
My escape to him

Rebirth!!! Shouldnt the protogonist be happy about it . I DONT THINK SO. our protogonist is currently cursing the god his nine generation of family. She is swearing in her heart that if she will get a chance she will personally behead this annoying god. Was her life this scary that she really wanted to die again and really really started hating god and started cursing him like this?? Then answer will be a big 'NO' She can only do one thing now " Submit to fate for sometime and change a bit detail of her life as compare to previous one and then she can enjoy a bit and after that when she will be bored she can die agaain" " Seems like a nice plan!!!" But this little bit change will make her really surprised. The rebirth really gave a chance to not to get bored this time.

Thrishalaupadh1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Eveline ordered for a good cup of coffee and a chesnut cake. She was happily munching the cake. She was even humming a beautiful tone.

Meanwhile a group of very ugly and scary people entered the shop. There were 10 to 11 peoples in that group. Eveline who was happily munching the cake was attracted by this sudden bunch of guys. But then she decided to happily concentrate on her delicious cake . But soon her face from _^_ this became like this -_-.

Those bunch of scary guys moved and took out guns and pointed it towards them and the private room. Evelin's face became like she ate poop.

The bunch of guys snneered and the one who was commanding them ordered " Dont leave a single soul alive."

The customers started shouting. Meanwhile in the private room , a group of 7 people who were in a middle of discussion were a bit surprised except a certain guy who was still smoking while lying comfortably on the sofa. That certain guy's name is "Ethan lui."

Except ethan there were 4 more guys and one girl. Among them a guy who is currently 40 years old sneered and pointed his gun on ethan. Ethan still didnt became worried. He is still smoking comfortably like the gun is not at all pointed at him.

The girl named mu runyun glared at that man and angrily said " You dare to betray us."

The guy in his 40 's named fedrick laughed and replied " By coperating with them i will get a chunk of your business. As you know people only see profits."

A person named jun li who was currently sitting beside Ethan smiled at him and mockingly replied " Are you really nuts?

Another man sitting on opposite of jun li named jun mo mockingly replied " Brother li i have told you many times that old people have some screw loose."

There were two more guys dressed in black standing at the back of ethan. They were his bodyguards. In common situation these bodyguards should point their guns on this fool fedrick as soon as he pointed his gun on ethan but these bodyguards choosed to ignore the pointing gun on ethan.

Either these bodyguards are dumb or they have full comfidence on ethan.

Meanwhile in dinning area the bunch of guys started shooting on common peoples. The waiter hid behind the desk but the common people sitting were dead. There was sound of continuous firing. Blood was splashed everywhere. Bodies were lying here and there. And currently eveline was hiding herself behind her little wooden table. Because of her petty figure nobody really noticed her.

As the firing stopped there was a sound of gun firing inside the private room. Then a body of a 40 year old man was thrown outside the private room. Eveline who was currently hiding was peeking at the current scene.

Soon two people dressed in black came out of private room pointing their gun on the bunch of scary guys. The bunch of scary guys were also pointing towards the incoming people. Soon mu runyun with jun mo and jun li came out. At last our ethan came out. He currently had one hand in his pocket. His hairs were neat arranged at one side. His little bangs were falling on his face. There was a face damm perfect like a real hot god. He has sharp eyes with a sharp nose and thin lips. Even if he is standing randomly , he gave a vibe of king.

The commander of a scary bunch of guys shouted " Ethan dont move. You are currently outnumbered. Our boss needs you all alive."

Ethan smiled evily and said " Kill everyone present."

As he said these words his group of people pointed guns towards them. But at the right moment the peeking tom ' The great eveline slipped and the woodden table fell with a thud sound. Now everyone's eyes were on this little girl who had a pony tail. She sighed and happily said " You guys play. Why dont you let me go?"

The bunch of crazy scary guys pointed at her. The commander sneered and said " Ethan are you using this little girl to divert our attention.You even started using young ones in your group."

Ethan didnt said anything. Mu runyun frowned and said " We dont need a child's help to kill you idiots."

Meanwhile our little eveline understood one thing' Either this group will kill her or that group. But looking at condition the second group is outnumbered .'

Our little eveline had a good evil idea. While those bunch of stupid were verbally fighting instead of shooting, eveline moved towards the dead federick who is currently having gun beside him. Ethan was fully aware of her little motions but he was lazy to lift his fingers. He decided to calmly watch ' Either she will die or she will die badly.'

Eveline knew of ethan's gaze and she picked the gun on the ground immediately pointing towards them. The bunch of crazy guys and ethan's group laughed except ethan who dont give a shit.

But soon his interests were piqued. Eveline smiled like a devil and said " Your bad luck to meet me here."

And soon she released her muderous aura. Everyone in room was affected even ethan. His gaze fell on the petty figure who was standing with a gun pointing towards them. She had no fear in her eyes. At such a young age she was emitting such a terrifying muderous aura. He now really wanted to see ' what will happen next.'

Eveline after saying that sentence aimed at scary guy's group and really fired. The once laughing group of people suddenly chocked and a guy fell on the ground. Blood was oozing out of her head. It was a clear head shot.

Eveline has 6 shots and without letting them think and react after her shooting ,she shooted 5 more times and in 3 seconds 5 people from crazy guys group fell on ground. Everyone had a clear head shot.

Eveline ran and hid behind a table near a crazy bunch people corpse. She picked the gun and a knife from that body. she kept that knife on her back. The gun had 5 bullets.

After the sudden attack of eveline the crazy bunch guy's commander shouted " She is dangerous. Quickly cover me . Half aim for ethan and half aim for that girl."

Jun li and jun mo wanted to shoot and end it as there were only 6 guys left. But ethan said " Dont."

Ethan and his people's gaze was now on the figure using that table as shield. Everything happened in seconds so nobody could properly react.

Soon the wooden table was kicked by eveline towards the crazy bunch guys. And in seconds four gun shots were made. 4 people died. Only the commander and his one guy was left . The commander was pointing towards the ethan's group and his other man aimed towards eveline. As her bullets were over,eveline wanted to pick other gun lying on ground but in that second the other crazy bunch guy shoot towards her. As there were no shield available. She directly ran towards him. He had only one bullet left and he fired it which hit her stomach. Blood started oozing out of her stomach . Everyone thought " She really fought well but was still a little girl."

Ethan's group was also quite surprised that she was hit. Soon she will fall on ground and wail. But it didnt happened. Eveline looked straight into that guy's eye and tilted her one head and smiled and still ran towards him. Blood was continuously flowing from her body but she even didnt had a single tear. Eveline took the knife out and kicked the guy and stood beside him and kept the knife on his neck. With a smile she started cutting his neck like she is cutting a chickn's neck slowly until the full head got tored off his body. The commander cried upon seeing such a frightful scene. His gun fell and he even forgot about ethan's group.

Eveline threw the head on the ground. Blood was splattered on her face. She then smiled at the commander and walked towards him. The commander took a knife out and stabbed her. The knife was currently stabbed at her liver area.