
Chapter 12

Translator: 549690339

When his fingers touched my secret spot, I suddenly became fully alert.

This was at his house after all, not to mention Auntie Liu was still there, and what if Sister Zhao suddenly came back?

I desperately clenched my legs together, pleading pitifully, "Mr. Li, please, stop... don't do it anymore."

But at that moment, Mr. Li had been completely swallowed by his desires and wouldn't listen to my advice, his fingers like a nimble little snake, still fiddling there.

I could feel his fingers touching the seam in the middle.

Mr. Li let out a sly laugh and whispered in my ear, "Qin Qin, you're already wet, so much water..."

My face turned red instantly, and I felt completely embarrassed.

I didn't want this, but my body's reaction was out of my control.

"Mr. Li, don't do this... What if Sister Zhao sees us... "

While talking, I struggled to shift my body to the side.

Just as Mr. Li's fingers were about to enter my body, suddenly the doorbell rang.

At that instant, my whole body relaxed, knowing I had been saved for the day.

Indeed, upon hearing the doorbell, Mr. Li's expression changed dramatically, and he quickly withdrew his hand from my pants, signaling me to straighten out my clothes.

Auntie Liu went to open the door, and soon I saw Sister Zhao walking in.

Today, Sister Zhao was beaming with joy, looking very happy, and said to me with a smile, "Qin Qin, has my precious son fallen asleep yet?"

I smiled awkwardly, forcing myself to calm down, and responded with a smile, "Mhm, he just went to sleep."

Sister Zhao came over to check on the child and then said, "Don't go home today, stay for dinner. I bought seafood, you can leave after we eat."

I waved my hands repeatedly, "No, no, no, I have to go home to cook for my husband, I'll... I'll skip it."

Sister Zhao didn't insist and nodded, saying, "That's fine then, oh, take this wild ginseng back and give it to your husband to nourish his health."

As she spoke, she took out a beautifully packaged box from her handbag and handed it to me.

At this point, if I refused again, I would seem ungracious.

So, I received it with both hands and gratefully said, "Thank you, Sister Zhao."

After chatting with Sister Zhao for a bit, I got up to leave.

As I was leaving, Mr. Li came after me, quietly giving me five hundred yuan.

I was about to refuse, but he made a shushing gesture at me, pointed towards the inside, and motioned me not to speak.

On the way back, I was filled with emotion.

Mr. Li and Sister Zhao, they really are good people.

They not only gave us so much money but also thought of my husband, that's really considerate.

When I got home, my husband hadn't gotten off from work yet, so I quickly started cooking.

Right when the food was ready, my husband had just arrived home.

During dinner, my husband suddenly asked, "Wife, what exactly do you do at that domestic service company?"

His question made me nervous.

Could it be that he had discovered the things I was doing?

But... thinking it over carefully, it seemed impossible.

So I feigned composure and said, "I just help people with housework, nothing special."

My husband sighed, "Ah... that doesn't make much money, and it's so hard."

The more I listened, the more I felt there was a hidden message in his words, so I couldn't help but ask, "Husband, is there something you want to say?"

My husband smiled, took a swig of beer, and said, "Recently, someone told me about a very profitable job, and I want you to give it a try."

"Really? What kind of job is that?" I asked, curious.

My husband suddenly grabbed my hand and whispered, "It's... adult nursing."

"Huh? What's that?" I feigned confusion.

With a relaxed face, my husband explained, "It's actually nothing special, just feeding milk. The only difference is that the ones being fed aren't infants, but adults."

"You mean breastfeeding adults!?" My eyes widened in shock.

My husband nodded repeatedly, "Yes, it's quite popular in the big cities now."

"It's said that many adults want to buy breast milk because of its high nutritional value."

"I've also heard that you can make thousands for just one feeding, which is so lucrative."

After hearing what my husband said, I fell silent.

My feelings were incredibly complex at that moment; I never dreamed that my loving husband would suggest I breastfeed adults.

Even though I had done it twice behind his back, it was out of sheer desperation.

But now that he was encouraging me to do it, I was deeply disappointed.

He seemed to notice my dejection and came over to put his arms around my shoulders, speaking softly, "Wife, don't get me wrong, those wealthy people are very respectful; aside from breastfeeding, they won't do anything else."

"In the end, it's all just feeding. Whom you feed doesn't really matter, does it?"

I gave a wry smile and said expressionlessly, "Husband, do you really have the heart to let me do something like that? Do you truly not mind other men enjoying my 'Mi Tao'?"

My husband sighed deeply, "Ah... of course I can't bear it, but there's no other way."

"The creditor just called me to pressure us to repay the debt."

"Besides, raising a child requires a lot of money, and our parents' medical treatments need money as well."

"Once we've saved enough, I'll spend every day with you and the child, and we'll never be apart again."

As he said this, he paused and looked at me imploringly, "Wife, just think of it as a sacrifice for our child, okay?"

How could I not understand what he meant?

Looking at the moisture in the corners of his eyes, I silently nodded, "Okay, I'll do as you say."

With my agreement, my husband hugged me ecstatically, kissing my cheeks and neck frenziedly.

"Wife, you're truly the best. To find a wife like you is the fortune I've accumulated in my past life."

I smiled and said nothing.

After agreeing to my husband, I didn't have to fear him finding out about my adult nursing any longer.

I could go see Ling Jie openly and above board.

When I visited Ling Jie's company again, she was as warm as ever.

What I didn't expect was that during the days I hadn't been there, a new nurse had arrived.

She was a very young woman from the south, named Huan Huan.

Huan Huan had a petite frame but large breasts; a classic case of 'Childlike Face with Huge Breasts'.

The first time I saw her, she was crying non-stop while a few women were busy comforting her.

Ling Jie told me that Huan Huan had just turned 20 this year and had started working to earn money before her child was even a month old.

Her husband worked as a security guard in a company, earning only two thousand yuan a month, which was hardly enough to support an entire family.

When Huan Huan first came, she was looking for a job as a nanny or a caretaker, but the wealthy these days prefer girls with higher education, and nobody wanted someone with just a junior high school diploma like her.

Left with no choice, Ling Jie introduced her to adult nursing.

But when Huan Huan found out it was about breastfeeding adults, she, being a conservative person, burst into tears, and no one could console her.