I want to touch and kiss you!" He said, and his voice sounded so deep and sexy, and my world stood still when I heard the word kiss.

"Do you have a fever, Adonis?" I asked, and I felt I was making him angry for playing hard to get.

"I know you are hesitant to trust me that my intentions are pure, Maya, and I can't blame you because all these years I insulted you and made your life miserable, but I am telling you, Maya, I am serious, and I need to dance with you because I choose to feel your arms around my neck while we are dancing with each other." He mumbled.

I wanted to believe him, but he had hurt me so many times, and I was afraid this time it was part of his evil plans.

"Okay, I can understand if you don't choose to dance with me. I'm sorry for disturbing you, Maya." He stood up and turned around from me, and I felt guilty.

"Adonis, wait," I called his name in a whisper. And I thought he didn't hear me, and I was relieved when he stopped in his tracks.

"Why, Maya, do you change your mind?" He asked, and I could tell he looked excited and happy.

I just nodded because of the fear that no words would come out of my mouth because of my nervousness. I know how to dance the Waltz, but I felt timid in front of this crowd. Adonis offered his hands to me, and before I could change my mind, I took his warm hands, and I could feel another tingling sensation traveling to my entire body.

We walk together to the dance floor, holding hands, and I overhear someone mention my name.

"Wow! It seems Maya only wants to dance with Adonis, brother." I heard James tell Adrian they were among the guys who wanted to dance with me.

Their parents owned cacao and banana plantations. All the people in our place also called them the rich boys. I ignored their comments because I felt so elated.

Adonis put his arms around my waist, and I tried to stop myself from shaking. And I felt like my body had turned into stone. I placed my hands around his neck, and we started dancing.

"Maya, I will not bite you, so relax and follow my lead. I heard you are one of the most talented dancers in your school." He said.

"Who told you about that?" I asked.

"Beatrice, I know you are the future class Valedictorian of your batch because you are consistently the top one. Congratulations, Maya, I'm so proud of you." I never felt so happy in my entire life; that word that came from his mouth seemed so sweet.

He just congratulated me, and I felt like he was saying I love you to me. I always fantasize about Adonis, but never in my wildest dream can I have this moment with him.

"Thank you," I replied, and many times, I got jealous of Beatrice because Adonis always talked with her, and they got along.

The father of Bea is likewise one farmhand, and like me, she also works on the farm of the Monleons.

I can't deny Adonis is an excellent dancer. He guided me, and I enjoyed dancing with him, and the moment he brought me closer to him, I thought I would faint.

I can feel his body pressed against mine, and I look up at his handsome face while his intense stares penetrate my soul. He never left his gaze on me, and I didn't want to stop staring at him. I wish the night would never end.