
My Falling Star

Will I truly wed this man who cherished my sister? I can't help but want to be with him and by my side. Will he still choose me, nonetheless, given that he is aware of the lies and deceptions I have told? I wished that he would be my falling star in the night. However, he doesn't seem to. He seems to be seeking retribution for my deceit.

PinkPearlz · Urban
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

A Husband's Revenge

The next day June sat in his spacious office, his mind consumed by thoughts of betrayal and revenge. Sushi, his wife had shattered his trust with a devastating act of disloyalty. Now, as the CEO of the company where she is working, June saw an opportunity to exact his revenge.

He had spent nights plotting his retaliation, determined to make Sushi pay for her betrayal in the most cunning and calculated manner possible.

Instead of outright confrontation, June decided on a more insidious approach – to subtly undermine Sushi's reputation and authority within the company.

He began by assigning her menial tasks, tasks far beneath her skill level, designed to chip away at her confidence and self-esteem. Each assignment came with meticulous scrutiny and criticism, a constant reminder of her past transgressions.

Next, June manipulated the office dynamics, ensuring that Sushi's ideas were dismissed or stolen by her colleagues. He strategically planted seeds of doubt in their minds, casting suspicion upon Sushi's motives and integrity.

As time passed, June's campaign of psychological warfare intensified. He orchestrated situations that put Sushi in compromising positions, exploiting her vulnerabilities and leveraging her past mistakes against her.

Despite the facade of professionalism, June took pleasure in watching Sushi struggle under the weight of his manipulation. He reveled in her discomfort, relishing in the knowledge that he held the power to destroy her reputation and career.

But beneath the veneer of vengeance, a part of June still longed for the woman he had once loved – the woman who had stood by his side through thick and thin. As he watched Sushi suffer at his hands, a pang of guilt gnawed at his conscience, reminding him of the love they had once shared.

Yet, consumed by his desire for revenge, June pushed aside his doubts and remorse, determined to see his plan through to the bitter end.

And as he sat in his office, plotting his next move, the door swung open, admitting both Sushi and Huan, into the room. June's gaze flickered with a mixture of annoyance and anticipation as he prepared himself for the impending discussion about the project details.

"Please, have a seat," June gestured, his tone laced with feigned congeniality.

Sushi and Huan complied, taking their places in front of June's desk. June's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he prepared to unleash his carefully crafted plan. His mind buzzing with thoughts of revenge, he glanced up at Sushi with a calculating gleam in his eye. "Sushi, could you please fetch me a cup of coffee?."

Sushi's face lit up with a genuine smile at the request, grateful for the opportunity to be of assistance to her husband despite the tension between them. "Of course, June. I'll bring it right away."

With a sense of purpose, Sushi made her way to the office kitchen, her steps light with anticipation as she prepared the perfect cup of coffee for June. She took extra care in selecting his favorite blend, hoping to bring a moment of respite to their strained relationship.

Returning to June's office with the steaming cup in hand, Sushi's heart swelled with a glimmer of hope as she presented it to him. "Here you go, June. Freshly brewed, just the way you like it."

But as June reached out to take the cup, a malicious gleam flickered in his eyes, and before Sushi could react, he deliberately knocked the cup from her hand, sending hot coffee cascading onto her pristine blouse.

Sushi gasped in shock, her heart sinking as the scalding liquid seeped into the fabric, leaving a dark stain in its wake. She looked up at June, her eyes wide with hurt and confusion, but he met her gaze with a cold indifference that sent a chill down her spine.

Just as despair threatened to consume her, Huan appeared in the doorway, his expression one of concern as he rushed to Sushi's side. "Are you alright, Sushi? Let me help you clean that up."

With gentle hands, Huan guided Sushi to a nearby chair, his touch a soothing balm against the sting of June's betrayal. Together, they worked to blot the coffee from her blouse, their shared camaraderie a stark contrast to the betrayal she had just experienced.

As June watched the scene unfold before him, a surge of jealousy and anger bubbled within him, threatening to overwhelm his senses. How dare Huan come to Sushi's rescue, usurping his role as her protector and confidant?

