
Chapter 4

When my father had already informed me of the basic things like that they were preparing my sleeping quarters and that the school had a good reputation, we stood in silence.

I had never really conversed much with my father for he was not a person that liked casual talk. 

And neither was I.

So we stood there and I observed him as he very painfully tried to search for some sort of last words to tell me . And in the end he chose to say what I knew he would say all along.

" It's different here Jerald. The people you'll meet and the way they do things... it's all very different. " I nodded once but said nothing in response.

" Be careful who you choose to share your company with, and be weary of following the wrong customs. "

That was his very fatherly way of telling me to not fall into the wrong crowd and to not engage in drinking or drugs or any sort of activity that would stain my perfect image as the prince.

" I understand father. I promise not to disappoint you." I said the words but there was some kind of dread building up deep inside me. That feeling you get when you're lying to someone and you hope that they cannot see past your lies.

But I wasn't lying, was I?

" Did you bring your prayer mat along with you? "

" Of course. "

" Good. Use it, and pay keen attention to your studies, that is after all the main reason why you're here. "

I assured him that I would prioritize my education and he said something about me always following the rules, a subject he did not dwell on much because he knew me well.

I was his son and I always followed the rules. I always did what was required of me.

" And Jerald, ...." he added as he pressed a firm hand to my shoulder. I stared at the hand, wondering whether it was a secret sign of affection . And if so then I wondered why I could not feel the effects of the said affection.

See, my father was also not an affectionate male. I had literally never heard him murmur any sort of affectionate words to either of his three wives or his eleven children.

He made appearances when necessary and that was the end of it. I suppose he believed that pampering us with love would in the end turn us into weaklings.

I thought the entire thing was wayward as I stared up into his grey eyes and waited for him to speak.

" If you by any chance falter and do what you know is wrong, the punishment shall be severe, is that well understood? " I swallowed, looked him right in the eyes and said yes. That I very clearly understood, because I did.

When my father chose to punish you, you could be assured that you will never forget it. I think I am the only one of all my siblings who has never done anything to require punishment. But all the rest have. For instance, my half-sister Aliyah who was birthed by my father's second wife once got caught sneaking out at night to attend a party somewhere.

There had been no scarf on her head when this occured and her clothes were not entirely descent, so my father had her locked up in a cell for two days where all they fed her was water and dried bread.

I'm personally not a fan of Aliyah. She is a year younger than I and she always seems to think of herself as superior to us all. I don't know whether it's because she's received praises for her beauty or because she's just naturally a bitter and proud person, but in that moment while she cried inside that cell, I felt pity for her for once.

And that is just one of the many punishments my father can give.

As for actual serious crimes such as murder, the penalty is always the same. 


He straightened his clothes and regained his composure, then he said his goodbyes.

There was no hug, just the words," I shall take my leave now. Take good care of yourself and be safe. " and coming from my father, those meant quite a lot.

The two escorts who had come with us had gone off to take my things to my mentioned sleeping quarters. And so as my father waited for them to return, he gazed around at the school. Avoiding eye contact with me because that would just be awkward.

But then just as the escorts returned, he turned towards me again. And for the first time, I saw the tiniest flicker of emotion cross his face. It disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared, but I saw it. I then watched as he brought up his wrist and took of his watch.

" Consider this a parting gift. A constant reminder of who you are and where you came from. "

I took the lovely hand threaded watch from him and held it with care. It was precious. It was the first thing I had gotten from him that was actually accompanied by any sort of sentiment.

" Build a future for yourself Jerald, hone yourself into the ruler that Rabdah deserves. And always remember.... family, home , culture and religion. Those four things ought to flow in your veins just as easily as your blood does. "

" Certainly father. Thank you,.." I gestured to the watch which was held in the same hand as the handbook and he nodded.The escorts finally arrived and they too took a second to say goodbye.

" Stay well young master...study hard....take good care of yourself..." they said such things. And as they did, I felt something shift inside me. I felt the hairs at the back of my neck rise in some kind of core related awarenesses.

My spine stiffened and the air around us seemed to change, it grew heavy. I shifted my focus from the escorts and looked around.....then I saw him again.

He was passing by us, and as he did, he kept his focus specifically on me. I kept a firm grip on my violin case in my right hand and the watch and handbook in my left as I watched him pass by.

In that moment, I forgot where I was and who I was with, I forgot who I was and who I was expected to be. He got to a corner, and before he turned and disappeared from sight, he stopped, turned in my direction completely and slightly waved. A small smile on his perfect features. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't return the gesture so I simply watched him as he turned and walked around the corner and out of sight.

By then, the escorts were done with their goodbyes . I turned to my father and found him staring at me. I suddenly felt guilty, and I don't even know why. He gave me a look that reminded me of the conversation we had just had, then he gestured for the escorts to give me something.

It was a small case, and inside was quite a sum of already converted money, I looked up at him questioningly and he explained that it was for my upkeep while I was there.

" Call home if you require more.' " he said. And with that, he left. Followed closely by the escorts. I watched them as they boarded the vehicle and left.

Then I stood there and wondered what to do next.