
My Fenrir System

(#WPC 252 -Bronze winner) Jamie a high school Student shuffled off his mortal coil because of an unfortunate event and gets reincarnated in a fantasy world of magic as a Wolf. Read his journey as he climbs up the ladder of evolution to become the mythical creature Fenrir with a system.What will happen in his life?, will he be able to climb up the ladder of evolution and become human? or will he perish?. Check it out :-) #Vote it with power stone or I'll steal your plushie.

Mister_Imaginative · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 10:The Truth

"My Lord are you not going to do the contribution?",asked one of the wolf's out of curiosity.No,I don't think the contribution should be done,I mean giving them 10 of the pack's newborn children for slavery does not count as a contribution."If we don't do as they say they will try to wipe us out by joining forces with other tribes".I'm not going to allow the contribution even if we have to go to war with the Goblins and the monster of other tribes.

"But...my Lord.."."Stop don't make this hard for the Lord, for now, believe in his decision",said fear to his fellow wolf mates."We trust our Lord's decision but we are not strong enough if other tribes are involved".I'll look into it for now I think you should monitor the Goblin tribe.I don't know why but I can feel a hunch that there's someone stronger involved and the Goblins are following the orders."Should we send our shadow unit?", asked fear promptly.Shadow unit? What's that? asked Jamie being clueless.

"The shadow unit consists of three Wolf's with shadow ability which lets them mix with others shadow easily".I didn't know that we had wolf's capable of merging with shadows."So should we dispatch them my lord?",asked fear as he stood holding his chest high.Before that I'll like to test their ability myself and give them rankings."Okay I'll send the three wolves to you right away", saying this fear left.

Jamie waited patiently and the three Wolf's came to meet shortly after.Jamie decided to name them after judging their ability.The three Wolf's were ready for their task to prove themselves.Jamie told them to merge with his shadow.Among the three Wolf's only one managed to do so and the rest of the two were disappointed at themselves for their incompetence.Don't be disappointed all of you are fine soldiers I can say that for sure."Thanks my lord we now understand that in future we'll have to do much better than what we accomplished today",said one of the wolves.

Jamie named the first wolf of this test shadow and the two were also given fine names.Jamie then told them their tasks and they left."Did you send them on their mission my Lord?",asked Fear.Yes,I did now all we have to do is wait for the information they will provide."So are we just going to wait till they come?",asked Fear.No,I decided that the wolves of this pack need to be trained to be able to protect themselves from any danger, saying this Jamie howled and sought the attention of all the other wolf's.

As all the wolf's looked at him Jamie started to utter my people listen to me carefully I know that all of you are strong enough to defeat the Goblins but if they ally with other tribes and come to attack I think you all know what the outcome will be so,it's time for you reshape your strength and your abilities."My lord we wish to become stronger...","Me also","Count me in my lord", shouted some of the wolfs.The wolves were excited to train to make themselves more powerful.

The training ground was determined and all the wolves started to train to strike a dummy with the most powerful skill they have.After training two days with the dummy Jamie thought it's time to take them to the dungeon and he stationed wolf's like before, this time Jamie didn't aid them not the slightest bit.The wolves trained for four days inside the dungeon.After a week the wolf's levelled up a lot and gained much greater skills. Jamie then divided them into many categories such as some were assigned to hunt, some were assigned as acting soldiers of the tribe and the ones who evolved into higher wolves were assigned as soldiers in a raid group made by Jamie.

A week and two days later the shadow group returned with info's concerning the Goblin Lord.According to them, the Goblin Lord has good connections with the cockroach man tribe as he visited the Lord of the cockroach man tribe twice in these nine days.Are there any other Lords involved?,asked Jamie with a serious look."No my lord the Goblin Lord only visited the cockroach man tribe",said shadow looking down.Job well done you can rest now, for the time being, said Jamie with a grin on his face.

"My lord if you will allow me I'd like to stay by your side rather than resting",told shadow as he looked upward.I'll be more than glad to have you but you should rest now at the moment,said Jamie softly."Ok, I understand",saying this shadow and the other two wolf's left.

"So what's going to be our move my Lord?",asked fear.For now, I'll wait till necessary.

During the time Jamie and his people trained they didn't know that they were being watched by soldiers of the cockroach man tribe.The soldiers reported everything to their higher-ups and the Goblin Lord gritting his teeth announced,"That pesky little wolf lord thinks he and his people are strong enough to beat two tribes at the same time but we'll show them what a slaughter looks like".The Goblin Lord and the Cockroach Lord were sworn enemies of the Lizardman tribe.The king of the Lizardman tribe heard about the war and decided to invite Jamie for a meeting to fight as one.

As the tribes were preparing for a war they didn't know the fact that the humans of different continents were aligned with each other to kill all of their kind.Jamie knew about the humans attack as he got Srides by his side,before becoming the wolf Lord he placed a communication stone inside her room and he overhead about it as Srides was talking about it with her father to stop the soldiers of different continents from attacking the monsters just because they feel threatened by their presence.Jamie didn't tell anybody about the coming storm and simply waited with hope.

Thanks for the golden tickets it motivates me to write more :-)

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