1 Before



What in the-



"Okay, let's take a step back for a moment."


=3 hours before hand=

It's the beginning of spring and class is about to end. Every single student and even the teacher is watching the time on the clock tick by slowly, comparable to a snail or sloth, though one student in the back right next to the window still had his head down and hood up. It was completely silent to where you could hear the slightest of sound, and if you listened closely, even some heart beats.



And with that sound, all but one of the students is rushing towards the door, scrambling to get to their after school clubs or their rides home, while others from different classes hanged back a bit to walk home with their friends. After most of the students left the class, the teacher could be seen walking to the back of the class where the last student was laying his head down.

"Dust, would you please get up already, I have a date tonight and I can't be late again." As Dust looked up to see where the voice was coming from, he saw his teacher looking over him with a "hurry it up" look on her face. Taking off his hood you could clearly see the short hair that is as white as snow in mid December and his bright crimson eyes like fresh blood from a wound. His face was round and looked young despite being 17. He also purposely wore baggy clothes to make him look bigger as without them, he was a scrawny short teen that was even shorter than some of the girls.

"Alright, alright, I guess I should get going anyways," says Dust has he gets up and makes his way to the door.

"Good luck on your date by the way, don't scare this one off too." This was a joke amongst students as their teacher could rarely ever get a second date, let alone a third, and that was with a lot of begging already.

"Oh hardy har har, just hurry along before I send you to detention," warned the teacher as they were obviously in a hurry for tonight.


= 2 hours and 57 minutes later=

Dust was in the middle of walking home as his single mother was working a double shift and his father left them 8 years ago. While walking he accidently bumped into a very old man. He wore ragged clothes that barely covered his body, held a large walking cane like a staff, had a beard that was cluttered with leaves and grime that nearly reached the gound, and his skin hugged his bones, threatening to break under a single random sneeze. On top of that, he smelled of old rotten fish and wet dog mixed together.

"Oh, sorry sir, I didn't see you there. Are you okay?," Dust had quickly asked as he was sure this man popped in from out of no where.

"Oh, it's no issue child, happens all the time. But you are still the first to give this old, feeble man a second thought, so why dont I give you a gift?"

"Oh, that's alright. You don't need to do that as I was the one that bumped into you," Dust had said thinking that this man had barely anything to his name, let alone to offer.

"Oh but I insist, after all, it is a once in a millennia chance." The old man smiled widely as he began to speak in an unknown language. Dust just stood there wondering what in the world this man could be doing. Once the old man finished speaking, he looked at the young boy and said, "Enjoy the rest of your life child, and I wish you the best."

"Thank you sir, you have a wonderful life yourself." With those words, Dust quickly ran off before being caught up in anymore of this crazy old mans cult like mindset. As he ran he heard a loud horn like sound from the his left.


Dust was hit by an on coming truck, and his last thoughts were "I just wanted to play my games again."


Later that night, Dust's mom could be found crying in her son's room, holding a picture of him, the last picture she ever got. He was 14 in the picture, which made him look even younger than usual, but it didn't matter to her. He stopped smiling after the day his father left as they were always very close. Because of everything, she cried and cried for hours before falling asleep on his bed. While she was asleep her dreams were riddled with memories of the past before she lost her husband and her son. Before she could barely take care of herself, let alone her son and laid starving at night. She dreamed when her son still smiled and laughed, when she was still held close by the love of her life. While everything was still peaceful.

"I miss you," a voice said, almost a unheard whispering. That was the last time she heard his voice.
