
My Erotic Wives In Another World

Summoned to another world, Akira was given the chance to woo his childhood friend and become the strongest despite starting with the worst attributes thanks to his Monster Girl Taming class, which allowed him to share his pet's attributes. He wanted to be strong, ashamed of his weak otaku self and abandoned everything for that goal, even if it meant becoming a vampire. Using his new class and a system to help his bond with monster girls grow for rewards, Akira was on the path to becoming the strongest. Rena, his childhood friend and devoted yandere lover, supports him through all his hardships as Akira parts from the kingdom and becomes labelled a Demon King! He becomes a villain to survive and protect the women he loves most. The change would lead him to the ultimate harem life with pretty monster girls and surpass the Hero while crushing those who claim he is evil and seek his death for the world's balance only to crush them and fall into the warm embrace of sexy women as their King.

Crimson_Tyrant · Fantasy
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95 Chs

A Small Task!

The items Rena gave me earlier were beside us—thankfully, none of the mess created by our little fun and games damaged them before I leaned over slightly and grasped the two items before using inspection to see what kind of items they were.

[Black Goblin Armour]

VIT + 5

DEF +10

It is a rather attractive black leather tunic with a hard red collar. Despite being crafted by goblins, the goblin who made this seemed to have some skills.

Passive: Increases Health Regeneration by 10%

[Black Goblin Pants]

VIT + 10

DEF + 15

The matching set to the Goblin Armour, with black leather and cloth mixed with red fur to add a nifty look, seems to be from a monster or blaze wolf.

It was quite late, and because the naked Rena was sleeping inside my blanket, I couldn't move to try them on...

Instead, I could equip them using the system, and when combat started like magic, they would be on my body, or if I woke up, they would suddenly be on my body...

"Nnn... fourth time... Little sleepy... Hmmm..."

My hips moved, causing Rena's soft lips to utter a seductive moan. As I forgot we were still connected, she began to hug my chest like an octopus. Yuzu was sleeping above my head while the darkness outside our makeshift tent was pitch black.

Seduced by her sleepy emerald eyes and warm, sticky insides, I decided to check them out in the morning.

⟪Gained Skill: Novice Sex Mastery Lv.2⟫

⟪Rena Gained Skill: Novice Sex Mastery Lv.3⟫

⟪Yuzu Gained Skill: Voyeurism Lv.4⟫


"Wuwuwu!" (Akira! It's breakfast time—quick cook the rabbits and let me eat!)

"Mmmm... Yuzu, where's Rena?" I yawned.

The small claws of this girl couldn't touch me now. My DEF was over two hundred since the system equipped the items. I already gained the bonus attributes... I finally surpassed a hero's status with my DEF!

"Wu? Wuwu!" (That woman ran to the river to clean her nasty body!)

It seems she woke up first and felt self-conscious about the scent again—for a goblin, she's pretty cute, right?

[Any woman would want to wash herself after being used six times in one night...]

The goddess seemed a bit prickly for some reason.

Was it that she now preferred Rena after making her a hero, and all I got was the ability to suck people's blood?

[Dream on!]

Sometimes, I pretended not to notice her voice changed, but her voice had three tones: a mature and lovely motherly tone, then her charming and young adult tone and finally a higher pitched tsundere-like tone, which didn't suit her.

However... if you were to deal with death, maybe making three imaginary friends in your head was a way to deal with the mental load.

[Oh my, it seems a certain boy wants to enjoy the feeling of someone's fingers inside his rectum?]

There was only one ally of me in this camp, so I began to make a basic fried rabbit soup with carrots, onion and some sage dumplings.

It was sad that just like those isekai novels, I had the kitchen give me the ingredients to make basic food that I learned how to cook after mom died...

[Going to ignore me, little Aki? Mommy is a bit sad...]

"Wuwu!?" (What's that stinky white ball... why does it smell nasty? Don't ruin my soup...!)

"Calm down, Yuzu, the smell will fade and make the meat tender and flavoursome. If you don't like it, I will cook you more meat."

Why does she sound so immature, as if she's only in her twenties and suffering from a communication disorder?

[Idiot~ that form doesn't limit her combat ability. It's like a curse sealing her mental age.]

[Once you manage to restore her true form... Oh my~ won't she tear you apart?]

I should start spanking her so she becomes obedient!


The bubbling pot was hot as I used my azure fire to heat the thick soup.

Rena preferred thicker, so I added cornflour to the mix before boiling the meat with the little salt we had.

"I wish I had eight hours... normally, the rabbit needs soaking in this brine for that long to remove the slightly gamey taste properly."

[Who are you teaching?]

However, my eyes moved to the small fox looking at me with shining eyes, her azure orbs glowing as she sat down, watched my hands, and listened to my voice.

"Wu....wu..." (I see... boil the rabbit in salt and water to make a brine for eight hours.)

Thank you for helping Rena and making her more confident.

I could feel her happiness since she changed and no longer felt trapped by the old rumours and her past.

[It's nothing. It was worth it if it made your journey and life more pleasant.]


Why did you contact me now? I assume you have a task or something you need me to do, right?


[I regret making you more confident and less cute...]


[Can you do me a favour?]

My eyes were moving between the boiling pot and the distant Rena running with a slight skip in her step as she waved.

Despite being almost five hundred metres away, I could see the small droplets of water dripping from her face and into her cleavage...

What a great sight.

"What do you need?"

[It's nothing serious... There is someone who is breaking the rules of death in the bandit camp you are about to visit...]

[I want you to kill them... and destroy the tome they use to summon the undead.]


"Oiiii Aki!!!" Rena chirped happily.

Her face was glowing and glossy as she dashed towards me while carrying a small basket. The basket likely contained her wet clothes after washing them.

"Don't rush so much, Rena. I will have this food done soon, so how about you freshen up and change your clothes?"

"Mmmm~ give me a kiss first, okay?"


She kissed my cheek, then slipped down to my neck and back to my lips for a short kiss, our tongues twirling together as we used our skills naturally, making each other's weaknesses and pleasant things known.

"Mmmmwah~ Aki's kiss is too dangerous... I just cleaned!"

Rena pulled out her pink tongue before dashing away while the little fox dipped her nose close to the bubbling pot.

"Oi! Yuzu, it's hot!"

"Wuwuwuwu!" (I am so starving. What if I die!)

Taking a moment to breathe deeply and appreciate that the goddess didn't rush me, I decided that if we had to go there, I might benefit from this goddess, too, right?

I'll do it.

[Fufu~ Thank you, Akira. I will make sure to reward you well! First~ A little advance!]


Suddenly, Yuzu, sitting on the ground, transformed into a humanoid figure—it wasn't her full size, but the improvement was that she could fight better with her magic now!

That moment, I used the [Weapon Token (Bronze)] (One Use) and summoned a weapon.

[What weapon would you like?]

My eyes looked at the little Yuzu, now around fifteen, and chose a weapon not for me but for her to use.

"I want a wakizashi."

Her strength was low, but her speed and skill were decent, and she needed a lightweight and easy-to-use sword.

[Item Gained: Fox Flame Wakizashi]

A 58cm blade with two-finger width, a blade with light flame damage on every hit. If the wielder is a kitsune or fox-type race, they can imbue their flame into the blade, dealing ten per cent of their INT as bonus damage.

I held the cute white and black sheath with small fox faces on it and handed it to the stunned Yuzu, who looked at her hands and feet in shock—thankfully, she wore a small outfit and didn't break any laws!

"Eh!? Who is this cute girl!" Rena's voice snapped me out of it as the little fox danced around our camp with her blade drawn...

She was cutting apart my spare boxers!