

My name is Rebecca. I was a 29 year old woman with an average appearance, working a dead end job with no real connection to anyone around me. I had a friend, singular. Her name is Zoe, we grew up in the same orphanage so she's the only one I could relate with.

I was currently crossing the road on my way to her house to hang out when I hear.



"Oh, fuck "


A sharp pain engulfs me as I get luanched multiple feet away from what hit me. I struggle to look over to see a car speeding off and a man running over to me. I couldn't make out what he was saying it sounded like white noise. My eyes are getting blurry as well.

'My stomach is wet?'

What I look down to see my blurry red mess of a body

I can see the man saying something but I couldn't focus all I could think about was how tired I was.

'Just a small nap. I'll be better then'

I succumb to my fatigue and all was black.



I jolt awake and sit up. Checking my body, not only was I naked but I could see no trace of injury. Taking a second to look around I see a very lavish room bigger than my old apartment multiple times over. It's mostly devoid of any furniture besides the bed I am currently in.


My attention snaps to the massive double doors opening. The woman that peekes her head in is absolutely gorgeous. Long black hair at least a meter long. A perfectly proportioned face with rose colored eyes, thick eyelashes and eyebrows, a cute button nose and beestung lips big enough to almost touch her nose. Then she notices that I'm awake and perks up.

"Ah dear, I'm so glad your'e finally awake"

She enters the room and I see it. Her body. Her gorgeous matronly form covered by a black form fitting dress. Her breasts eclipsing her head multiple times over, with a cleavage plunge so deep that her puffy aerolea stick out and her huge tennis ball sized nipples clearly to big for her dress. Every contour of her nipple is shown including the divot at its peak, showing that is could be penetrated with enough effort.

Her chubby belly pulling the dress tight, with love handles leading into her hip fat. Speaking if which, her hips were wide. Very wide, showing me why the double doors are nessesary. Her hips almost reaching the doorframe.

Her asscheeks are big enough to be seen from the front, leading down to massive thighs and relatively dainty feet.

What stood out to me most was the bulge on her crotch. Two head sized balls with a flaccid two liter bottle sized cock.

"See something you like?"

I nod Dumbly barely registering what she's saying.

*snap* she snaps her fingers and I no longer feel interested in her form.

"Here, this will help you focus on my words rather than our body."

"Wait, our body?"

She smiles at me eyes full of warmth.

"Yes dear, you share this beautiful body with me as you were based off of me."

I look at her strangely.

'The fuck is she talking about'

She frowns at me.

"Now, that wasn't very nice, but I will explain it better. My name is Ilya and I am your mother a child of the primordial lust, thus leaving me as a god of that is sex and you a godling"

My eyes widen in surprise and disbelief. But they harden as I aggressively ask.

"Wait you're my mom, where were you all my life, why did you leave me alone, where was my father?"

She doesn't even flinch as she takes my anger in stride.

"I guess you would focus on that first, but to answer your questions i left you as the laws of gods dictate that we couldn't interact with our children unless they show godly prowess. You never did but that didn't stop me from being with you"

I look at her in confusion Indicating for her to continue.

"Your dear friend Zoe, was just a vessel for me to watch over you. That isn't to say that our interactions were fabricated. But as you were just a normal girl I was unable to speak to you properly."

My eyes water as she comes closer to the bed to hug me. I hear a soft clapping as she walks but just ignore it to focus on my mother. Her embrace is all I ever wanted and now I have it.

We sit there for a few moments before my mother breaks the ice.

"Were almost at the fun part now. Because you have died you soul was going to be sent to the reincarnation cycle but that would've left you as a different person. So I begged my mother and she pulled some strings to let me keep you alive, yet tethered to my realm."

She pushes me deeper in her vast cleavage, the softness of it giving me comfort.

"Now with that out of the way, that leaves me with the power to grant you your wildest fantasies almost anything you can think of I can grant. So, lay it on me dear"

I sit and think for a minute but end up getting to embarased to tell her.

"you're a god right, can't you just read my mind?"

"No, but I can remove you're shame to a degree. to be a child of lust is to be proud."

I feel my embarasent melt away and decide to just tell her.

"all things hyper, skimpy clothing, weight gain, expansion, docking-"

"Woah, hold your horses. Those are pretty tame, so lets start there and work our way up to the rest later"

She cuts off my rapid fire list and snaps her fingers

A second later the changes started. My meager breasts expanding bit by bit into huge beach balls, my nipples getting bigger and fatter. Perfectly round and perky, yet not only the point where they seem fake. My hips growing wider by the second and the fat that comes along with it turning my hips into door busting proportions. a layer of fat grows on my body, filling out my massive ass and belly. To top it off, my lips inflating and hair growing long.

My brain felt fuzzy for a second before what felt like clarity hit me. Mother got me up and led me to a mirror near the wall.Again the soft clapping comes back it seems that our asses are so big they can't help but clap when we walk. Upon reaching the mirror, i see us. We looked like twins, absolutely gorgeous, sexy twins. but something was missing.

"Hey, where are my cock and balls?"

A sly grin appears on my mothers face. "To give them to you I'm going to need to fuck you. A bit of mother daughter bonding would do us some good."

I blink in suprise,this should feel wrong to me but all I feel is lust. I brazenly respond.

"What hole?" "whichever you like, dear"

I think I'll pick...

This is just an outlet for my fantasies. so I probably won't take any suggestions and/or will ignore comments. Its not out of spite I'm just to socially stunted to want to try.

anonamoocreators' thoughts