1 Tragedy Night

Anny is a campus belle who has a normal life and Anny's best friend 'Kathy' normally hangs out with each other. Everyday Kathy brought orange juice for Anny. But one-day Kathy and Anny go to the club and Anny was dead because Kathy regularly added poison in the drink. Anny knew all plot against their best friend.

But, she trusts Kathy more than his life and she asks Kathy, "Why did you do this thing? You are my best friend." Then, Kathy laughs and says you having a comfortable life, and your parents also adore you. But, My parents only quarrel with each other and only support my brothers in their mind my presence does not exist. When I visit your home your parents have good bonding and everyone cherishes you, that's why I got jealous more and add poison in your juice, and in this plan, your dear boyfriend is also involved.

Anny giggles in the last pause and she was dead.

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