
My First Step Towards Power Began When I Married Vados

This is a translation I found on mtl, it was extremely awful so I decided to fix it up and add my own little snu snu chapters in there. Don’t expect much but I hope you enjoy :) … OG Title: I’m in the WesternCapital: Marry Vados at the start OG Author: Sbaer … In an alternate Dragon Ball universe, Kahn, a warrior from Planet Vegeta, becomes the elder brother of Kakarot. When the tyrant Frieza destroys their home planet, Kahn, along with Kakarot, is sent to Earth by their father, Bardock. Unlike his powerful brother, Kakarot, Kahn struggles with limited combat abilities due to his low-level warrior status. Years pass, and in Age 762, the long-awaited system Kahn has been anticipating finally activates. However, there’s a catch: the system requires him to marry a woman to unlock its full potential. With the help of a matchmaker, Kahn finds a bride who is renowned for her beauty and grace. As Kahn’s strength grows exponentially with each passing day, his wife proves to be the perfect partner—gentle, virtuous, and endlessly supportive. Together, they navigate the challenges of the Dragon Ball world, facing formidable foes and embarking on thrilling adventures, all while Kahn continues to develop his extraordinary powers. This unique tale of love, strength, and destiny explores the bonds of family and the pursuit of greatness, set against the backdrop of one of the most iconic universes in anime history.

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17 Chs

Khan’s Ultimatum: Betrayal and Survival

"Raditz, use your scouter!" Vegeta commanded, his eyes dark and filled with frustration.

Raditz nodded slightly and pressed the button on his scouter.

Beep! Beep! Boom!

A few seconds later, Raditz's scouter exploded just like Vegeta's had moments earlier. Both Saiyans turned pale, their faces drained of color.

"It's impossible for two scouters to fail simultaneously," Vegeta muttered, his face darkening further. "Especially the new models. Raditz, are you sure Kahn's power level was only 5,300 a year ago?"

Vegeta felt a surge of anger towards Raditz. "This can't be a mere 5,300! Are you trying to get us killed?"

"18,000 against a power level in the hundreds of thousands—it's suicide!" Vegeta thought, recalling their earlier battle strategies. Even if he transformed into a Great Ape, with a tenfold increase in power, he knew he was no match for Kahn.

Raditz trembled as he responded, "I'm certain, Vegeta. His power level was only at 5,300 a year ago! How could it have increased hundreds of thousands in just one year?"

If the scouters weren't malfunctioning, their trip to Earth had indeed been a grave mistake. No wonder Kahn had been so confident facing the three of them.

"Raditz," Kahn's voice interrupted their thoughts, indifferent and cold. "Is Vegeta your trump card? If so, I'll deal with him first, and then settle the score with you."

Step by step, Kahn walked towards them, each footfall echoing like a death knell. Vegeta and Raditz looked up, fear gripping their hearts.

In an instant, Kahn closed the distance between them, standing imposingly before Vegeta.

"Prince of Saiyans, is it?" Kahn mocked.

Smack! Smack!

Kahn slapped Vegeta across the face twice, the sound resonating in the air. Vegeta realized, to his horror, that he lacked the courage to fight back. In seconds, Vegeta was on the ground, his face swollen and bruised.

"This is the Saiyan prince? A genius fighter?" Kahn sneered, his foot pressing down on Vegeta's face. "What a disgrace."

Raditz watched in shock. Vegeta, the proud Saiyan prince, was being treated like a child. Desperation and fear gripped Raditz's heart as Kahn's gaze turned to him, the look in Kahn's eyes sending a chill down his spine.

"K-Kahn, it's a misunderstanding!" Raditz stammered, falling to his knees. "Please, listen to me!"

Kahn sneered, "Raditz, what happened to all the bravado with that rebellious spirit you had earlier?"

"Kahn, I know I was wrong. Please, let me go!" Raditz pleaded, tears welling in his eyes.

"Let you go?" Kahn's voice dripped with disdain. "Why didn't you show Kakarot mercy? You were ready to kill him on Vegeta's orders."

Raditz, in a panic, pointed at Vegeta. "It was Vegeta's command! He forced me!"

"Raditz, you coward! You better hope I don't survive this!" Vegeta shouted from the ground, his face contorted in anger.

Khan raised an eyebrow amused by the betrayal. "Even if Vegeta ordered it, you were willing to execute it. Now you must face the consequences of your actions."

