
Preparation for Starting Over (Part 1)

Somewhere in the Universe of the vast infinite expanse, Divine realm. You could see green light shining.This is a rare occasion but not unique in this universe because this also happens in every 10 era.

From this perspective of sight that is millions of kilometers away from the Divine realm, you could see other world realm as far as the eye can see, and they are too much to number. What you will notice is that truly some of these World realm are Connected to Divine realm. It is a beautiful sight if you can see it that is.

Only a select few creatures can enjoy this sight, because any creature that can exist in the void outside a Divine realm is not an ordinary creature, You might be surprised to know that this Universe has quite a lot of these types of creatures.

The light from the two stars seems to render reality almost transparent.

You will soon realize that they aren't suns but the eyes of a creature, you can tell this because they blinked, and only then can you for just a moment see the massive creature they belong to.

Never mind that. This creature was awoken from its long slumber because of the shining light and the telltale fluctuations of laws of the origin. If sound could travel in this void you will hear the space for kilometers let out a groan because of the movement of this creature.

Space rippled and squeezed on itself as this creature moved, the space beneath it solidified to bear the load while the space around it liquified to ease its movements. The creature is as if it is a world on to itself, so space as to go out of its way to accommodate the Titanic divine Dragon.

Titanic divine Dragon. rose from his always vigorous cultivation. He was not sleeping, he definitely wasn't. He was pondering on the mysteries of the laws of the universe. Yes, that's what he was doing. He shook his body and watched how space quaked around him, his WILL made manifest in the world. This made him happy, just like every other time he did it.

He nodded his head and thought

"That's how it should be"

He is a proud creature, proud of himself and proud of his race. He ought to be, after all, he is an immemorial divine Dragon, one of the oldest of his kind. He is also a Heveanly Divine God. one of the most powerful entities in the entire universe, a force to be reckoned with.

But then his gaze fell back on the Divine realm, his home realm, where he was born and raised, and he couldn't help the little bitterness that appeared within him. Because, for all his power and strength, age and wisdom, wealth and charisma, and some more power and strength, he was late to the seat of power of the entire realm.

That power and the benefits that come with it aren't something even he could disregard. So just like this moment every 10 era, he would be reminded of that failure for his entire immortal life. The only way it can go is if the person that beat him to it dies, but the possibility of that happening is the same as him dying. It is theoretically possible but practically impossible for him to die. So this sight will be an eternal reminder of a very big failure of his.

He shrugged off the bitterness, he doesn't need it he thinks, he has done better for himself over the years. True, he has, but he still doesn't like the reminder and the fact that he was beaten to it by a young upstart from the Human race.

He turned his attention to his side where lay a much smaller and weaker Dragon of spitting image but with crystal scales. Space made way as his divine sense reached out to his son, the only one he allows to be near him. His divine sense roared "Stop sleeping, you bag of meat. It is here again"

The smaller Dragon jerked up, he replied "Will you stop screaming old man, I can hear just fine. For mother Divine realm sake, every time. And I wasn't sleeping, I was trying to peer into the numerous mysteries of the universe."

Titanic divine Dragon. smiled while his son yawned, still trying to ditch his sleepiness. When the smaller Dragon was done he turned his attention to the source of the light and said "So it's 10 era again, that was quick. I better be on my way then."

Titanic divine Dragon. nodded and said, much softer now. "Yes, it is time again, and just like always. You will go."

The smaller dragon shook himself from staring in envy at how space quaked with every movement of his father and unfurled his glorious crystal wings before he took off.

The smaller dragon soared through space. His speed approached 1 percent of the speed at which light moved. This is because he became a Ancient Divine lord by mastering the law of space. When his wings moved, they pushed on space and not air.

He could increase his speed to ten times his current one, but what's the rush? He still has about 80 years before the event starts. Plus he wanted to look sharp, so he could use the small exercise. A short distance of a few million kilometers should do the trick in sprucing him up.

As little tyrant hurled himself through space, he yawned and muttered and complained. He yawned because he was still sleepy. He muttered just like he always did about his father's insistence on shouting, and he complained about how unfair it was that only he out of all his father's sires was sent to go every 10 era.

But inwardly he was proud. Every dragon is proud of themselves. Pride is innate to members of the dragon race but this pride isn't about him being a dragon. It is pride because he is a special dragon. He is the little tyrant, the son of The Tyrant, he is the monarch of space.

Dragons live solitary lifestyles, only young parents spend most of their time together. After a dragon becomes a young adult he must leave the nest. Then he might not see his parents for another 100 eras. Just like the norm, the little tyrant so named after his father, and his siblings were left behind by their mother. Their father had been long gone even before they hatched. But the day he reunited with his father, he was named the little tyrant.

The little tyrant, a well-known name among the dragon race and other supreme races of the Divine realm. Well known because of his father and because of his mastery of space. By the time he became a full-grown adult dragon he was already a Ancient Divine lord in his own right, but what made him unique was that he was a Ancient Divine lord of space and not fire, like most of his lineage.

His lips curled into a smirk as he remembered his young days. He trampled all around Divine realm. Nothing could stop him and there was nowhere that could block a Ancient Divine lord of space, well at least in a Divine realm.