
My first day of school

It's my first day of school I'm so nervous about my new school this year I'm a senior and I'll make the big smile on people's faces, sadly I've been working hard and barely have time for myself I keep telling myself (I must make other people happy) but I never see how hard I work every time I keep it all to myself One day we had a new student in our class his name is Jade aki he always had a frown on his face so many girls liked him Jade came to my desk and ask "Can we eat lunch together?" I said sure alot of girls had been staring at us, Later jade was observing me and notice "don't you take a brake?" he said in a very soft voice "are you worried about Me?" I ask him "Yes..I've been observing you and you barely have time for yourself" he told me, I thought no one would have notice even if they observe me I ask him one more thing " What makes you say that?"