
chapter - 3


Chapter - 3: New Mutants


The next day began with the sun breaking into my room and abruptly pulling me out of my dreams. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking out of sleep and yawning, realizing that I had been awake most of the night, experiencing some of my newfound abilities. I wasn't sure how long I'd been out, but this had been the most restful sleep I'd had in a long time.

As I stretched, I was ready to get out of bed. A stack of books on my nightstand decided to fall and hit the floor with a deafening clatter, jolting me as the sound echoed around the room.

Some confusion followed....

Now, I found myself surrounded by books scattered everywhere. I let out a sigh and got to work, picking them up one by one. The sun was shining brightly outside, but I had my hands full with this mini disaster. It seemed like the universe was already hinting that this day would be longer and more eventful than I'd hoped for.

After cleaning up the mess I had caused, I walked out of my room and descended the stairs, where a delightful aroma of food enveloped my senses. My stomach growled in response; I had only consumed a few protein substances since last night, striving to help my body fully adapt.

Entering the kitchen, my eyes were greeted by a woman who exuded a mature charm, completely absorbed in her cooking, seemingly heedless of her surroundings.

Her skin was pale white, which contrasted beautifully with her long, flowing red hair that flowed down to her waist. She had an athletic but undeniably seductive figure, and her hips swayed with an inviting charm.

I couldn't help but sigh, mesmerized by the sight before me, my teenage hormones doing little to help. She was a sight that could easily attract the attention of any man, no wonder my father had decided to marry her, she truly was a succubus.

[Picture ---> Nina Da Costa]

At that moment, my mother turned to me as if she had heard my sigh, and her golden eyes shone with that familiar love. She asked, "Miguel da Costa! Are you getting up? You've been staying up later and later lately. I know you are working on something important to you, but you really should take better care of yourself."

I replied, "Yes, sorry, Mom. I got distracted with my experiments," not wanting to hear another lecture on the importance of getting ten hours of sleep a night. I was tired of these easily avoidable conversations.

My mother smiled and nodded, "Of course, you are a hard worker after all." Suddenly, her eyes crossed as if she noticed something unusual. I couldn't help but feel nervous as she approached me and touched my face with a somewhat doubtful expression.

"Do you look different? Do you look more mature?" My mother asked, her voice full of doubt at the sight in front of her. "Well, you're still growing, but it shouldn't be that noticeable, right?"

A drop of sweat formed on my forehead as I replied in a calm tone, "It's just a simple growth spurt, Mom. It's pretty natural for boys my age, thanks to our hormones."

"Oh, really?" My mother nodded as if she easily understood what I was talking about, wearing a mischievous smile. "Now you bear a striking resemblance to your grandfather when he was younger, but you are so much better looking. I wouldn't be surprised if all the little bitches at your school want a piece of you."

I couldn't help but let out a groan of frustration as I said in my usual monotone voice, "Please don't mention certain explicit topics so casually in front of your son, Mother..."

But my mother seemed to have no intention of stopping, and she continued to tease me while maintaining her joking tone. "You know, Miguel, life is meant to be enjoyed! You're young, and you should be out having fun with lots of different girls, making good memories for the future. I don't think there's one in this magical castle that can't make your heart flutter."

My eyes widened and I replied, "Mom, don't start that conversation again. You and Dad have been together since high school, and I'm pretty sure you weren't dating 'so many different guys' back then."

She laughed heartily at my answer, her eyes sparkling with playful amusement. "True, but in my day everyone wanted a piece of that big ass," she gestured to herself, "though in the end your father won me over in a way I'll never forget."

I couldn't hide the somewhat displeased expression on my face in response to her words, which I honestly didn't want to hear if I wanted to keep my sanity. "Alright, alright, let's not discuss my love life or yours while I'm starving."

Seeing my exasperated expression, she finally decided to get it over with and said, "All right, I'll stop. Now why don't you go get your dad and brother who are working in the garage so we can finally have a normal family breakfast, okay?"

I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled back, "Sure, no problem. They'll probably be tinkering with some old bikes again." But before I could finish, I felt a familiar presence on my lap as I saw a familiar white cat begging for the attention it deserved.

"Will you come with me, Athena?" I asked her, and she jumped on my shoulder without hesitation, rubbing my face with obvious excitement, as if to absorb my scent and warmth.

[Picture ----> Athena]

"Then I'll be counting on you two for this mission," My mother giggled, thoroughly entertained by the adorable sight before her.

"Sure," I replied, making my way to the front door. I opened it and made my way to the garage, mainly because I needed it to take care of the plans for my personal alchemy.

