
Operation: Raid

In the secluded chamber of the Bathsheba Tavern, five stout yet aging figures draped in robes entered. As soon as they stepped inside, they shed their robes, revealing attire made of animal hides beneath—these were none other than the city's esteemed officials. They gathered, casting their collective gaze toward the tavern owner who had ushered them into the space.

Slyff peered intently at the tavern owner, known as Cog, his eyes shimmering with a mix of skepticism and curiosity. "Cog, is the intelligence you provided us true?" he inquired.

With a sly grin that hinted at deeper secrets, Cog responded, his voice oozing confidence, "Ah, absolutely. It may very well be the finest service our tavern has offered to date..."

Pommel, another elder, fixed a stern look on Cog. "Consider yourself warned, Cog. If this turns out to be a deceit, you'll not live to regret it," he threatened.

The other three officials stood by Pommel and Slyff, their expressions stern, underscoring the warning with silent solidarity.

Yet, Cog maintained his unsettling smile, unfazed. "I would never think to deceive the elders," he assured them calmly. After a brief pause, he added, "Indeed, my men succeeded in capturing a stunning Elf just yesterday."

At this revelation, a wave of palpable excitement surged through the elders. Their hearts pounded with eager anticipation.

Yonio, another of the city's officials and elder, could barely contain his enthusiasm. "What are we waiting for? Lead the way, let's behold this enchanting creature!" he urged.

Acknowledging the request, Cog nodded solemnly and led the way out of the room.


In the main hall of the tavern, the atmosphere was lively as usual, patrons lost in the enjoyment of their leisure. Amidst the revelry, Ryan, clad in a robe with a hood and a half mask, signaled to the undercover soldiers scattered around the room.

He cast a glance toward the path taken by the five elders and the tavern owner, his expression turning contemplative. The elders' arrival at the tavern had set their plan in motion.

As part of their strategy, one of Ryan's soldiers, named Sid, was tasked with diverting the crowd's attention by stirring up commotion. This would allow Ryan and his ten armed soldiers to discreetly follow the five elders and the tavern owner.

Ryan's familiarity with the tavern's layout was crucial to their operation. Were it not for the advanced features of his system map, he would have been at a loss. Luckily, the tavern fell under his jurisdiction, and the system provided him with a detailed layout, making him as familiar with the establishment as if he had memorized every corner and corridor. This knowledge gave him a significant advantage in navigating the tavern's complexities.

"What does this mean!? Why is this liquor tasting so terrible!?" Sid, one of Ryan's men, yelled as he slammed his glass onto the floor with considerable force.

The sound of breaking glass captured everyone's attention, turning heads towards Sid in an instant.

The tavern staff hurried over to Sid, concern etched on their faces. "Sir, what seems to be the problem?"

Sid, pointing accusingly at the bottle, retorted, "This tastes awful! How can you serve this to your customers?"

This caused the other patrons to pause and scrutinize their own drinks, wondering if there was something amiss with their liquor as well.

Noticing that the commotion had diverted everyone's attention in the main hall, Ryan subtly signaled to his undercover soldiers. Together, they quietly moved towards the corridors, aiming to reach the private meeting of the elders and the tavern owner.


In the secluded chamber, the five elders waited with bated breath for the tavern owner to bring forth the elf.

Before long, a cage obscured by cloth was carried into the room by the tavern owner and his men.

"Ho-ho, is this our prize?" Ealric couldn't contain his excitement as he eagerly rubbed his hands together.

Piri, equally thrilled, couldn't wait any longer. "What are we waiting for!? Remove the covers," he burst out.

Cog, ever the leader, simply nodded in agreement. "Take off the covers," he commanded.

The aides complied, and as the cloth was pulled away, they revealed a stunning young woman. She seemed to be about sixteen, dressed in modest green linen that covered her well. Yet, the most striking feature was her pointed elf ears. Her sapphire eyes and blond hair added to her ethereal beauty as she scanned the room from within her cage.

Her expression quickly morphed into one of fierce anger as she gripped the bars tightly and demanded, "Let me out of here!!!"

The elders, along with the tavern owner and his men, were captivated by the elf, unable to take their eyes off her. Despite her visible fury and cheeks flushed with anger, it seemed to only add to her allure.

"This elf... She's too enchanting," Slyff remarked with a wicked grin, blatantly disregarding her distress. Turning to the tavern owner, he inquired in a menacing tone, "Cog, have you or your men laid a hand on her?"

The other elders also turned their intense gazes towards Cog and his crew.

With a forced smile and a shake of his head, Cog responded, "Rest assured, elders. Neither I nor my men have interfered with her. Therefore, the honor shall fall to the esteemed elders..." As he spoke, he glanced at the frantic elf, who continued to protest loudly.

Truth be told, Cog and his men had attempted to approach the elf, but her fierce resistance made them hesitant. Aware that any harm could reduce her value, Cog had strictly instructed his men to refrain from any further actions against her.

"How can we be sure you haven't touched her?" Pommel inquired, his skepticism apparent.

Cog replied with a matter-of-fact tone, "You'll be able to tell after you have your time with her. Plus, observe her attire, esteemed elders. She's still clad in the same clothes she was captured in. Aside from a bit of dirt and scratches, her garments are intact. Considering her agitated state, it would be impossible to have interfered without leaving noticeable signs on her clothing."

The elders seemed to accept this explanation, nodding in understanding.

Meanwhile, the elf watched from inside the cage as the people outside discussed her fate with blatant disregard for her protests. Despite her loud shouts of anger directed at them, her efforts were fruitless.

After a brief discussion between the elders and the tavern owner, the order was given to open the cage. Cog's three men were about to follow through when the chamber door suddenly swung open with force, capturing the attention of everyone present.

Turning their gaze towards the disturbance, they saw a figure cloaked in a robe, his identity obscured by a half mask and a hood covering his head. Accompanying this mysterious individual were ten others, each poised with weapons in hand, ready for what was to come.

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