Khans eyes glowed with murderous intent. "If you can kill kakarot, then I can certainly kill you."

Raditz face turned ashen. "Khan! Please! I was wrong! I'll do anything you want! Just spare me! Give me one more chance for the sake of our parents!"

"I'm all out of chances to give. I've already given you a chance, but it's a pity you didn't use it," Kahn said coldly, silencing Raditz instantly.

Yet, driven by a fierce will to survive, Raditz pleaded, "Kahn, no matter what you say, we are brothers. Give me another chance, and I promise I won't waste it!"

Kahn pondered briefly before replying, "Alright, I'll give you one more chance."

Raditz's heart leaped with joy. Survival outweighed pride and dignity in that moment.

"Didn't Vegeta order you to kill Kakarot just now? Now I want you to kill Vegeta, and I'll let you go."

"Vegeta?" Raditz was taken aback. Kill Vegeta? The idea had never crossed his mind. Despite the battles they've fought together for over two decades, deep down, he feared Vegeta's wrath.

But now, Kahn demanded it. Vegeta, battered and bruised, was weakened significantly, while Raditz was still at full strength.

After a moment's hesitation, Raditz resolved to overcome his fear to survive. With a ruthless glint in his eye, he turned to Vegeta. "Vegeta, to save my own life, I have no choice but to kill you."

"Kill me? Heh, good luck with that," Vegeta laughed, despite his dire state. "Raditz, if you think you can kill me, then you can certainly come and try."

Raditz was momentarily daunted by Vegeta's words. Even bruised and bloodied, Vegeta's power was undeniable. But the fear of Kahn's wrath outweighed his dread of Vegeta.

"Raditz, what are you waiting for? I'll count to three. If you do nothing, you'll be the first to go."


Kahn's countdown felt like a ticking time bomb to Raditz.

Gritting his teeth, Raditz screamed, "Die, Vegeta!"

Raditz was more terrified of Kahn now. Vegeta had been bested by Kahn, leaving Raditz with no other option.


Raditz lunged forward, unleashing a powerful Ki blast aimed at Vegeta. He couldn't afford to underestimate Vegeta, even in his weakened state.


The Ki blast expanded rapidly in Vegeta's eyes, but he sneered. "You think you can kill me, Raditz? Galick Gun!"

Summoning the last of his strength, Vegeta fired a massive Ki blast of his own. The two energies clashed in a spectacular display, drawing everyone's attention.

Vegeta's Galick Gun quickly overpowered Raditz's attack, swallowing it whole and continuing towards Raditz.


The Galick Gun engulfed Raditz, causing a massive explosion. A shockwave rippled through the area, and a towering mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

As the dust settled, a large crater appeared where Raditz had stood. He lay at the bottom, scarred and twitching, his breath weak and labored.

Even severely injured, Vegeta's power had proven too much for Raditz.

"Tsk tsk," Kahn remarked, approaching his fallen brother. He looked down at Raditz with an expressionless face.

"K… Kahn, save… save me!" Raditz strained, extending a trembling hand toward Kahn.

At that moment, Goku arrived at the edge of the crater. Seeing Raditz in such a pitiful state, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy.

Moments ago, Raditz had been arrogant and rebellious under Vegeta's command. Now, he was reduced to this.

"Brother Kahn, please let him live," Goku pleaded. Despite everything, he couldn't bear to see Raditz die.

"Let him live?" Kahn replied indifferently. "Kakarot, you're too kind. That kind of mercy will only cause more trouble for you. Someone like Raditz doesn't deserve to live."

Kahn crouched down, staring into Raditz's eyes. "Raditz, I spared you once. You've had more than a year to make things right. Consider this your penance."

"When you reach the afterlife, repent in front of our parents."

With those final words, Kahn unleashed a Ki cannon, erasing Raditz from existence.

Goku watched silently. If it had been his choice, he wouldn't have killed Raditz. But with Kahn's resolve, there was nothing more to be done.

With Raditz dealt with, Kahn turned his attention back to Vegeta.

"To fall into your hands today is unfortunate for me, Kahn," Vegeta said, his voice filled with a mix of pride and resignation. "But knowing there are still Saiyans as strong as you brings me some peace. Kill me if you must, but promise me one thing: one day, avenge our people by killing Frieza. Only then can I rest in peace."

