

Sam's POV

I played it cool after kissing Hazel until I got to my room. I don't know what came over me. Uh!... I sound like a girl. But she looked incredibly confused when I mentioned that I've been forgiven. Well, I'm still going to tell her my reason for supposedly hating her later tonight. But for now, I gotta calm my raging hormones with a cold shower.... If you know what I mean.

After coming out of the shower, I came out of my room only to bump into Hazel on my way down. She was too busy with her phone until she looked up and saw that it was me she bumped into which made her face so red, then she ran back into her temporary room.

“How cute”. I muttered to myself while going down the stairs. My mom was preparing my favorite dish, which also happens to be Hazel's favorite dish, alongside Paris who was assisting her.

“Smells so good” I said.

“Thank you, Sam” she said, cutting the vegetables. “Do you know why Hazel came into the house all flustered earlier today?”

I almost choked on the fruit bar I was eating “Um, I don't know”, I replied, “I'm going to James house but I'll be back by dinner”.

“Stay safe and don't do anything stupid”

You might be thinking, why the heck I'm going to James house? Well, I figured that Hazel needs space to think and I too need space. Also, I really need to tell someone or else my mind is gonna explode. So, James was my only option.


“So you finally kissed her?” James asked for the millionth time pacing around his room.

After arriving at his house 20 minutes ago, I explained every single detail of what happened on my porch.

“Yeah, I know. It's crazy! I don't even know what came over me”. I seriously don't know what came over me.

“So what are you going to do?”

“I don't know yet. But, I'm going to explain to her why I supposedly hate her”.

“If I were you, I wouldn't have started all this drama since she has already forgotten what you did to her before she left”, he continued, “You're making her feel like she's at fault when you're clearly the one that's at fault. Why don't you just tell her already?”

“I'm planning on telling her tonight”

“Well, that's good to know” he replied “Have you thought about what you're going to say?”

“Yeah I have. I just hope that she doesn't get upset after I remind her of what I did to her”

“She won't”