
I'm Bad

I went to school after my conversation with Mr. Fairy demon sir. As I walked through the hallways I accidentally bumped into Nelly and her gang, when ever they walked through the hallways everyone parted like the red sea.

She said: "watch were your going mouse🐁 girl. Do you know how much this outfit cost. I don't need a dirty fool like you staining It!"

Her friends snapped in my face and said, yeah get lost freak, as they walked away. Me being the sensitive fool I am, I ran to the bathroom to cry.

In the bathroom, my fairy demon father appeared without being summoned by me saying: "are you kidding me is this the same little girl, I talked to last night".

With a teared up muffled voice I said: "you wouldn't understand, words hurt me!"

He then yelled: "stop being a baby and hurt them back! When your talking to someone, look them in the eyes and make sure, they know you mean business! DESTROY your enemies, leave nothing left of them! Use the power you have in me! Otherwise, what the fuck am I here for?"

I wiped the tears from my face. Looked on Pinterest for a badass black leather outfit. And said: "I want to be wearing this outfit right now, this exact one on my phone." He replied: "wow, what a waist of a wish, but your wish is my command."

He snapped his fingers and then the outfit magically appear on me, which gave me a lot of confidence! And then a black stone appeared around my neck and My fairy Demon Father went inside of it. He said this way: "I will always be with you."

I took a deep breath and opened the bathroom doors, and strutted through the hallways in my new outfit, as if, it was my runway!

Everyone was looking at me as their mouths dropped in disbelief. "Who is that?" they said.

And for the few who did know me they said is that Martina? "The quiet mouse in my class?"

I walked up to Nelly and told her: "hey, bitch catch me outside!"

She replied: "who do you think you are?"

I told her: "the girl who's about to kick your ass!"

Her friends hyped her up as the whole school was in shock. Nelly said: "I can take you easy!" Let's go!!!

End of chapter five