
Miscellaneous(Buffy, Overlord, Marvel, Bungou Stray Dogs…)

Chaotic Good by MisterGrin (overlord)

Blood and Chaos by Aetheron (Buffy)

Bootstrapping by Tersin (highschool dxd)*

The Hippocatic Oath… by TheSilverHunt3r(bungou stray dogs)

Of Redemptive Heros and Family Values Villains by Kizmet(marvel)

The War is Far From Over Now by Dont_call_me_carrie(marvel)

I'd Say 'Bite Me' But You Would by Greywizard (buffy/Anita Blake)

Dripping like a saturated sunrise by Seito (Pokémon)

Let the shadows fall behind you by Sweetbriar15 (Disney Descendants, Isle of the Lost series)

Stand By Your Friends(Don't Turn Your Backs) by Natasja(Disney Descendents, Isle of the Lost series)

A Fable, Agreed Upon by DragonflyxParodies(Winx Club)