
Death of Lu Anran ( 15th Century)

Empress Dowager: Look at what you have done you filthy thing.( Empress Dowager scorned at Lu Anran)

Chu Yao: Yes mother, she almost hurt I and my baby, what will happen to my baby, I hope my baby is alright ( she said rubbing her flat belly)

Lu Anran: I am so sorry mother, I tripped and immediately....

Empress Dowager: ( Interrupting) Enough!!, I am not your mother you barren thing and you are certainly not my daughter and also for your information, we don't need your silly explanation. Now leave!!!

Lu Anran: Yes moth..... I mean Empress ( she said wiping her tears sadly while bowing down)

Lu Anran stood up and went to her chambers which was beside the pig farm. Lu Anran cried as her shoulders shook painfully while remembering the first time Chu Yao stepped into the palace


Lin Muyheng had just come from a war with a neighboring kingdom when she saw him holding a petite figure.

Then Lu Anran asked her husband as her voice trembled

Lu Anran : Muyheng who is this??

Lin Muyheng: Anran, this is Chu Yao, I met her during the war and somethings happened between us and now she is pregnant with my child.

Lu Anran: What!!! You cheated on me.

Lin Muyheng: Wipe your tears, you are my first wife and only love and you know you hold a very special position in my heart, so no one can come between us.

Lu Anran: You promise???

Lin Muyheng: I promise ( he said holding her in his arms)


Lu Anran: (Hugging her knees) You promised, Yheng, you promised. Why did you fail your promise, why!!!( she said sobbing painfully)

Just then , a maid knocked on her door.

Lu Anran: ( tearfully) come in.

Maid 1: The king wishes to see you in the garden.

After the maid left, Lu Anran straightened her shabby dress and went to the garden. She was walking around the lake when someone suddenly pushed her from behind and she fell into the deep lake knowing fully well that she couldn't swim.

Chu Yao: Goodbye Anri baby( she smirked tauntingly)

Then Lu Anran loosed consciousness. She found herself struggling to breathe. She felt herself floating in darkness then something came as a rush pulling her into a new world