
Chapter 2

Translator: 549690339

Do you like to drink?

I hadn't thought I would say such a thing and instantly felt bashful and nervous, lowering my head in fear that Mr. Li might misunderstand my meaning.

However, Mr. Li laughed especially heartily. His face showed a look of intoxication as he said, "Yes, Qin Qin, I like your milk very much. It's so sweet and rich, far better than the best cow's milk."

I squeezed out an awkward smile, feeling my face so hot it was nearly smoking, so I hurriedly said, "Mr. Li, the baby is fed, so... I'll go back first."

As I was about to stand up and leave, Mr. Li's greedy gaze made my heart panic.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Li suddenly grabbed my arm, but then just as quickly released it.

I jumped with fright and instinctively stepped back two paces.

But seeing him hesitate, I anxiously asked, "Mr. Li, is there anything else?"

I thought to myself that after all, Mr. Li was our family's benefactor. If he needed help, I should assist, although I really wanted to leave there as soon as possible.

Mr. Li took a deep breath, his brows furrowed, and said with an embarrassed and uneasy expression, "Qin Qin... I want to drink more of your milk."

As he spoke, his gaze was fixed on my still full and firm Mi Tao, even following the movement of my Mi Tao very slightly and even making a very obvious swallowing sound.

I sighed in relief, thinking he simply hadn't had enough to drink.

So I said softly, "Well... okay, I'll squeeze some more for you."

My Mi Tao is quite large, so naturally, there's plenty of juice. I thought, if sending Buddha to the west, why not give him another drink? It might make his illness heal faster, and I would be repaying his kindness.

However, as I was about to take a glass to squeeze the juice, Mr. Li suddenly waved his hand and, with a begging face, looked at me and whispered, "Can I... can I suck it directly with my mouth?"


Did he... really want to suck my Mi Tao with his mouth?

At that moment, I froze, looking at Mr. Li in disbelief, not understanding why he would say such a thing.

Letting a strange man suck my juice, it's just too shameful. If my husband found out, wouldn't he kill me?

Although I was angry in my heart, I still pretended not to hear and said, "Mr. Li, don't be anxious, I'll squeeze it for you right now."

However, Mr. Li shook his head and suddenly grabbed my hand, saying excitedly, "Qin Qin, I want to drink your juice, sucking it like a child. Please, agree to it, just this once!"

I was so shocked that I didn't know what to do and even forgot to pull away my hand.

My Mi Tao, being such a private area, if Mr. Li were to take it into his mouth, wouldn't that be...

Feelings of shyness and anger burst forth simultaneously. I blushed furiously, my heart in turmoil.

Just as I didn't know how to refuse, Mr. Li suddenly held up three fingers and said, "Qin Qin, I know your family is not well-off."

"So, if you let me eat your milk, I'll give you ten thousand!"

Ten thousand!

This sum of money might not mean much to a rich person, but for me, it was a very substantial reward.

But... is this really okay?

Seeing me hesitate, he continued to plead, "Please, Qin Qin, just agree to it. Don't worry, I'll only drink the juice, I definitely won't do anything else to you."

Truth be told, I couldn't find a reason to refuse. My family really did need the money, and I wanted to earn more so I could reunite with my child and live a better life together as soon as possible.

But the thought of Boss Li, a big man, lying on top of my breasts to drink juice filled me with unbearable shame. I shook my head timidly and said, "Boss Li, such a thing is too disgraceful. If anyone found out, I couldn't face the world."

Boss Li breathed a sigh of relief and a gentle smile appeared on his face, reassuringly saying, "Qin Qin, it's just the two of us at home. Drinking some juice won't take long, and nobody will ever find out. You can rest easy."

His words were not wrong; after all, it was a secret between the heavens and us two. With the added temptation of money, I began to waver.

Boss Li was a sly one and immediately flattered me further, "If you agree to this, Qin Qin, I'll promote your husband and raise his salary. I'll help you have a good life; you won't be let down."


I sighed to myself, biting my lip, not wanting to agree, but I ultimately had no choice but to bow to reality.

For the chance to reunite with my child, to let my family have a better life.

I... could only make a sacrifice.

With that thought, I softly murmured an "Mhm."

"Haha, Qin Qin, you're wonderful, thank you, thank you!" Boss Li trembled with excitement, hurriedly rushing to draw the curtains around the room, casting it into dimness.

My heart pounded unstoppable as I sat down on the chair, lifting my shirt to my neck, then nervously began to undo my bra.

My breathing became uncontrollable, my face burning hot as if my heart would burst out; and I could feel Boss Li's greedy gaze and the constant swallowing motion, a transformation from his former self, as if he had become a different person...

At that moment, I was like a weak lamb about to be devoured by a wolf.

With a thud, my ample and upright breasts popped out, bouncing gently and even exuding a sweet, milky aroma.

I was filled with shame, closing my eyes tightly like an ostrich burying its head in the sand.

Meanwhile, Boss Li had dropped all pretenses, eagerly rubbing his hands together and uttering a "hehe" laugh as he stepped closer to me.

He crouched in front of me; I could hear his heavy, longing breaths, and feel the warmth emanating from his hands as they drew near my breasts.

"Qin Qin, your breasts are so white and large, and very bouncy. My God, these are the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen, a thousand times, a hundred thousand times better than my wife's! I just can't resist touching them anymore."

His voice reached me, and I felt as if my entire being was aflame; I shut my eyes even tighter.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of warm, large hands grab my breasts.

This odd sensation made me shiver uncontrollably.

What surprised me even more was that Boss Li started to gently knead them, his fingers teasing my nipples relentlessly.


The pleasure from my chest instantly spread throughout my body, making me go limp, and I couldn't help but moan softly.

At that moment, I somewhat regretted it.

"Boss Li, don't... don't do that."

I watched him, panting, scared of what he might do next.

"Sorry... sorry, your breasts are so beautiful, I couldn't help myself." Boss Li swallowed hard, then crouched down.

"I... I'm going to start."

He cupped one of my breasts with both hands and slowly opened his mouth, leaning in...