
Feeling them as crush

At the university

When Kabir entered inside, the university gate, all girls started observing him with a different look.

Juniors and seniors girls are observing his beauty and his handsomeness.

Arjun:"Why can't you do friendship with girls man, see how they are admiring you"

(Arjun is Kabir's best friend from his childhood, they used to study in same school, college and now in university too).

Kabir:" how can you ask these silly question to me Arjun?, you know na the reason behind it".

Arjun:" Shan I agree that you like Aarushi your neighbor, but it's just an attraction Yaar, see how many beautiful girls are there in our class"

"Who only want to be your girlfriend, just for a single day, and they are more attractive than your so called aaru".

Kabir:" see arjun I agree that you are my best friend and you can suggest me anything, but please don't compare my aaru with these girls".

Arjun:" you will become mad one day because of her, I bet you Shan, and don't blame me that time, that I didn't warned you".

Kabir:" yes buddy you are hundred percent correct, I'm mad on my cutie, and I want to be mad on her, till end the of my life"

( Did those words he said came from bottom of his heart?, did he really mean it?,or..................

Let's see)

Arjun:" why can't you think it man,she is a pure Hindu girl and you are a pure Muslim boy, how can your love get approval from your family and society".

Kabir:" So what if I'm Muslim and my love is Hindu, love does not sees caste or religion, I loved her simpleness and her friendly nature"

" And about our parents, family and society,then listen if we two love each other madly,then nobody can break our bond"

Arjun:" hmm leave the topic here,I can't argue with you about it, come let's attend our classes".

Now they two entered inside their class and did hi-fi with their other friends Sohail, Karan and John.

These five are a group and, expect our Kabir all have lover's in the university.

But a girl called farha khan, loved our Shan too much from their school life.

They all were school friends and she wanted to join in the same college where Shan is joining.

Farha was so much beautiful and cute,she had a super body figure, and every boys in the college was fond of her beauty.

Farha:" Tell me one thing seema( her best friend), I'm I not fit for Kabir love?, why he is always avoiding me?"

Seema: she thinks for a while and then answers" I think farha someone is in his life and he loves only her"

Farha got angry and said" no never, I'm observing him from three years, he never talks with any other girls"

"Expect his sister Mumtaz and her best friend Aarushi, because they are neighbors and childhood friends too".

But what she will do, when she gets to know the truth that, our Shan loves aaru and only his cutie aaru.

But the secret is that seema and Arjun are lover's and they shared everything with each other.

Mean while Aaru in school

Our aaru only travelled in girls school bus,she don't like other school bus.

After getting down from the bus,she went directly to her class,but before going towards her class.

She has to go through the school basketball ground,so she was going with her close friend shekar.

Yes Friends your guess is absolutely correct,he is a boy and her close friend and her other bestie Nupur boyfriend.

Here in basketball ground, playing Rahul Verma the school topper and the basketball champion.

Every girl in the school is crazy on him expect aarushi Menon, Mumtaz begum, shekhar singh and Nupur Singh.

But Rahul have a crush on our aaru from the first day he saw her in the school.

When he saw aaru passing by the basket court,he missed his goal.

Jimmy:( Rahul friend)" where are you seeing man?,see you missed your important goal, concentrate on your ball, don't do it in the competition".

Still his eyes were on our aaru

Prem:( Rahul best friend)"Aree Yaar Rahul come back from your day dreaming man, atleast tell your feelings to her or spare us".

Rahul:he came back from his dreams and said" see friends it's true that I'm in love with her from three years and few months"

"But I don't want to tell her about it, because she is an intelligent student and she is in topper second place without any turions"

"But I'm taking two tutions, and with one mark I'm topper than her".

Prem:"hmm when it comes about your dream girl matter, all the rules and regulations get changed".

Jimmy:"yeah prem I'm waiting for the day, when he proposes her and she accepts him with full heart".

Now aaru went from there and they started playing their basketball .

Aaru along with Shekhar entered the class room and Nupur was waiting for them on their bench.

Shekhar:"sitting beside his crush or love, he said" I think Nupur Rahul is in love with our aaru"

"When ever aaru is before him, he sees her with a different looks, whole school girls want to be his lover, and he wants aaru".

"I saw the spark in his eyes for aaru, which I saw in your eyes for me, so very soon I think he will propose her"

Nupur:" yes dear I too have a doubt that he loves our aaru, but he is not expressing it to her na".

Sheela:(other good friend of these three)"hey love birds what you two are murmuring with each other".

"Anything serious hmm I think,you two are planning something mischievous".

Shekar:"shut up you dumbo, we are not planning anything mischievous,we are talking about Rahul and his attraction towards our aaru".

And they explained everything that,they two observed from the starting to still now to Sheela.

When these three where, having these serious conversation, our aaru was in the staff room for register.

Mean while the class teacher entered inside the class room and they got busy with their classes.

Rahul was not in our aaru class,but he was Mumtaz class mate.

For basketball practice,he is in the school, and the main reason behind it is our aaru too.

When our Kabir get to know about Rahul crush towards his cutie, what will be his reaction?.

Let's wait for the day, when these two love reveals of aaru comes face to face.

Hope you like these chapter

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