
My Falling Star

Will I truly wed this man who cherished my sister? I can't help but want to be with him and by my side. Will he still choose me, nonetheless, given that he is aware of the lies and deceptions I have told? I wished that he would be my falling star in the night. However, he doesn't seem to. He seems to be seeking retribution for my deceit.

PinkPearlz · Urban
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

The Broken Wedding

Chloe gave Sushi a reassuring embrace as her tears flowed uncontrollably, and her consoling words were a salve to her broken heart. "Sushi, it's time to enter the pavilion," Chloe said softly as she led her sister to the peaceful area among the trees.

With a heavy heart, Sushi allowed herself to be led into the quaint gazebo, its surroundings filled with the soft rustle of leaves and the gentle whisper of the wind. As they entered, the surroundings fell silent, all eyes turning towards the bride-to-be.

But instead of the groom, it was Sushi who stood before them, her beautiful gown flowing around her like a cascade of petals. Gasps of surprise filled the air as the guests realized what was happening, murmurs of confusion rippling through the intimate gathering.

Sushi's heart pounded in her chest as she made her way down the path of the gazebo, her mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions. She couldn't believe that this was happening, that her wedding day was unfolding in a way she had never imagined.

As she reached the center of the gazebo, she turned to face the assembled guests, her eyes searching desperately for any sign of June. But he was nowhere to be found, his absence a gaping hole in the ceremony.

With a heavy sigh, Sushi realized that she couldn't delay any longer. It was time to face the truth, to accept that June was not coming, and that their wedding might never happen.

As Sushi stood alone in the aisle, surrounded by whispering guests and concerned family members, her heart felt heavy with sorrow. The gentle rustle of leaves and the soft murmur of voices filled the air, creating a solemn atmosphere amidst the serene setting of the gazebo.

Despite the hopeful anticipation that filled the space just moments before, it was now tinged with a sense of disappointment and unease. Family members tried in vain to reach out to June, their worried expressions mirroring the confusion and concern of the gathered guests.

But as minutes passed and June failed to appear, a heavy realization settled over Sushi. He was not coming. With a deep sigh, she turned to face the guests, her eyes downcast with regret.

With a trembling voice, Sushi addressed the assembled crowd. "I apologize deeply, but it seems that the wedding will not proceed as planned today," she began, her words echoing softly in the hushed surroundings. "Due to unforeseen personal issues, June will not be joining us."

A ripple of surprise and disappointment swept through the gathered guests, their whispers growing louder with each passing moment. Sushi's heart ached with the weight of her announcement, but she knew that she had no choice but to acknowledge the reality of the situation.

"I am truly sorry for any inconvenience this may cause," Sushi continued, her voice filled with sincerity. "But I ask that you please have dinner before departing. Your presence means the world to me, and I am grateful for your understanding during this difficult time."

With a deep bow of apology, Sushi stepped back, her eyes shedding tears.

As the guests whispered amongst themselves, some beginning to leave with disappointment evident in their expressions, a sudden hush fell over the gazebo as a loud voice cut through the air.

"The groom is here!"

Sushi's heart skipped a beat as she turned to see June walking towards her, resplendent in his groom attire. His handsome features were adorned with a smile, but behind those eyes, Sushi could sense a simmering anger.

Despite the conflicting emotions swirling within her, Sushi felt a surge of determination wash over her. She straightened her posture and squared her shoulders, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. In that moment, she made a silent promise to herself – she would do whatever it took to make this marriage work.

As June reached near her, he spoke, "Sorry, Sushi, I'm late. But will you marry me?" His hand extended towards her, a silent plea for understanding but actually it is not. He apologized bride and to the guests as well.

At his words, Sushi's heart leapt a beat, an uproar of emotions coursing through her. He had ghosted her for the entire day because he knew the truth, and she couldn't deny the hurt that this had caused. She was curious, nevertheless, as to why, after learning the truth, he came back to her.

Despite the uncertainty lingering in her heart, Sushi knew that she couldn't deny the love that still pulsed between them. With a nod of acceptance, she took June's hand in hers, feeling a sense of resolution settle over her.

Together, they walked towards the altar where their vows would be exchanged, their hands intertwined as they faced the future with courage and determination. As they stood side by side, ready to embark on this new chapter of their lives, Sushi couldn't help but wonder what the future held.

