
My escape to him

Rebirth!!! Shouldnt the protogonist be happy about it . I DONT THINK SO. our protogonist is currently cursing the god his nine generation of family. She is swearing in her heart that if she will get a chance she will personally behead this annoying god. Was her life this scary that she really wanted to die again and really really started hating god and started cursing him like this?? Then answer will be a big 'NO' She can only do one thing now " Submit to fate for sometime and change a bit detail of her life as compare to previous one and then she can enjoy a bit and after that when she will be bored she can die agaain" " Seems like a nice plan!!!" But this little bit change will make her really surprised. The rebirth really gave a chance to not to get bored this time.

Thrishalaupadh1 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Resturn to k city

After resting for 4 days in ethan's place , our little eveline is finally ready to get out of this peacefull heaven. In her past life, as our eveline grew old and became independent , the first thing she did was to buy herself a peaceful dream house that have 0 People and hence providing utmost peace 24/7.

But now she have to again work her ass off to gain such a peaceful haven. Her mind and heart , both were crying on leaving such a wonderful place. She gave a bye to every favourite place of the mansion. Then she elegantly entered the car that dropped her off to the hotel. She didnt met ethan or his group . They always arrive in evening. Actually our ethan group had no idea that our little eveline is retiring today. She just told ethan to prepare a car for her and then she busied herself with munching of food. As ethan thought ' Maybe she wants to shop or she is bored cooping up' he didnt asked anything and arranged a driver and a car.

Nobody thought she will dare to travel such a distance in such a dire state. Her wounds arent healed. Its only been 4 days. The common sense tells people that ' She needs to rest atleast more than a week before travelling.' But in case of our little eveline , we can just curse those common senses. Who told our eveline to be mentally this strong.

As ethan's group reached in evening, they got this wierd news. Jin mo was happily heading towards eveline's room so he could tease her. As he didnt found her there , he searched other places in mansion. Finally he reached the kitchen where ethan and rest were preparing dinner as eveline is always hungry and shouting as they arrives. As he shouted her name , he told ethan that he cant find eveline anywhere. So ethan contacted the driver who was supposed to give a ride to eveline. As the driver was still around mansion in the workers place(specially for drvers and 2 cleaners), he quickly arrived at his master's call.

Ethan shouted "Where is she?"

The driver replied trembling " Master she asked me to send her to xx hotel and asked to give you this note"

Then the driver handed the note over and retreated. Ethan opened the note and there was a single sentence"Go check piano room."

Ethan hurridely walked towards the piano room. As he reached there he saw another note and a pouch filled with cookies. He opened the note "I am going back , my trip ends today. Thanks for your hospitality as you did bit more than the deal. I baked some cookies as my parting gift. Hope I never cross you guys again. Goodbye."

Jun mo and rest also read the note. Everyone's appetite was really runied for god knows what reason.All of them dejectely sat on the couch. Among all of them ethan's face was extreme dark. Mu runyun sighed " I really miss that child."

mu runyun treated eveleine as a child ,the jun brothers treated her as their new shiney toy , the two bodyguards treated her as new shine in this dark life and ethan ,well ethan himself doesnt know in which way he sees her. These group of adults were really feeling down. All of them drank that night and without any dinner went straight ahead to their rooms.

Meanwhile at K city:

Our little eveline who has no idea that due to her some bunch of adults are currently sad is now happily munching food. She arrived at k city in evening. Due to wounds, it was anextremely painful journey. There were several things going inside her mind' First she need to hide those scars and medicine. Second she needs to change dressing without getting noticed by her family.'

From ethan's mansion she had already find her medics and some surgical instruments which she happily took with her. All her way she just sat beside shen yuan completely ignoring su rong.She just dozed off the whole journey. As she reached her home , she found out that her mother had made her favourite sweet dish.She happily ate it and went to rest excusing herself and saying that she is damm tired.

Laying on her bed , savouring the flavour still left on her toungue, her eyes became gentle. Sometime she cant understand why we have to love when the other will still hurt him/her one day. She always wanted to shunn off everything but these were the gentle times that made her heart soft. She simply let them play with her heart.