
Prologue:Blood Crystal


***30 seconds until total wipeout***

That Loud sound was the game's system. 

In the battlefield were two people,a man and a woman,they were in a game that connected your real life to the game so if you died in the game you die mysteriously in real life. This was a top ranking game that was now put on the schools curriculum. 

They were here currently standing in front of a legendary god ranked monster, their life bar was almost depleted because of the monsters strikes. 

Then suddenly when the monster heard the system's voice it started growing huge and it's body started shining bright red ,they both knew what was happening and knew that they have little chance of winning[It was going berserk,this would increase its attributes by 30%]

 " We have no hope against this monster,it is almost impossible to defeat" .The male said.

 "But there is hope, we can try more,we can defeat it"the female said with hope that seemed lost 

 "We shouldn't have accepted this mission,but we can create a blood crystal ...right?" 

 They started chanting an ancient language and started moving their hands in unison,runes started forming on air and then shot up into the sky.

The monster looked at them and as if it were waiting for them to finish it,it even had a very visible smirk on its face

 The systems voice sounded again....

****10 seconds until total wipeout****

They both held each other and closed their eyes,they didn't fulfill their dreams and most of all they left their son,Leo,behind,It was all over...........

****Time up****

****Total wipeout activated ****



Author's note :[Sorry that this chapter was short,longer chapters ahead❤️❤️ Love you all❤️❤️]