
is he worth it

marina opened her eyes tiredly,she heard her phone beeped and she stretched her hand to the table beside her bed;her eyes widened in shock.

{dear bestie,i am almost here but i need a lift}

mari cleaned her eyes to be sure that she saw it well,"wow,brina is coming home";she stopped jumping when her phone rang.

"i see that you have seen my message",brina said in an excited tone;mari had to pull the phone away from her ear.

"i am so happy,i am coming right now",marina said when she heard a beep;she frowned.

did she hung up on me,that brina;i should definitely teach her a lesson.

she quickly took her bath before coming out,her phone rang again and she frowned;why was brina still calling her.

she didn't look at the caller ID before yelling,"i said that i am coming";kasper was surprised.

"are you really coming over",he asked with all seriousness;mari pulled the phone away from her ear before looking at the caller ID.

"baby,i didn't know that you are the one",she quickly said;today was her free day so she wanted to spend it at home not in the agency.

"tomorrow,you would be meeting one of my special agent and she would teach you the basics of everything you need to know",kasper clicked his tongue as he looked at the door.

"i can't wait,i would learn how to fight like a ninja",kasper chuckled;he knew that the person who wanted him dead was out there.

he was so sure,he didn't want them knowing about marina or she would be killed;he pulled his hair in frustration.

the door opened with a lady walking in,"boss,you called for me";olivia said in a cool voice.

kasper raised his head to look at her,her hair had grown longer and she had really changed;"i want you to train an agent".

he said in an firm voice,he didn't care if she had a problem with his brother but she couldn't hide anymore;she needed to solve them all.

"i would try but i am busy boss",she said in a frightened voice;kasper looked at her before sighing.

"you are looking for your grandparents,is that why you are hurting zach",he said in an angry tone;was this how he taught this woman to solve problems.

"i can't risk them boss,i have to put their happiness before my own",olivia said in a determined voice;kasper sighed deeply.

"i would help you ollie but think of my brother and how he would feel",olivia bit her lips hardly;Zach was her weakness and she didn't want him involved in this.

"you don't have to be involved boss,i don't want to drag anyone down",she said with a bright smile on her face even when she knew that she was scared to lose anyone.

- - -


a man was sitted looking at the window lost in thoughts,"i would be going back to the country";he finally said.

his men looked at him with disbelief,"boss,your going back there would be tragic";one of his men who had courage spoke.

his eyes turned dark as he threw the knife in his hands,they all shook with fear;kim frowned ad he was only showing his concern to his boss.

(back in London)

mari took brina to a nearby restaurant to eat,"you must be starving";brina nodded rushing the noodles on the table.

she enjoyed staying in England but she came back for her family and friend,"i missed you all and i can't wait to see the look on my husband's face";she giggled childishly.

marina shook her head as she looked at her friend,she was jubilating maybe she should tell her about her love life;brina noticed the stares and she couldn't help her curiosity.

"why are you staring at me,do you want to tell me something",marina nodded with a blush on her face;brina brought her hand to her chin.

marina started explaining everything to her looking at her reaction,"i love him so much brina ,i don't care about the dangers";brina shook her head.

she always thought she was the crazy one but here marina was acting so selfish about her lover,"is he worth it";brina said with a angry face.

she had always believe the rumors about the man but now her friend was the girlfriend of the devil prince,"he is worth it brina,i think he is my soulmate";marina said with a dreaming look.

she didn't care who wanted to kill him but she would never leave him,she loved him so much that she would sacrifice herself for him.