
My Evil heart kinda maybe trying....to....be good?

Fire_Knight · Fantasy
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1 Chs

chapter 1

The hero burst threw the door sword aimed at the demon lord. The creature snarls but makes no move to leave his thrown.

"This is your end!" The demon lord laughed waving his hand to seal the door shut Leaving the heroes party outside with no way to enter.

"You believe you can defeat me worm. How pitful of you to think of. Come at me and die like the pathetical worm you are and die." The hero drops the sword making those around the demon lord curious.

"I need no sword to defeat you demon." He ignores the snarls as he pulls out a doll. "I have here the secret seal."

"Is? Is that a doll." Many of the nightmarish generals started laughing point at the now blushing hero. "Tell me, Hero. What is a baby doll going to do to stop me?" He didn't hold back his laugh either relishing in the humiliation coming off the waste of an enemy.

"It's going to do this." The hero twists the doll head unleashing a powerful light that engulfed the room. The general screamed in agony and terror as the weapon before them moved closer turning them to dust.

"Wait, hold on a second that is not a sea-urk" The now living doll grabbed his neck and threw him from the thrown to the middle of the room. He slammed into the floor knocking the breath out of him. She moves quickly to grab him again but was sent flying back by a pulse of dark energy. The doll slammed into the wall sliding down seemingly unconscious allowing the demon lord to catch his breath and stand up.

"Did you really believe that thing could defeat me, Hero." The Hero gasped and reached for his sword only to have it blasted away from him. This will be your end worm-urk" He fell the claws sink into his neck as the doll chock slams him into the ground. "When did this bi- nevermind. Just die trash." He grips her head with both hands crushing it instantly as the floor began to tremble. "Oh, what now!"