
My Fantasy Lover and I

This book is about a girl named Ting Lang who fell for a character named Yi Lang but, the thing is he's just her fanasty from her dream

Glynis_Marshall · Fantasy
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Previously On The Mess Chapter 6

Previously on The Mess my mother tried to hurt me like she did my sister ,my dad, and my cat .... Next I met this boy saying that he like me and that he was my lost lover I told him it was just a lie my lover had died a long time ago( Narrator : The boy's sister) Hi guys I just wanted you to know that my brother had a crush on me when we were little I know he never told me and I know I never told him that's why I when I started dating someone he's not really mad took it to his heart it broke his heart so he said that you would never fall in love with me again instead he broke my heart I fell in love with one of my friends it was a guy too I wonder how they're doing now that I'm gone I hope you can do better in life these are the words out or in my heart when I died but I never got them out...) Back to the story( After all that happened he said he started to like me to but he said I said but what he said I don't know if it's safe yet I wish that I could just travel back in time to the good day when my sister was alive, my dad was alive , or when my cat was alive but the only person other than that I don't care about is my mother and the reason is for that the day that she found out that I liked my own sister that's when everything started going crazy that's the day I never got to see my sister again that the day she killed my cat on the very next day when I woke up to go see hi to my dad he was hanging in the bathroom someone down the stairs and there was blood everywhere I asked her why why did you do it she said in a devious voice because of you fall in love with your own sister Second Son I Wish I Never Had You And then she said that it really hurt my heart I tried to run but now it didn't really matter she tied my hands take me to the basement put a blindfold on she said this will you stay from you stay from now on I thought it was safe until I heard some weird noises upstairs they were like thump thump it felt like my whole house was shaking I heard someone scream that night start going to go to sleep and when she came downstairs to the basement she'd beat me more till I had bruises all over my body that I can even go to school the next day soon I became a college Dropout yes I said I drop out because of my own mother ... Come back for more chapter's to see what happens next...