
Chapter 1


"Yah! Lee Chan! Why did you do that?!" I was standing in the middle of the school's hallway soaking wet after what had happened. Lee Chan, most likely called Dino, my enemy and his friends (a.k.a Seventeen) decided to pour a bucket of water on me in front of a lot of people. I heard them all chuckle like it was some sort of fun game to them. "Hey, at least you don't have to take a shower today," I hear him say. I heard students around me laugh. My face burn up. I was just waiting for my friend, Eunmi whom I have known since elementary school to finish class, but this had to happen.

Just as I was about to yell at them again, I see Eunmi come out. "Yah, why are you soaking? What happened while I wasn't here?" I just stood there saying nothing. Eunmi was like a sister to me. Whenever a problem happened, I would always tell her. She was always there for me. "You see those idiots right there?" I asked her. "Where? There are multiple idiots here at this school so which ones?" she said. After a moment of silence, Eunmi spoke again. "Ohhh. Those same 13 idiots, right?" she asked me. "I gave her the are-you-serious look. "Of course! Who else would I be talking about?"

"I would've said Jae-Eun if I didn't know that is was those same 13 people," Eunmi said. Jae-Eun is that one b*tch in the school. Always looking out for attractive boys. "Ugh. Please don't mention her name in front of me," I quickly told Eunmi. "Tch. Anyways, the boys are gone. Can we leave now," Eunmi asked me. Besides being my closest friend, Eunmi is also my neighbor. "Sure, but can we stop by the library? I need to return some books."

Author's POV

After the two girls finished returning Y/N's library books, they headed back home. Once they got to their houses, Eunmi waved Y/N goodbye. "Annyeong Y/N! See you tomorrow."


I waved goodbye back to her and went inside. "Home sweet home," I exclaimed. Chan's face suddenly appeared in my head. Wait. Why am I thinking of him right now. Weird Y/N. Anyways, I have to do homework which was to read to page 10 on the book that was assigned to us. Right? I didn't really pay attention in class. Eh, who cares anyways.

After I finished homework, I tried to fall asleep. The thing that kept bothering me was that Chan's handsome face kept appearing in my mind. Seeing the way he chuckled when the water was poured on me. What is this weird feeling?