But beneath the facade of his jealousy, a sense of remorse tugged at June's conscience, a fleeting glimpse of the love he still held for Sushi buried beneath layers of resentment and bitterness.

The echo of Sushi's hurt and Huan's compassion ringing in his ears, a surge of jealousy rising within him at the sight of their closeness.

As the meeting continued, June found himself increasingly sidelined by Huan's unwavering support for Sushi, his attempts at humiliation thwarted at every turn. Despite his best efforts to maintain control, June couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration building within him, a nagging voice in the back of his mind reminding him of the futility of his actions.

As Sushi and Huan left his office, their bond stronger than ever in the face of June's attempted manipulation, he couldn't shake the feeling of defeat that settled over him. In his quest for revenge, he had only succeeded in alienating himself further, his attempts at humiliation serving only to underscore his own insecurity and resentment.

With a sense of purpose driving him forward, June made his way to the nearest boutique, his eyes scanning the racks for the perfect dress. After much deliberation, he settled on a stunning ensemble, the fabric soft and flowing with delicate embellishments that sparkled in the light.

Satisfied with his choice, June hurried back to the office, June made his way to the floor where the administrative staff worked, his eyes scanning the bustling room until they landed on a young woman. She was known for her discretion and reliability, qualities that June knew would serve him well in his plan.

Approaching her with a sense of urgency, June explained his request in hushed tones, his voice tinged with a mixture of anxiety and determination. "Miss, I need your help with something important. give this to Sushi, but I don't want her to know it's from me. Can you please make sure she receives it discreetly?"

She nodded, her expression one of understanding as she accepted the dress from June's outstretched hands. "Of course, Mr. June. I'll make sure she gets it right away."

Hours passed in a blur of anticipation as June waited anxiously for news of the delivery. Every passing minute felt like an eternity, his mind consumed by thoughts of Sushi and the dress he had sent her. 

Finally, a notification chimed on his phone, signaling the delivery of the dress to Sushi's office. June paced back and forth in his office, his heart racing with nervous anticipation. He couldn't shake the anxious energy that pulsed through him as he waited for her.

After what felt like an eternity, June decided to check on Sushi himself. As he approached her office, he slowed his steps, trying to quell the butterflies that fluttered in his stomach.

Peering through the partially open door, June's breath caught in his throat as he caught sight of Sushi. She stood before her desk, wearing the dress he had sent her, a vision of elegance and grace. The soft fabric draped over her form, accentuating her curves and highlighting her natural beauty.

Without realizing it, a smile spread across June's face, his heart swelling with admiration at the sight of Sushi. In that moment, all his worries and doubts faded away, replaced by a profound sense of awe and affection for the woman he loved.

As he watched her, a sense of pride welled up within him. Despite their tumultuous past, Sushi still held a special place in his heart, and seeing her radiant smile brought him a sense of joy he hadn't felt in a long time.

June's heart hammered in his chest as he raced back to his office, the realization of what he had done crashing over him like a tidal wave. How could he have been so foolish, so weak? Sushi was his enemy, someone who had betrayed him in the most devastating way possible. And yet, here he was, helping her, showing her kindness and compassion.

As he stood before the mirror in his office, June's reflection stared back at him with accusing eyes. "She is my enemy," he scolded himself aloud, his voice filled with frustration and self-loathing. "What am I doing? I need to torture her, not help her. Why am I being so foolish?"

June's hands clenched into fists at his sides as he berated himself, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He had allowed himself to be swayed by a moment of weakness, a misplaced sense of empathy that had clouded his judgment.

"She's just a girl," he muttered bitterly, his gaze fixed on his reflection. "She felt humiliated, that's why I helped her. But that's no excuse. I should have chosen another way to assert my dominance, to remind her of her place."

With a frustrated growl, June turned away from the mirror, his resolve hardened once more. He couldn't afford to let sentimentality cloud his judgment, not when there was so much at stake. Sushi may have fooled him once, but he wouldn't let her do it again.

As he prepared to enact his plan for revenge, June pushed aside his doubts and regrets, steeling himself for the battle that lay ahead. Sushi may have momentarily softened his heart, but he refused to let her win. This time, he would make sure she paid dearly for her betrayal.