Even in defeat, Vegeta's pride remained unbroken. He wouldn't beg for mercy. If Kahn intended to kill him, he'd face his end with dignity, the last remnant of his pride as the Saiyan prince.

"Even if you don't tell me, I'll kill Frieza sooner or later, but…" Kahn narrowed his eyes slightly and continued, "You're different from the likes of Nappa and Raditz. Keeping you alive might still be useful. You can go."

Kahn and Vegeta had no personal grudges against one another. Killing him wasn't necessary, and keeping Vegeta alive could still be beneficial for Goku, as Vegeta's presence provided a rival to push Goku to greater heights.

"What?" Vegeta could hardly believe his ears. Kahn wasn't going to kill him?

"Are you deaf? I said go! If you don't leave now, I might reconsider."

"You can't let him go!" Krillin shouted impatiently. "Kahn, these guys killed Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, and Chiaotzu! We can't let him go!"

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Kahn's cold glare silenced Krillin instantly.

"I hope you won't regret today's decision!" Vegeta said. Given the chance to live, Vegeta wouldn't waste it. He struggled to his feet, dragging his battered body back to the spaceship.


The spaceship took off, rushing into the sky at top speed. Only when he left Earth did Vegeta dare to believe he had survived. He thought he would end up like Raditz and Nappa, but he had lived to fight another day.

At Capsule Corporation, Bulma danced with joy as she hugged Vados. Through the live broadcast, they had watched Kahn battle Vegeta and his allies.

"Victory! That's fantastic!" Bulma cheered.

"Of course. Since my my husband takes action this was only the natural outcome." Vados said with a smile.

"Your husband, huh? Tch… I guess I missed my chance," Bulma pouted.

"You had your chance but didn't cherish it," Vados chuckled. After spending over a year on Earth, Vados knew about Bulma and Kahn's past. However, it no longer mattered to her.

"Is it too late for me to change that?" Bulma asked with a hint of regret. Deep down, she still had feelings for Kahn, but they had drifted apart due to their busy lives.

"Well, maybe you'll have to ask Kahn yourself," Vados said with a knowing smile.

Bulma understood what Vados meant: she approved of Bulma being with Kahn. Now, Bulma just had to see where Kahn stood. Feeling a renewed sense of hope, Bulma resolved to act.

Meanwhile, back at the battlefield, Krillin and Yamcha let out a long sigh of relief after Vegeta's departure. But an important question remained: how are they going to revive Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, and the city's people?

"As long as we find all seven Dragon Balls, we can revive Piccolo and the others," Yamcha said.

"But how?" Kahn asked. "If I remember correctly, the Dragon Balls on Earth were created by Piccolo. His death means they are useless."

"That's right…" Krillin spoke. "What do we do now? Is there no other way?"

"It's not impossible, we might have a solution." Kahn said.

"What solution?" Goku and the others looked at Kahn eagerly.

"We go to Namek, the planet where Piccolo's race lives. They should have Dragon Balls there that can revive Piccolo. Once Piccolo is revived, Earth's Dragon Balls will be usable again."

"Great!" With a plan in place, they felt more hopeful. Bulma could build a spaceship to Namek and translate the Namekian language.

Kahn went to Kami's Lookout and retrieved the spaceship that Kami used to come to Earth, bringing it back to Capsule Corporation for Bulma to modify and translate.

Ten days later, everything was ready. In the large yard of Capsule Corporation, an octopus-shaped spaceship was parked. Kahn, Vados, Bulma, Goku, Gohan, Krillin, and others were all present.

"We'll send Goku, Gohan, and Krillin along with me," Kahn announced.

"I want to go too!" Bulma said immediately, realizing her name wasn't mentioned.

"Bulma, Namek could be dangerous. Aren't you afraid?" Goku asked. After all, their mission wasn't a vacation, and they might encounter enemies.

"I'm not afraid. Kahn will protect me!" Bulma said confidently, hands on her hips.

Kahn scratched his head and looked at Vados. "Honey, what do you think?"

"I don't mind, husband. The decision is yours," Vados replied gently.

After a moment's hesitation, Kahn agreed. "Alright, Bulma can come too."

Everyone began boarding the spaceship. Bulma took the controls. When she pressed the start button, the spaceship's engines roared to life.

The spaceship lifted off, propelled by massive thrust. It soared into the sky, disappearing above the clouds within seconds, setting course for Namek.