

shinuzaki2002 · Teen
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3 Chs


On the last chapter, Cristine wang had a conversation with his commander major and she was ordered to come to his commander major's office, so.... Let's continue the story ma people.



Cristine was smoothly had a nice sleep and suddenly she had a dream again about her past and woke up out of knowhere, it was 3 am in the morning, (panting) she stood up and headed to the bathroom and washed her face. (on Cristine's thought) "that dream again, (sigh) how many years it has been? Having a dream like that it really bring me back." Cristine ask herself while looking at the mirror. "I need to get ready." she open the door and grab her towel and take a shower.

At the shower

While taking a shower, she feels the warmth of the water, while closing her eyes, feels hey body and opens her eyes. "(sigh) I guess, everything that I've learn from commander major is really is worth it." she said while stopping out from the shower and grab the towel and cover herself. "I should get change." she open her closet and wear her black coat jacket and black thin leggings.


Cristine open her door and take her leave, she takes her helmet and go downstairs and she saw the head maid. "oh? Good morning to you Ms. Head maid." Cristine greats the head maid with a happy look on her face and the maid said. "ehh? Good morning..... Your early?" the head was surprisingly saw Cristine woke up early in the morning and Cristine said. "ahh.... Yes, I'm heading out early today and also.... Could you please do me a favor." Cristine ask the head maid and the head maid ask her. "what is it?" Cristine said. "just this, (letter) I need you to pass this letter to boss zu when I'm gone, understand?" Cristine said while looking at her smiling and the head maid said. "yes, that wouldn't be a problem." the hard maid said while bowing in front of her and Cristine said. "well then I'm taking my leave, I'll see you around then." Cristine grab her helmet and head out.



"well.. Well... How many years it has been? Since the last time I visited commander major?" Cristine ask herself while driving her motor cycle and she suddenly speed up. "woo-hoo! It feels nice.."



while sitting on his chair, he ask his secretary to get some tea at the same time looking at a piece of paper. "(frowns) Tsk!" commander major putted the paper on his table and his secretary came in. "(knocks) here's your tea commander." the secretary serve a tea to his commander major and a few minutes later, while waiting Cristine's arrival, he drinks his tea normally and wait.


After a few minutes later cristine arrived. "(knocks) commander major, it's me cristine wang, A.K.A. killing machine." cristine introduce herself before she came and she opens the door. "you may come in." his commander major command her to come in and she opens the door. (comes in) "commander major! Good morning, sir!" Cristine suddenly saluted in front of his commander major and his major said. "good morning to you too, Cristine, how was your day the other day?" commander major asked his Sargent and Cristine said. "I'm doing fine, sir, yes sir!" Cristine answered his commander major while saluting at the same time frowning. "(laughs) Hahahhaha, their's no need for your too much formalities." his commander major said while laughing at her and Cristine said. "Tsk! Commander! Your making fun of me." Cristine said while looking away and she said. "so... What do you wanna talk about?" Cristine asked his commander major and the commander major said. "I want to talk about this matter." commander major showed the papers to cristine and Cristine looked at it. "what is this? Wait... (looked surprised) is this the thing that I've been asking?" Cristine ask his commander major and his major said. "yes, I want you to investigate that case, I mean your first case, also... Here, you will be needing this." commander major grab the police license. "police license? When did you get this major?" Cristine ask his commander major while looking at him happy. "well..... About that." (turn around) "hmm?" Cristine said while looking at her license happy. "you should go back now." her commander major said while not looking at her, she said. "yes, major, I shall take my leave." she bowed in front of his major and suddenly red alarm alerted. "(shock) what's happening? Turn on all the cameras and don't leave a small thing that you can't see!" commander major commanded his people and they said. "yes! Commander major!" (runs fast) -> (hurry) Cristine ask his major. "what's going on major?" Cristine looked at his major face and he said. "(frowns) you need to get out of here and go back to zu mansion, right now!" commander order cristine to go back and she said. "I said go! That's an order." commander major looks away a bit worried while Cristine is worried about his commander, in the end she take her leave and said. "if that's what commander major wants me to do, then I will take my leave." Cristine bows on front of his commander and leave.



(danger situation) "help the young master!" the guard ordered the other guards and they helped the young master to escape while their is free time to escape.



"I need to get back soon." she drove fast as she could and suddenly receive a call. (rings) Cristine grand her phone and answer the call.


"hello, is something the matter?"

       "lady Cristine, young master is in danger."

"where are you?"

      "at the man.... "

Hang up


(on Cristine's thought) "what the hell is going on?" she drove fast and hurried.



"young master!" the guard was guard was on the ground keep calling his master and looking at each other. "don't move! Stay there." young zu, ordered his guard to stay while looking at him frowning. "but... Young master." -> "you'd better not move or I'll kill him." the guy with a black mask pointed the gun in front of his loyal and frowns.

"ahem, ahem..   Let's continue this story on the next chapter, I am your newly writer shinuzaki2002."