
(4)The Unnatural One

Writing out what would be on her presentation for her social studies class, Lea continued to think of new ideas for it, even when she was supposed to be doing other homework or helping out around the house. Nonetheless, she was in her room—all alone—and had continued writing till very late, around twelve AM. One AM is when she finally decided to crash—and by crash, fall asleep—and woke up a few hours later by her alarm, which was set for 5:30 AM on school days. Lea groggily got up and turned off the alarm, then plugged in her headphones and begun watching internet videos. She had always done this before school started—it was a way for Lea to essentially wake up.

After she watched her videos, Lea got up and out of bed, getting ready for her school day.

Typing on her laptop for her world culture class, Lea took a peak at the time, 2:44pm—almost time for the school day to be over. Lea smiled as she took out her blue earbuds and plugged them into her laptop. She then opened a music program pre-installed on her laptop, and began playing some music during the boring research time.

Once done, Lea paused her music and closed her laptop, putting everything she had out into her bag. The thought of what had happened the night before occurred to her. The magical swirl—just what was that about? Lea still had no idea what it was doing at her place—or why it was outside her room. She continued to think about this until the final bell rang—alerting Lea that it was time to go home. Lea grabbed her bag and slung it onto her back, walking out of the classroom almost last as everyone else was chatting about what they would do the rest of the day—most of which was homework. Lea sighed as she plugged in her earbuds and pu on some music—she just couldn't understand what that magic swirl thing was even doing, or why it was even there to begin with.

On the bus ride home, Lea began to fall asleep—drifting away into her own world.

Once in her dream world, Lea heard a voice—so familiar yet so unfamiliar—as it called out her name. Lea couldn't even hear what it was saying well—something about a gray-hooded guy and her new family. Lea could sense danger, and woke up from the dream as the bus pulled up to her stop. Lea slung her bag across her shoulder and walked off the bus and onto the hard ground that humans call…well, ground. Lea walked home but heard something on her way home. She stopped walking and turned to the direction of the voice to see a gray-hooded guy staring at her.

'Wh-who the hell is he??' Lea wondered to herself, sweat dropping a bit. The hooded figure slowly started to approach her, his era giving Lea a sense of what he was. He definitely wasn't human and had some sort of natural ability. Was this the guy the voice was talking about? The natural disaster that's hurt her family?

Once there, Lea slammed the door shut, leaning her back against the door. Father noticed this and looked at Lea confusingly.

"Is something wrong, Lea?" Father asked.

"I-its nothing." Lea lied, getting up and walking to her room. So many thoughts were spilling in her head that she knew she just needed to be alone—to think it all through.

She needed to be alone…

She needed to be alone…

She needed to be alone…

She could do this all alone…

She could think through this all alone…