But one thing was certain – no matter what challenges lay ahead, she was ready to face them with June by her side. And as they exchanged their vows, their love shone brightly, a beacon of hope guiding them through the trials and tribulations that awaited them on their journey together.

As Sushi and June exchanged their heartfelt vows, their words echoed softly through the serene setting of the gazebo. Each promise spoken was a testament to their love and commitment, sealing their bond in the presence of their loved ones.

With trembling hands, they exchanged rings, the gleaming bands a symbol of their eternal devotion. As the rings slid onto their fingers, a sense of unity washed over them, binding their hearts together in a promise that would last a lifetime.

With the exchange of vows and rings complete, the atmosphere in the gazebo was filled with an electric energy, the air tinged with anticipation. And as the officiant pronounced them husband and wife, the gathered guests erupted into cheers and applause, their voices ringing out in celebration.

Amidst the joyful chaos, a familiar chant rose above the crowd – "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Sushi felt her cheeks flush with warmth as she turned to June. As the chants for a kiss grew louder among the guests, June leaned towards Sushi with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Sensing his intention, Sushi's heart skipped a beat, unsure of what June had planned.

With a gentle tilt of her head, June closed the gap between them, their lips nearly touching. But instead of pressing his lips against hers, June simply brushed his cheek against hers, creating the illusion of a kiss.

A wave of disappointment washed over Sushi as she realized that June hadn't actually kissed her. But in that moment, she understood the gravity of their situation. Despite the challenges they faced, they had to maintain appearances in front of their guests.

With a forced smile, Sushi played along, her hand reaching up to touch June's cheek as if reciprocating the kiss. The gathered guests erupted into cheers and applause, oblivious to the fact that the kiss had been nothing more than a carefully orchestrated illusion.

As the moment passed, Sushi felt a sense of resignation settle over her. She knew that navigating their relationship would be fraught with challenges, but for the sake of their future together, she was willing to do whatever it took to make it work.

And as they stood together amidst the cheers of their loved ones, Sushi made a silent vow to herself – no matter what obstacles they faced, she would stand by June's side, ready to face the trials and tribulations of marriage with courage and determination.

As the ceremony came to a close and the guests departed after a sumptuous dinner, Sushi and June found themselves alone, surrounded by the fading echoes of the celebration. Despite the joyous atmosphere, a heavy silence hung between them, each lost in their own thoughts.

Their families exchanged warm wishes and blessings, urging the newlyweds to enjoy their first night together as husband and wife. But as Sushi and June were ushered towards the waiting car, their silence remained unbroken, the weight of unspoken words pressing down upon them.

With a quiet resignation, they settled into the car, the distance between them a tangible reminder of the chasm that had formed between their hearts. As the car pulled away from the gazebo, they embarked on the journey towards their new home – a gift from June's father, a symbol of their new life together.

She mustered the courage to utter his name. "June," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, but before she could say another word, June's icy gaze bore into her, his expression stern and unwavering.

"Don't talk to me," he interjected sharply, his tone cutting through the air like a knife. His words hung heavily between them, filled with accusation and hurt. "Did you enjoy all this time by making me a fool?"

Sushi's heart sank at his words, the sting of rejection piercing her soul. She recoiled slightly, taken aback by the coldness in his demeanor. Despite her efforts to bridge the gap between them, it seemed that June was determined to keep her at arm's length.

Tears welled up in Sushi's eyes as she struggled to find the right words to respond. She opened her mouth to speak, but the lump in her throat stifled her voice. How could she explain the truth to him when he refused to listen?

Feeling a surge of hurt, Sushi turned away, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the car window. The silence between them grew heavier with each passing mile, the tension thickening the air like a suffocating fog.

As they arrived at their new home, Sushi's heart felt heavy with disappointment and confusion. She had hoped that their marriage would be filled with love and happiness, but now it seemed that they were destined for a future marked by distance and resentment.

With a heavy sigh, Sushi stepped out of the car, her footsteps heavy with the weight of unspoken words and shattered dreams. As they entered their new home, she couldn't help but wonder if their marriage would ever be able to overcome the barriers that stood between them, or if they were doomed to remain strangers trapped in the confines of an empty house.