
Demon Anniversary (Not Done)


I glance up from my book of monsters and spot my mother, leaning against my doorframe. She's all dressed up in a silky red and black dress, her horns decorated with black beads.

"Hm?" I ask.

"Your father and I are about to leave for our anniversary. Are you sure you'll be alright for the month?"

I nod. Of course I will, what is this woman talking about?

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

She nods and leaves the room without another word. I flinch. Love you too, mom.

Later that night, about 3 hours after my parents left, a huge bang outside shakes my house. In fact, it makes me drop my book with a gasp. What the hell was that?? I walk outside and instantly spot what it was. In my backyard, a large, glowing, white bubble looking thing is half submerged in the ground. Oooooh my parents are gonna kill me!!

Hesitantly, I walk over to the bubble and tap it. It's soft...but not fuzzy. Half of it slides under the other half, like a door. What's inside is what shocks me most. It's a girl. She has long, thick and wavy silver hair, that reaches down to at least her waist, and her skin is pale. Shes dressed in a lacy white top and a poofy white skirt that hides her feet. They have gold designs on them. Gold, like the glint of her huge, fluffy white wings. That's gotta have at least a twelve foot wingspan both ways. And when she opens her eyes, it's like I see galaxies in them. Pure gold.

Oh God. Who is this? Shes definitely not a demon, why is she in hell?! What did she do to get here? Who sent her?

"Hello." She says. I blink, trying to regain at least one braincell that will help me say hello.

"H-hi." I whisper. She sits up and steps out of the pod. Her skirt instantly turns into White jeans. She frowns.

"I dont even get my skirt down here?" She glances up at the sky and shouts, "REALLY?"

She flaps her wings in annoyance and glances at me once again. "Who are you?" She asks.

"Drake." I say, still puzzled. She holds out a hand for me to shake.

"Well, Drake, my name is Serenity. Pleasure to meet you."

I scoff.

"Youre in hell, Serenity. Why?"

She makes a face, like shes tasted something sour.

"I'm an angel. I was sent here."

"Bullshit." I scoff. She raises an eyebrow and spreads her incredible wings.

"Do these look fake to you?"

I sigh in defeat.

"Well if you're to live in hell, you won't blend in with THOSE clothes. Cmon, I'll get you some of my moms."

We walk inside and I have Serenity wait in the livingroom as I dig through my mom's closet. I find a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and a lacy black long sleeve with thumb holes. The entire top of the shirt is lace except from her chest. Below her chest is also lace. Well.....I can't say it'll look bad on her.

I leave the room and toss the clothes to her.

"Thank you." She smiles and walks into the bathroom.

When she comes out, the clothes fit perfectly, smoothing into her skin. I shudder. She looks good...But her hair doesn't match.

"Serenity...not a lot of us have long hair like that."

She sighs and puts it in a ponytail, some short hair falling in her right eyes, and reaching down to her chin.


I shrug.

"It works for now, we'll have to get it cut tomorrow."

She gasps.


I raise an eyebrow at her and she sighs. "Fine. Where am I sleeping tonight?"

I bite my lip.

"You can take my bed, I'll sleep on the floor."

She walks into my room and plops on my bed, laughing. I can't understand why she was sent here...she's so perfect. She does have a slight attitude though...

"Goodnight." I mutter, turning off the light. Her eyes shine in the dark, the light fading when she blinks, and returning when she opens her eyes again.

"Goodnight!" She says, closing her eyes.

How am I going to explain to my parents...that I brought a Fallen Angel into my house?

"Good morning!" Serenity smiles when i stumble into the livingroom.


I fall onto the couch and sigh. "Watcha doin in there?"


I blink at the ceiling. Cooking?