
did you choose to remember me now

Tim just finished checking up on Olivia,he came out of the ward to see the worried look on zach's face;he didn't understand this lover at all.

zach stood up when he saw Timmy coming out of the ward,"how is she";Tim patted his shoulders before sitting down.

he was a medical doctor,he treated different types of diseases and that how he became famous;"she is five months pregnant,zach".

zach blinked his eyes as if he had seen something unreal,"she didn't tell you because she was afraid that you would reject the baby";he didn't say a thing but sat down in a daze.

Tim sighed,did he do the right thing telling zach about their baby;"my advice is you take care of your fiancee since her grandparents were missing,stress have taken over her and it is not good for the baby".

he said before patting his back and leaving,he had other things to do than sit back and watch the two lovers;zach stood up and walked into the ward.

he met olivia sleeping peacefully,"are you really pregnant ollie,why didn't you tell me";he muttered silently.

he felt angry at himself for not finding out sooner or later,he hadn't been there for her and she was pregnant and he moved around freely while she was in pain;he looked away from her face touching her stomach.

feeling its Father's touch,it kicked and it made zach chuckle;he couldn't wait to see his child anymore now that he knew about him/her.

he couldn't wait to brag this with his brother,Olivia's lashes moved as she opened her eyes gently;she looked around and bit her lips when she recalled what happened.

"why didn't you tell me",she heard zach speak;his eyes were on her stomach with his gaze softened.

Olivia swallowed,she would kill Timmy for telling him;"i was afraid that you wouldn't accept my baby and me".

zach didn't say anything,he kept touching her stomach gently and olivia could tell that he was happy with the child;"i can never deny you and our child my Ollie,i love you both so much".

tears welled up in her eyes as he cleaned them patting her head,he dialed a number moving away from her a little.

- - - -

kasper and marina were having their dinner while chatting when his phone rang,picking up his phone and answering the call;he placed it on his ear.

his expression changing each time,marina kept eating her food while looking at him;she wondered what happened.

he finally dropped it on the table,marina kicked his leg but the man didn't turn her;he kept looking at a distance.

"What is it,is something wrong",she asked trying to strike a conversation with him;kasper turned his face to look at her and finally gave her his attention.

"olivia is pregnant and she won't be your trainer but my brother Zach",he said almost like a whisper;he felt cheated and wanted to scold the two.

marina studied his reaction and asked,"why are you frowning";kasper looked at her before coughing.

"i wanted to have one first before him,i am the eldest after all so it is not fair",marina bust out in laughter as she heard her stomach.

* * *

Tim got a call from an unknown number which made him frown,who the heck was calling him at this hour;he picked the call anyway.

kenezzy appeared on the screen and this shocked Tim that he kept looking at his phone,"i have been trying to get to you and finally it worked";kenezzy said smiling.

Tim didn't say a word but kept picking up the files on the floor after putting his phone on the stand,she frowned when he didn't say anything;"i am talking to you".

"did you choose to remember me now",Tim finally said as he looked at her;kenezzy bit her lips as he took her by surprise.

"it is best if you don't contact me again,goodbye kenzy",tim said hanging up;he sighed deeply.

maybe it best they were apart,he laid down on the bed before dozing off.