
Why are you here?

"Eugene?" Claire raised her brow in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

John stopped pulling at the door and turned to face Eugene. He crossed his arms and puffed his chest, making his height stand out imposingly. Looking down towards Eugene, John glared and walked towards him; making sure both Claire and Emma were behind him.

Clearing his throat, Eugene calmly responded "Derek asked me to come and make sure you had assistance. So, I am here to help you with whatever you need." Eugene shifted his gaze around John to look at Claire.

Narrowing her eyes, Claire could feel her heartrate begin to accelerate. 'Help me? What help could I possibly need or want from Derek? How dumb.' A flush spread across her face as she sneered." Eugene, please tell Derek that I have all the help that I need already without him. We are no longer together, and he should put all this energy into his new fiancé. Please leave."

Ignoring any response from Eugene, Claire turned back to face the door of the storage unit and continued to pull open the door. They had gotten it mostly open before Eugene interrupted, so she was able to easily walk inside. Emma followed in behind her.

Eugene hesitated for a moment before turning away and leaving. John continued to glare in his direction until he was no longer visible in the hallway.

After Eugene was gone, John sighed and released the tension in his body while walking into the doorway of the storage unit. The inside was larger than expected. It was a 10 by 15-foot room with gray cement walls lined neatly with large, labeled boxes. The room was oversized for the number of items placed in it. So, all of the boxes were clearly visible.

A singular light shined brightly from the center of the ceiling. It illuminated the entire storage unit. Emma and Claire were standing deep into the unit huddled together.

"What the hell was that?" Emma whispered.

"I don't know. I think Derek's brain might be broken. Why would he think I would want help from his assistant after everything that's happened these last few days? It's barely been two whole days since he decided to ruin our relationship. He didn't even break up with me and proposed to some random girl the day before our anniversary? Who would want anything to do with anyone like that?" Claire was exasperated.

While patting Claire's back "Don't worry, we'll make sure he has nothing to do with you soon." Hearing footsteps behind her, Emma turned around." Oh, hey John. Is he gone yet" Both Emma and Claire looked at John.

A sheepish grin spread on John's face. "Yeah, he's gone. I'll stand here while you two check everything out. I don't want the door to close on us nor do I want Eugene to come back. Let me know when you need me to start moving things."

"Will do! Thanks John." Claire smiled back at him. "Enough about Derek, let's see what they actually put in here. I won't go through the boxes now, but at least it looks like they labelled things." Claire walked around carefully inspecting each of the boxes. She saw boxes labelled Closet, Kitchen, Office, Furniture, and etc. as she walked through.

'This is so much more organized than I thought it would be. Derek definitely was not the one to do this. I wonder who he hired to set this up.' Claire mumbled quietly to herself. After completing a loop around the room Claire walked over to John and let him know she was ready to start loading everything into his truck.

"Alright, Emma, you come with me to the car. I want you to stay there and keep an eye on things while I make trips between the storage unit and the truck. Claire, you stay here with the unit and load this dolly so that I can take it to the truck when I get back. I saw extra dollies near the entrance downstairs, so I'm going to come back up with one of those. Does that sound good?" John asserted.

"Sounds good to me." Claire nodded in response. Emma also nodded and walked towards the entrance of the storage unit. While leaving, John grabbed a heavy box and placed it in the doorway.

"See you in a few." He said.

"See you soon."

Claire quickly got to work as Emma and John left. She first loaded the larger, heavier, boxes onto the dolly, and then started stacking the lighter boxes on top. John was still away when she finished, so she took out her phone to wait for his return.

She hadn't checked her phone since earlier that morning, but she was surprised to see the screen full of notifications. There were several missed calls and unread text messages. All of them were from Derek. There were also an unreadable number of notifications from InstaPost.

Ignoring the notifications related to Derek, Claire opened InstaPost and was pleasantly surprised by peoples reaction to her picture from earlier in the morning. Nearly half of the comments were asking for a recipe, while the rest were complimenting either the picture or the dish.  However, there was one comment that stood out annoyingly.

'Looks good. Make some for me next time.'

  Derek had also commented on her picture. 'What is wrong with him? Why is he trying so hard to contact me? He just got engaged, shouldn't he be focused on his future wife?'  Claire could feel the tension building in her jaw as she stared at Derek's comment.

Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down. She then blocked Derek on all social media platforms as well as his phone number. She blocked everyone related to Derek as well. She blocked everyone except for Eugene.

By the time she finished blocking a number of contacts on her phone, John returned with a trolley. This one had a wide bed and was much larger than the dolly he brought up before.

"This should save us a few trips. Not that you have that much stuff really." John looked around the storage unit. "Honestly this unit is way too big for the amount of items that you have. This all could probably fit in the smallest unit available instead of this large one."

Distracted from her irritation by John's arrival, Claire laughed. "You're right. This large storage unit was definitely a waste of money."

Hi everyone, sorry for the slow updates this week. I've been sick all week. Hopefully my fever will break this weekend and I can start posting again! See you soo, and thank you for reading <3

mariekairosecreators' thoughts