I blinked a few times and couldn't help but be surprised. I was standing in front of our garage. "Does this place really never change?" I thought, my eyes filling with nostalgia as I surveyed the familiar sight of tools and boxes filled with car and motorcycle parts of all shapes and sizes.

What struck me even more was the sight of a car that took up most of the garage - a salvaged BMW M3 that my father and I had painstakingly restored together.

This car had a unique storyline. At the time, I was in the process of falling hopelessly in love with all things mechanical. One day my father was having a drink with my uncle when he spotted this BMW M3 from a distance. It was about to be sent to the junkyard for dismantling.

Without wasting a moment, he bought it and brought it home. I remember how excited I was when I first saw it. I ran over and hugged him and asked if we could start working on it right away.

Those memories held a special place in my heart, cherished for their warmth and beauty. Despite the undeniable truth of my being an outsider in this world, I remained deeply thankful for the extraordinary parents I had the privilege to call my own.

As I reminisced, my gaze fell upon my father and brother, engrossed in their shared passion for tinkering with the engine of a vintage Harley-Davidson motorcycle. My brother, crouched down beside the machine, dedicated every ounce of his attention to the task at hand.

My father stood tall, a towering figure amidst the crowd, boasting a physique that would rival even the most seasoned athletes. His complexion bore the rich hue of sun-kissed earth, complemented by a mane of short, ebony locks. Yet, it was his hazel eyes that truly captivated, exuding a magnetic charm that was uniquely his own.

[Picture ----> Emanuel Da Costa]

I was really glad that they finally found some time to work on the custom bike together because my brother really wanted to build one with his own hands to show off to his friends.

It's not that we couldn't afford an expensive bike or anything like that, far from it. Our family had many faults, but an economic problem was the least of our problems.

My brother was very different from me. Where I tried to be refined and calm and analytical in every situation, trying to use it to my advantage, he was a hothead who would jump on problems and try to solve them by force, like a typical arrogant teenager who thought he could do anything in this world.

He had a tall, athletic build, sculpted by years of soccer training and the use of his superhuman skills. His complexion was tanned like mine, a testament to our Brazilian heritage.

Roberto's features are handsome and chiseled, with a strong jaw, expressive eyes, and often a confident smile or look of determination. And his hair is short and dark, adding to his youthful, charismatic appearance.

Yes, my brother was Roberto da Costa, also known as Sunspot in the Marvel Universe. He had to admit that when I first found out about him, I was naturally surprised by this important information, but eventually, with time

[Picture ----> Roberto Da Costa/Sunspot]

Most importantly, my brother's mutant powers finally awakened during a soccer game. Luckily, I had learned enough to handle the situation and make sure everything worked out for the best.

Immediately after that event, as I expected, I also had the pleasure of meeting Professor X, who had come to recruit my brother into his peaceful "school" of mutants so that he could control his powers and make friends who would understand him.

Fortunately, nothing more happened, no sudden arrival of some other mutants who wanted to recruit Roberto to their group to kill all the other humans, otherwise they would have risked being attacked by the eldritch creatures I had summoned.

It was also really funny to see Professor X trying to interact with me, realizing that he could not read even my most superficial thoughts, and discovering that I was already attending a school of magic. His reaction was hilarious.

However, back to the present at least for the moment. I decided not to interrupt them right away, so I motioned Athena to remain silent. She responded by sitting comfortably on my shoulder.

As I surveyed the garage, I checked to see if all the necessary materials were in place for me to proceed with the plan I had in mind. Since my second year at Hogwarts, I'd had the idea of creating my own version of Alchemy.

After much thought and numerous ideas for Elemental Alchemy, I had decided to become a Lightning Alchemist, one who could control electromagnetism. It was a path that could ultimately give me complete mastery over a fundamental force in the universe.

To provide a clearer explanation, initially, I entertained the notion of employing two copper coins affixed to bracelets as electrodes. I was aware that this setup had the potential to induce a charge separation upon immersion in an electrolyte, thus resulting in the generation of a modest electric current.

In this configuration, one coin would act as the anode, undergoing oxidation and releasing electrons, while the other coin would act as the cathode, undergoing reduction and accepting those electrons. The flow of electrons through an external circuit could produce a modest electric current.

The advantage of using two copper coins was that they were made of the same metal and had similar electrochemical properties, potentially resulting in a slightly higher voltage.

However, I had to keep in mind that the electric current generated by this configuration would still be quite low and not particularly useful. But that wasn't my primary concern.

This form of alchemy would only give me limited control over electricity, which wasn't what I was looking for. So I decided to go back and reconfigure the puzzle in my mind, searching for the answer I really wanted.

