
Chapter 6 – Disappearance

Ah, such beautiful scenery to enjoy and yet I am held like a prisoner behind the walls of the magic academy.

No one should be denied this view. That wouldn't be fair.

Yes, I'm talking about the Silver City.

Not to fawn so much over it but the Silver City was truly a magnificent realm, nestled with rolling verdant hills and lakes that shimmered under sunlight.

It would be near the pinnacle of your human imagination and brilliance with regard to construction.

To enter the city is to enter into a mythical tale that has received a divine breath and come to life.

Tall, majestic spires of silver rose towards the heavens, reflecting the sunlight in a mesmerizing dance of light. We call these particular majestically towering buildings born from silver, Silver Towers.

A kaleidoscope of colours, cultures and different human personalities greet you as you walk down the streets that were ever abuzz one way or the other.

There used to be a saying that life in the Silver City actually begins when the sun dips down the horizon.

A grandiose city that relished the nightlife.

As I walked down the streets, traversing between different people doing different things, I found myself moving past the Spice Market, east of the Zenith Academy For Warlocks & Witches.

My nostrils were triggered. They couldn't resist the aroma of exotic spices that mesmerised the air, mingling with the tantalizing scents of the local delicacies. They were enticing and beckoned all, like every other Silverperson, to partake in the culinary delight of the Silver City.

Right call, but the wrong time. I would have remained to savour a plate or two of the cuisines but I was racing against time that I couldn't stop.




AG Train Station, fifteen minutes after I absconded from the academy.

I arrived at the AG Train Station early enough to get a ticket to the next train that was loading with passengers.

As always, the train station was swarming with travellers like ants, each with their own destination in mind.

Passengers hurried along platforms with determination and focus. Vendors, by the side, peddled all kinds of things — newspapers, snacks, stationery, etc — and without a care or shame, they called out travellers for patronage.

AG Train Station was the biggest in Silver City and traversed many railway networks within and outside the city. I was glad that it was quite close to the academy.

As I approached my train, a medley of scents filled the air — freshly brewed coffee from the portable coffee shops nearby, I turned around and caught a glimpse of a small shop that made warm pastries and there was a hint of polished leather from travellers' baggage and footwear.

Engrossed in the mixtures of aromas, the announcement that echoed from the speakers within the station forced me to now use my ears more than I did my sense of smell.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to inform you that the train departing for Silver Heart is now ready for boarding at platform number 21.

"Kindly ensure you have your tickets ready and proceed to the platform. The train will depart in approximately seven minutes. Thank you for choosing AG Trains for your journey."

[ 02 Hrs : 25 Mins : 57 Secs ]




The Barleys had their home right at the centre of the city, in the town of Silver Heart.

The horn of the train blared and hot ashy smoke was ousted from it. The clattering of the train wheels against the railway started the reduce as the train slowed down towards the next station that was in Silver Heart.

We came to a stop and began to alight. Our united journey had come to an end and it was time to continue whatever was left on our own.

Stepping out of the train, I looked around to get a quick view of the environment. After adjusting my uniform to look appropriate, I continued onwards to the home of the Barleys — Barley Manor.

The Barley Manor was not far from the train station at Silver Heart too, about five to seven minutes walk and you're there already.

[ 02 Hrs : 05 Mins : 59 Secs ]

Standing right at the entrance of the Barley family's main house, I sighed while looking at the doorbell. If I had a choice, I wouldn't be here because I know how Jasmine can be.

Jasmine Barley was a haughty teenage girl that's nearing her prime. She was beautiful and as one of the daughters of Silver Heart's own Christopher Barley, she was also wealthy.

A pompous and spoilt brat with an otherworldly sense of self-grandiosity who saw every person as beneath her. She was almost as proud as I am in all my majesty.

She's the same person that the system wanted me to earn pimp points from. Tch! Wicked, so much so that it was funny every time I thought about it.

But I still had to take that bold step.




Ding, dong.

The doorbell chimed while I stepped back and waited.

Something was off today. Christopher Barley always had guards and servants at his mansion, but I didn't see any of them today.

An off day?

No. You don't give all your staff an off day on the same day.

While I was darting my eyes at the compound, the door in front of me was opened.

It was him, Jasmine's father — Christopher Barley.

His countenance wasn't quite welcoming of my presence.

"Good day, sir," I greeted.

"Hello... Dickens, is it?"

"Yes, sir."

"What are you doing here?"

Our conversation was heading down an exhausting path and I had no patience in me for that. If he could just call Jasmine out, that would be wonderful.

I opened my mouth to answer, when a feminine voice interfered, speaking out loud from inside the mansion.

I knew that voice and no, it wasn't Jasmine.

It was her mother.

"Who's that, sweetheart?"

Christopher was hesitant with his answer. He peeked into the house and looked back at him before responding to the question.

"It's Dickens."

Jasmine's father was acting odd as if he didn't want Mrs Rose, his wife, to know that I was at the door.

I raised my eyebrows and gave him a curious look.

"Let him in, then."




"Look how big you've grown, Dickens. You are now a man," she said, rubbing my shoulders.

Unlike her husband, Mrs Rose at least acted like she was a tad bit happy to see me.

"Thank you, Mrs Barley. You are not looking bad yourself."

"Aww, that's so cute."

I could sense the effort she was making to sound natural but her eyes failed her.

The eyes never lie.

Mrs Barley's eyes were red and swollen. She looked like she has been crying them out.

I spared Mr. Christopher a glance but he did not think me worthy of his gaze.

Tch! I see clearly where Jasmine got her insolence from.

"I'm here for Jasmine, ma'am. We did not see her in school, I was wondering if she was sick or something."

"Yes. She's sick."

I turned to look at Jasmine's father who had hastily hurled an answer at me. He turned and started descending back downstairs to the living room.

Something was wrong. I did not need a soothsayer to see that.

" Oh, that's sad. Can I see her?"

Mrs Barley looked at her husband and then back at me, and shook her head.

"I'm afraid not. She needs to rest."

I was surprised by her answer.

"It's fine then. Please tell her we have a new teacher now and that she should get well soon. We miss her in school."

"That's so lovely of you, Dickens."

At that moment, I received a prompt. It was quite unexpected.

[ You have earned an increase in Mrs Rose Barley's trust. Her trust in you has increased from 45% to 65% ]

Hmm, a twenty per cent increase, that's interesting. It would possibly come in handy in the future. Good to know that someone in the Barley family trusts me, unlike the father and daughter duo.

"Have a great day."

I wished them well as I departed.

A wasted journey.




They may have discharged me but that was not the end.

I wasn't going down that quick, not until I accomplished the daily quests.

From outside the Barley Manor, I could hear the couple argue about my sudden appearance at the home.

Yes, I could hear it clearly. I told you I was overpowered. Perhaps you didn't believe me or just thought it ridiculous. I can't say I'm surprised, I get that a lot.

"I see."

I rubbed my chin as I listened to them argue. It was now too obvious why they were not welcoming visitors and why they sent their staff home.

A tragedy had befallen the Barley family.

Their first daughter, Jasmine Barley, was missing.

With that, you can invariably say that I am fucked.

[ 01 Hrs : 53 Mins : 33 Secs ]

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