Then I realized that all I had to do was change the materials for my alchemy, adding nickel to copper so that they could unleash their innate potential.

When two dissimilar metals come into contact in the presence of an electrolyte, a substance that facilitates the movement of ions, they can generate a voltage and produce a small electric current.

In a galvanic cell, one of the metals, the anode, undergoes oxidation, releasing electrons, while the other, the cathode, undergoes reduction, accepting these electrons. The flow of electrons through an external circuit produces an electric current.

Copper and nickel were ideal candidates for the anode and cathode in this setup. Essentially, I wanted to separate the "atmosphere and the ground" charges along any path I desired, and unleash their potential to bridge the gap and create arcs.

This endeavor would also have ramifications in the fields of magnetism and optics. If I could decipher these relationships with the necessary precision and use two alchemical circles, each with the appropriate symbols.

One with the transmutation symbol "Heaven" and the other with the transmutation symbol "Earth"-I believed I could achieve the level of control I desired. These were theories for now, but I had some confidence in my ability to make them a reality.

After clarifying my thoughts about my alchemy, I decided to call them. I approached and found them hard at work. "Well, you two seem to have been busy while I was doing my thing," I remarked, finally getting their attention.

They both seemed a bit surprised to see me there. After all, I had been pretty busy lately and unfortunately had not been able to spend much time with my family.

"Did you come to pick us up for breakfast?" my father asked with a slight smile on his lips. I just nodded.

My eyes rested on the motorcycle they were diligently working on, radiating curiosity. "How's it going?" I asked.

My father shrugged, a smile on his face as he took off his now gas-stained gloves. "Well, pretty good. Besides, I need to find something to keep me busy while you guys are busy with your supernatural schools."

A sigh rose as my brother began to speak in a none-too-happy tone, "We could have finished sooner if someone was less busy and could pay a little more attention to your son."

My father did not seem offended, in fact he was amused. "Sorry, I thought you had become as independent as your brother since you went to that mutant school. If you want, we can spend the whole day together," he said in a clearly mocking tone.

"As if!" he grunted, looking at me intensely. "Besides, you promised me that you would visit my school to meet my friends, but in the end you disappeared as usual...."

Had I made such a promise? Perhaps, but unfortunately, being busy with the last preparations of my potion, I ignored everything else to carry it out, since it was really a very important step for me.

"I'm sorry, I had important things to do," I said in an obviously apologetic tone, but he did not seem very convinced by my words. "During the school vacations, I will visit your school, so we can spend some time together as brothers."

"You'd better," he said in a tone that indicated he wanted to embarrass me. "Otherwise, I will come to that magic school with my friends and embarrass you in front of your whole school."

"That won't be necessary. I want to meet your friends, too, after you've told me so well about them and how close you are as one big family," I replied. It was a threat that didn't particularly affect me, but I still had a certain reputation to maintain.

"Don't bother your brother, Roberto. You know he is different from you, his school is much more restrictive in some rules," he scolded him. And I had nothing to say because he was absolutely right. 

"How about your brother helping us put the bike back together in the next few days, like in the old days?" He suggested with a touch of wistfulness. My brother didn't answer, but he didn't seem to mind too much.

He stood up, and I helped him, a gesture that spoke volumes about our bond. "Of course. You didn't even have to ask," I said with a smile on my lips, receiving a pat on the back as we all entered the house.


A/N: Long chapter I hope you enjoy it!

This chapter depicts some rare family interactions, which I believe are not commonly portrayed in Harry Potter stories, at least from my observations.

However, the most crucial aspect lies in personal alchemy, presenting significant potential aligned with his ultimate goal, which won't be easy to achieve.

While there's a wealth of information, I've attempted to present it in a scientific manner to provide an overview and enable Mc to embark on his endeavors without needing explicit demonstration.

Furthermore, I've endeavored to introduce the Marvel side seamlessly, ensuring coherence and addressing any potential plot holes.

Choosing the New Mutants seemed like the natural fit, especially considering the exploration of magical elements across different dimensions. Characters like Magik and Belasco, as well as Asgard with figures like Amora (Enchantress), offer rich narrative potential, with much more to explore in the future.

On the other hand, if you want to see something specific in the next chapters, or even just have some good advice for the story as a whole, I am always willing to read a comment if it is constructive criticism.

If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.

To facilitate a clearer understanding, I've retained pictures of the respective characters. Your feedback is always valued, and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapter, please feel free to comment—I'll be sure to respond as usual.

Please leave a review if you like the story.



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